Swallowed Star

Chapter 64: Tier 3 Rat Surge


This black rat swarm doesn't seem to be endless, it's wide enough to spread across the entire highway, and its length is only a hundred meters long. With the length of each rat beast being 30 centimeters, there must be tens of thousands of monsters in this rat swarm, which is already considered a small rat swarm. Even warrior-level fighters will be devoured and killed!

So Luo Feng has only one choice...

"Run!" Luo Feng immediately ran on the highway.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo~~"

Wan Dong and the other three threw away their sabers, shields and other weapons, and ran fast one by one. The swarm of rats behind them continued to approach, and the distance to them shrank from twenty meters to fifteen, fourteen, and thirteen meters...

"Depend on!"

"Why haven't the troops come yet!"

"If you don't come again, this time you are really dead."

Wan Dong and the others cursed in their hearts, gritted their teeth and sped up suddenly, and the distance from the rat tide was slightly opened again, until it was more than 30 meters away. The three of Wan Dong slowed down slightly.

"I can't run anymore."

"Me too."

The three of Wan Dong made eye contact with each other, feeling helpless and in great pain. Their limit running speed can be much faster than these rat swarms. But since it is the limit speed, it is destined to be unsustainable! Just like human beings before the Great Nirvana period, they ran 100 meters in ten seconds at that time, which was regarded as extremely fast.

One hundred meters takes nearly ten seconds.

But what about a thousand meters? Is 100 seconds ok

Ten thousand meters? Is 1000 seconds enough? In fact, before the Nirvana period, the men's 10,000-meter record was probably around 1580 seconds.

The same goes for these fighters, like Wan Dong, they can reach a speed of 60 meters per second in an instant, but they have been fleeing for nearly half an hour, and now they can barely maintain a speed of 40 meters per second! Once the rat wave is approaching, they will squeeze themselves desperately, and run faster!

Wan Dong and the others have already traveled almost 300 miles since they fled! You can imagine how tired they were!

"Army, come quickly."

"This place is very close to the military area, why is the army not here yet?" Wan Dong and the three felt that their legs seemed to be numb, and the extreme fatigue of their muscles prevented them from speeding up.

But Luo Feng carried the saber and shield on his back, but maintained an astonishing speed of 60 meters per second, and flew away. After all, the three of Wan Dong were physically exhausted, but Luo Feng was at his peak!

Originally, Luo Feng was far away from the Rat Tide, but it was soon far away.

"Huh?" Luo Feng saw a dark blue shadow coming from the distant sky, at first glance he thought it was some bird monster, but when the dark blue flying object approached, Luo Feng could see it clearly. This is a flat round flying fighter similar to the shape of a flying saucer!

Nowadays, most of the fighter planes flying in the army are flat and round, because this shape is conducive to defense and offense once they are attacked by birds and monsters in the air.


"It's an army fighter plane!" The extremely tired Wan Dong and the three let out howls of excitement, and the speed of each of them exploded and accelerated again.

Luo Feng, who was running, also stopped, looked up, and saw that this flying fighter plane swooped down on the herd of beasts. When it was still a hundred meters away from the ground, the flying fighter plane just hovered over the herd of beasts. With Luo Feng's vision, he could clearly see a huge muzzle protruding from the fighter's belly.


Endless fiery flames spewed out from the muzzle, directly covering the swarm of rats below. Under the blazing hot flames, which may have a temperature of thousands of degrees, a large number of rats and beasts were directly burned to death. Immediately, the tidy rat swarm completely collapsed, screaming in fear, and fled in all directions.

However, under the flames, most of the rat beasts were directly burned to death, and some of the rat beasts fled into the barren fields beside the highway, burrowing into the ground and disappearing.

"Four warriors, there is now a third-level rat wave breaking out nearly a thousand miles around, four warriors, please return to the supply base quickly. It will not be too late to enter the wilderness area after the rat wave alarm is lifted." A voice came from the flying fighter, and then this one The flying fighter quickly flew away through the air to save other fighters.

The three of Wan Dong let out a long sigh of relief.

"Get back a life."

"Just a little bit, it's over." The three were very tired.

"Luo Feng." Wan Dong couldn't help but shouted into the distance, "Is there any food? Give me some food! Drink?"

Luo Feng in the distance also walked over with a smile, Wan Dong in front of him was not as indifferent and gloomy as before, but only tired and joyful after the catastrophe! Running nearly 300 miles, and escaping on the line of life and death, the physical exertion is very astonishing. Luo Feng took out a bag from the side pocket of the backpack, and took out three pills: "These three high-energy sugar pills, um, here's a water bag."

As soon as Luo Feng handed it over, the three of Wan Dong immediately swallowed a high-energy sugar pill each, and the water in the water bag was quickly divided and drank up.

"Thank you, Luo Feng." Wan Dong said gratefully, "Let me introduce you, the one next to me is Wang Ke. The other one is Jiang Tu."

"I've heard about the name Luo Crazy." The handsome Wang Ke said with a smile.

"Crazy Luo, this high-energy sugar pill of yours tastes better than delicacies from mountains and seas. I'm starved to death, and I feel much more comfortable now." The bearded Jiang Tu also chuckled.

Luo Feng and Wan Dong chatted while walking.

"How did you encounter the rat swarm? The flying fighter plane said, a third-level rat swarm?" Luo Feng's county was too close to the military area, so he didn't personally experience the rat swarm.

"I've seen a rat tide." Wan Dong couldn't help but said, "Before we were resting on the roof of a residential building in a county, but suddenly, a large number of rats appeared in many places on the ground of the entire county. , That is truly boundless! We were so frightened that we immediately used steel wires to escape from one residential building to the roof of another residential building, and we dared not go to the ground at all!"

Luo Feng was startled, he could completely imagine the scene of countless rats and beasts appearing on the ground of a county town.

"Fortunately, our team is on the outskirts of the county seat. We gritted our teeth and ran desperately along a trail where rats and beasts are relatively rare!"

"On the way, we encountered a wave of rats. There is no way, our team can only run separately to divert the tide of rats! We are lucky, running outside on the highway, only a small wave of rats chased us down! On the way to escape, Wang Ke and I also met this guy Jiang Tu. His experience is similar to ours."

Wan Dong then smiled wryly, "I don't know how the captain and the others are doing now."

In places such as streets and alleys, they dared to run separately, causing the rats to divert and chase them down. But they dare not go on the expressway, because there are barren fields and wilderness next to the expressway. In these wild places, the running speed of human beings must be reduced. However, the geographical environment of the field has little effect on the speed of the rat beast.

This is why everyone just runs on the highway and does not enter the wild.

The four of Luo Feng and the others arrived at the warrior supply base in the military region. At this time, a large group of warriors gathered at the gate of the supply base.

"Crazy, I knew you couldn't die."

"Madman, have you seen Old Liu and the others in County 0231?"

Walking into the supply base, many warriors who knew Luo Feng came to inquire and say hello. After all, the outbreak of a rat wave is a very dangerous thing. Fortunately, this time it is only a 'level three rat wave', and the harm is not too great. If it is the legendary first-class rat swarm, it can be said to be a catastrophe for the entire Jiangnan base city!

"Old Wang, are my captains and the others back?" Wan Dong asked immediately.

"I didn't see it."

"Your captain and the others didn't come back, there is no record here."

Today is destined to be a sad day for the supply base. On this day, many warriors outside lost their lives. Even among the three God of War warriors who entered the wilderness area today, one God of War warrior was surrounded by endless rat swarms and fell into the vast ocean of rat swarms.

Rat Tide's desperate and frenzied attack actually...killed a God of War!

Yes, today, a human god of war has fallen!

In the Rat Tide, there are not only beast soldier-level rat beasts, but also beast general-level existences, and the leaders of the Rat Tide are extremely intelligent. Once they choose a target, they will do whatever it takes! It is said that during the struggle of the human god of war, dozens of high-rise buildings were destroyed and collapsed, so the number of dead rats and beasts was probably over a million.

It's a pity that rat beasts with more than a million heads are nothing compared to the hundreds of millions of rat swarms.


The god of war is dead!

"Booming~~~" The dark clouds rolled, the strong wind swept across the earth, sometimes the thunder roared, and with a loud thunder, the torrential rain poured down.

On the roof of a townhouse in the supply base, Luo Feng was sitting on the porch.

"Captain, I'm fine. I'm lucky. I wasn't surrounded by rats."

"Brother Chen, well, I'm fine."

"Brother Tie, haha, you can hear my voice. Of course I'm alive and well."

Luo Feng answered several calls. Apparently, there was a third-level rat wave in the surrounding generation, and even a large number of warriors in the Jiangnan base city knew about it. Every time a rat swarm or the more terrifying 'ant swarm' occurs, human warriors suffer heavy casualties. This time, a human god of war fell, and it was a loss for the entire Jiangnan City.

"A level-three rat swarm will kill so many people."

"What about the legendary first-class rat swarm?"

"What about the more terrifying war between humans and monsters in the legend?"

The war between monsters and humans is a war between two civilizations, a war between two races! Once the war begins, there will be countless waves of beasts of all kinds, as well as all kinds of bird monsters, those that win with speed, those that are powerful, those that penetrate the ground, those that are poisonous, those that fly, those that attack with sonic waves...

Overwhelming, there are countless birds and monsters in the sky, countless monsters on the ground, monsters that burrow into the ground, and monsters in the lake.

Rat infestation, ant infestation, etc. are just some of them.

This is the most terrible war!

"Monsters are our mortal enemies. Humans are the mortal enemy. Now the ocean is dominated by monsters. On land, humans have a slight advantage. In the air, monsters have the upper hand! Humans are forced to defend and counterattack in each base city!" Luo Luo Feng never realized it in the past, always felt that the monsters were slaughtered by warriors, but today he finally realized...

It is entirely possible for monsters to wipe out humans from the face of the earth.

When human beings are extinct, what about parents, relatives, and cultural ethics

"My strength is not enough, far from enough." Luo Feng's eyes fell on the endless world in the distance.



Thunder roared, and sometimes a bolt of lightning struck directly from the sky.

"Lightning and thunderbolt..." Luo Feng looked at the lightning in the distant sky, and vaguely grasped something in his heart.