Swallowed Star

Chapter 69: City No. 003


Although he was shocked in his heart, Xu Gang soon came to his senses. He observed Luo Feng in the distance, and his businessman's thinking quickly made a series of judgments: "This Luo Feng is already a junior warrior at a young age! It's not good, it's really rare to be able to get to this point! I'll just watch it like this... If he can become a god-level existence one day, I'm afraid my father and the others will be eager to let my sister marry him."

"but… "

"A warrior is a warrior after all. Even Lu Gang will die. Who knows he will die one day. Forget it, forget it, don't think about it. It depends on how Luo Feng develops in the future." Xu Gang thought to himself, after all, a junior warrior General, for a big family like the Xu family, it is really nothing.

The mourning is still going on, but some warriors have already started to leave.

After the five members of the Fire Hammer team left, they searched for a restaurant with a classic style and nice decoration in the surrounding area. The owner of the restaurant also knew that many people attended the memorial service today. After all, the memorial service was broadcast live across the country. Looking at the direction Luo Feng and the others were coming from, and the special car they were riding in, the owner of the restaurant could understand this. As five people, immediately invite these five people to the best private room on the third floor.

"Okay, let's go down." Chen Gu quickly ordered some dishes, then waved the waiter to go out.

The most beautiful waitress in the restaurant looked at them curiously, and obediently left the private room.

"Damn it, I was in a good mood today, but seeing those bastards in the Huya team made me so angry that my good mood was gone!" Gao Feng couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said with hatred. When Luo Feng left before, They met a group of people from the Huya team who also came to mourn.

"Captain, there's no need to be so angry with those bastards, it's not worth it." Wei Tie shook his head.

"When you enter the wilderness area, find a chance to kill them." Wei Qing sneered.

Luo Feng frowned, and scanned the entire private room with his mental power to check if there were any wiretapping and other equipment.

Seeing Luo Feng like this, Gao Feng smiled and said: "Luo Feng, don't worry! This restaurant is also considered high-end, and the private rooms at the top of this high-end restaurant are usually used by people with status to eat and talk here, often involving some people. Confidential. If the boss of this company dares to eavesdrop, he is courting death!"

Chen Gu also said: "Even if there is wiretapping, so what, we just said we were going to kill people, but we didn't kill them after all. Isn't it okay to talk about it?"

Luo Feng smiled, that's right.

"Captain, is there any difficult person behind this Fire Hammer team?" Luo Feng asked, "If there is, you have to be more vigilant."

"Can there be any big shots?"

Gao Feng sneered, "Could it be that their parents are still gods of war?"

"Speaking of which, there are three sons and daughters of Senior Lu Gang, God of War, two sons and one daughter. Among them, the eldest son and daughter are both warrior-level masters. Only the second son is of average strength." Wei Tie sighed, "This Masters are different, even their children are so powerful."

"Oh, there are three children, and two of them are warrior-level?" Luo Feng was taken aback.

"It's normal."

Gao Feng said, "Luo Feng, you have only been in the circle of warriors for a short time, so you may not be very clear about it. In fact, most of the children of a powerful warrior are more powerful! For example, our world's number one powerhouse 'Hong', he himself is a super-war god The existence of the level. And his son and daughter are both God of War level!"

Luo Feng blinked his eyes twice, he really didn't pay attention to this kind of news.

"In fact, the reason is very simple." Gao Feng continued with a smile, "Warrior training, every cell in the body absorbs the original energy of genes, perfects the body's genes, and makes the body's genes continuously improve! In fact, the process of cultivation is also the process of improving genes. The stronger the person, the higher his genes will be."

"And getting married and having children is to pass on genes to future generations!"

"Like 'Hong', 'Thunder God' and the 'Zhu Xi' we saw before, it is not surprising that their children have reached the God of War level! Because they are born with good genes. But this is not 100% .If the strength of the offspring is not as good as that of the ancestors, it will cause one generation to be not as good as the first generation. After a few generations, the family genes will become mediocre."

Luo Feng nodded.

Getting married and having children is indeed a genetic process. The children of the strong are born with an advantage!

The door of the box opened, and the waiter came in to deliver the food.


After the waiters put away all their stuff and left, Gao Feng sighed: "In fact, according to the development of human beings, the genes of the strong will gradually spread, which will gradually improve the genes of the entire human race on our planet! However, the weak and the When the strong get married, there will be some children with average genes."

"Therefore, it is very difficult to improve the entire human gene."

"The strong are improving the genes of the entire human race, while the weak are reducing the genes of the human race."

"But one thing is for sure, as time goes by, the overall physical fitness of humans on Earth will gradually improve! One day, almost all humans will be able to become warriors!"

Gao Feng's conclusion made Luo Feng nod slightly.

"Of course, the entire human race, everyone can become a warrior. No one knows how long it will take! Five hundred years? One thousand years? Five thousand years?" Gao Feng shook his head and smiled, the evolution of the entire human race is indeed a very long process .

Luo Feng and his group quickly finished their lunch, and ordered some tea after taking away the food.

"Old Chen and Wei Tie's brothers are almost familiar with themselves. I think we will only enter the wilderness area in these two days." Gao Feng looked at several people, "Do you have any opinions?"

"Or, the day after tomorrow?" Chen Gu asked.

Luo Feng nodded: "Let's go the day after tomorrow, but Captain, where are we going this time?"

"Haha." Chen Gu laughed, "Of course we can't go to those small county towns this time, our team is much stronger than before." The overall strength of the team is ten times stronger than before, which is by no means a lie.

"Let's go to the big city." Wei Tie and Wei Qing also had bright eyes.

In the past, they went to prefecture-level cities at most.

"Why don't we just be arrogant and go to city 003?" Gao Feng took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"City 003?"

Luo Feng and the others present were all startled.

Where does city number 003 represent

It can be said to be one of the most terrifying areas in the entire Eurasian region. It is close to the ocean, so there are a lot of sea monsters in some rivers. There are almost the most numerous buildings in Asia, which also makes the number of monsters here reach an astonishing number. There are many lord-level monsters here, and there are even monsters beyond the lord-level entrenched here!

A large number of top fighters, come here!

Even warriors from other base cities in China came here specially!

Here, it is almost a base camp for human fighters and monsters to fight!

Here, before the Great Nirvana Period, the economic center of the entire Huaxia Kingdom—formerly Shanghai City!

"Go there?" Wei Tie and Wei Qing were both startled.

"It's too ruthless, this step is too big." Wei Tie couldn't help but said, "How about we go to city 023 first, how about the original Suzhou?" No matter how bold you are, hearing the name of city 003 is also scary Gotta tremble a little. After all, that place is really mixed with dragons and snakes, and predators are haunted!

Gao Feng looked at several people and laughed: "Are you scared?"

"What are you afraid of? If you dare to go to city 003, you will have face if you say it." Chen Gu's eyes lit up, "Go, of course you have to go! Anyway, the whole city 003 is very big, more than ten times bigger than other cities, and we also started from The edge slowly penetrates, what are you afraid of."

"Luo Feng, what do you think?" A group of people looked at Luo Feng, after all, Luo Feng is the team's number one combat power!

Luo Feng thought, of course Luo Feng knew about this legendary No. 003 city.

Whether it is City No. 003, its meaning to human beings today, or the status of the original Shanghai before the Nirvana period, they are all equally special!

"Okay, we can go in, but we have to come slowly from the suburbs." Luo Feng nodded.

"Of course I moved slowly from the suburbs. Do I think I have a long life? I don't want to die yet." Gao Feng smiled, "Many of my old friends were in city 003. Where are the warriors?" A place where top figures hang out. Tsk tsk... We also started to go there."

Dare to mix in city 003, is a symbol of strength.

Because there are many predators and giants there, even in the suburbs, there will often be a large number of beast-level monsters. And in the hinterland, there are many lord level monsters! Therefore, those who have no strength dare not even enter the suburbs of No. 003 city.

"Okay, then everyone get ready to rest. We will set off early the morning after tomorrow to go to city 003." Gao Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, go to city 003!"

Luo Feng waited for a group of people, a little excited.