Swallowed Star

Chapter 70: battlefield


On the third day of their stay, Luo Feng and Chen Gu left Mingyue Community, joined Gao Feng, Wei Tie, and Wei Qing at the HR Alliance Mall, and headed to the supply base of the Southeast Military Region.

The Southeast Military Region, in terms of scale, is even larger than the North Military Region of Jiangnan Base City!

"This supply base is also much larger than the supply base in the Northern Military Region." After receiving the key, Luo Feng and his group walked in the supply base and couldn't help but sigh. The number of residences in the entire supply base far exceeds that of the Northern Military Region. , you can see a large number of warriors in various places.

In terms of strength, the fighters here are far superior to those in the Northern Military Region.

"Of course it's much stronger!" Gao Feng exclaimed, "The city of 003 is close to the ocean. Countless monsters in the ocean split the mainland, and along the Huangpu River have long threatened the inland. The military area here is to deal with these ocean monsters." Yes. And the fighters here are mainly to deal with the monsters in City 003."

Compared with land monsters, sea monsters are actually more terrifying threats to humans.

Because... the area of the ocean is far larger than that of the land, and the ocean is completely the territory of monsters. You can imagine how many monsters there are in the ocean.

"Look, is that the 'poison gun'?"

"Tsk tsk, wow, isn't that God of War? It's rare to see a God of War-level powerhouse in the Northern Military Region, and you'll see one every time you come here."

"It's not surprising. City 003 is one of the best monster base camps in the entire Eurasian continent. Not only our Jiangnan base city, but also masters from other base cities have rushed here. So it's not surprising that there are so many masters."

The Fire Hammer team looked down from the balcony of their residence, and each one was amazed.

The warriors here are from all over the world!

"Let's eat and leave for city 003 after lunch," Gao Feng said.

After a while, the heavily armed Fire Hammer Squad and a group of five left the supply base.

"It's the Fire Hammer team, are they here too?"

"I heard that the new lunatic who joined the Fire Hammer team is very powerful. He is a junior warrior, and he will definitely improve rapidly in the future."

Some people in the supply base laughed and talked about it.

"Crazy?" Wan Dong, who was chatting with his friends under the shade of a tree, couldn't help turning his head to look. At this time, the five members of the Fire Hammer team were walking towards the gate of the base.

"Dongzi, this Luo Feng is in the same batch as you, right?" The thick and burly man next to him said.


Wan Dong nodded, "He's from the same group as me who became warriors. I met him last time when the third-level rat wave broke out. I didn't expect him to come to the Southeast Military Region." In the last rat wave, Wan Dong originally The captain of the team died. So Wan Dong and others joined other warrior teams and came here.

"Dongzi, come on, don't compare yourself to Luo Feng." The burly man hammered Wan Dong's chest.

Wan Dong watched Luo Feng's figure disappear at the gate, feeling very complicated in his heart.

At the beginning, they participated in the actual combat assessment of warriors together, and they were also recruited in advance by the martial arts gym! Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, he was still a rookie and needed to work hard, and Luo Feng had already made a name for himself in the circle of warriors. Now that he mentioned the name 'Madman of Jiangnan City', most people knew it.

You know, it is very difficult to make a name!

Or, rely on a shocking battle!

Or, rely on some peculiar records! Like Luo Feng, he killed more than 10,000 monsters in two months.

Or rely on the accumulation of reputation over the years! For example, Chen Gu, Zhang Ke back then, gained his name only after accumulating more than ten years of reputation!

And Luo Feng is already a well-known figure now.

"At the beginning, he was just like me, but now he is already a famous figure among warriors. I can't be compared to him!" Wan Dong clenched his fists tightly, with Luo Feng as his goal ahead, Wan Dong dared not relax a bit.

Along the expressway, Luo Feng and the others walked for about two days, and finally entered the city limits of No. 003.

The sky was gray, and a group of members of Fire Hammer Squad moved forward cautiously, "Enter the house!" Gao Feng shouted in a low voice.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Luo Feng and the other five quickly rushed into a shop next to the street.



The members of the Fire Hammer Squad came out cautiously after seeing hundreds of birds flying quickly across the sky.

"This is where monsters gather. The entire Eurasian continent can be called the largest base camp. Not only animals, but also all kinds of bird monsters." Gao Feng said solemnly in a low voice, "And because of the sea, some amphibious monsters It will also appear. So everyone must be cautious and cautious!"

"Understood, Captain." Luo Feng and the others nodded.

Everyone knows how dangerous this place is. If the group of birds and monsters attacked just now, I am afraid that only by relying on the location and Luo Feng's explosion can he save his life.

"Our goal is a community called 'Vanke Dream City' two miles away." Gao Feng said in a low voice, "This Vanke Dream City occupies a huge area, which was enough to accommodate nearly a million people at first, but now there are monsters There are quite a lot, and because it is on the edge of the suburbs of 003 city. It is difficult to encounter lord-level monsters, so it is suitable for us to rush there first."

"Hmm." Several people nodded.

"Everyone, be careful. No matter in the sky, on the ground, or even underground, monsters may appear." Gao Feng waved his hand, "Let's go!"

Luo Feng's Blood Shadow Saber had been unsheathed, and Chen Gu's RG112 heavy machine gun was ready to fire at any time. The five members of the Fire Hammer Squad moved forward cautiously, not daring to show any arrogance. It is completely different from the posture in the small county.

"Roar~~" "Aoo~~" "Should die!"

The sky-shattering roar came from dozens of miles away, and there were even human shouts.

"Damn, what monster?" Chen Gu couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the voice.

"That's the direction of the urban area. There are real fish and dragons mixed in, predators infesting, lord-level monsters, and war-god-level warriors, many of them are there." Gao Feng whispered, "If you don't have the strength of a war-god level, you will die there! In the urban area of the 003 city, not only are there strong men from China, but also strong men from other Soviet Russia, India and other countries will come over!"

Luo Feng and the others nodded.

In a short distance of two miles, it doesn't take a minute to reach it under the condition of explosive running. However, it took the Firehammer team half an hour to arrive at the Vanke Dream City community that had been deserted for decades. Within half an hour, Luo Feng and the others killed two snake-like monsters, and more than thirty An ordinary beast soldier level monster, and a junior beast general level monster!

"I heard that this is very dangerous, but I didn't expect it to be so dangerous! We were so careful, but we were forced to fight a junior beast general." Chen Gu's eyes lit up, "It's a 003 city."

"Go, hurry upstairs!"

Gao Feng waved his hand.

Luo Feng and the others cautiously and quickly rushed into a residential building. This residential building has eighteen floors. Luo Feng and the others fought from the first floor to the twelfth floor, and encountered more than ten monsters on the way.

The set on the 12th floor has a room of about 100 square meters.

"During this time in 003 City, this house is our temporary resting place." Gao Feng said.

Luo Feng also nodded.

Unlike some counties, this 003 city has a lot of birds and monsters, so they can't rest on the roof at all. Resting on the rooftop is courting death.

"Look, over there!" Gao Feng stood on the dusty balcony, pointing to the south, "Look, there is a place over there completely covered in fog."

Luo Feng and others walked over.

Indeed, at a distance of about ten miles, the buildings were faintly visible under the mist, and they could not be seen at all in the depths, only the dilapidated street signs. That area is indeed strangely completely shrouded in fog. In fact, the entire 003 city is gray. The roar of various monsters and the cry of birds can be seen everywhere. The rumbling group of tens of thousands of monsters is even more numerous!

"The core area of that area used to be a Carrefour supermarket, and there is a 'senior lord' monster entrenched in that area." Gao Feng said solemnly, "Remember, no matter what, we must never approach that! It is said that the monster on the other side High-level lord-level monsters, there are two low-level lord-level monsters under his command, there are also a large number of general-level monsters, and countless beast-level monsters entrenched there. It is a bully within twenty or thirty miles around!"

Luo Feng took a breath.

One high-level lord and two low-level lords? What ethnic group is this

"Of course, they can also be called a tyrant in the suburbs. In the urban area, there are many lord-level monsters." Gao Feng waved his hand, "Okay, let's rest for the night, tomorrow, we will start in the city. 003 journey of the city."

"Yes, Captain."

Luo Feng and the others looked at each other and smiled.


Hundreds of birds and monsters whizzed past the neighborhood, and even a few of them flew over the complex of buildings in the neighborhood. The nearest monster was only twenty or thirty meters away from Luo Feng and the others.

"Everyone goes to the bedroom to rest. The windows in the bedroom are not big, and birds and monsters can't fly in at all. Today, Chen Gu and Wei Tie, you two take turns to watch the night."

In City 003, even if Luo Feng and the others slept, they had to keep watch!

No one dares to relax, because this is a paradise for monsters, a cave for humans, and a battlefield for warriors!