Swallowed Star

Chapter 94: Xu Xin


"What is the captain doing calling me at this time?" The cold wind was howling outside, and the snow was all over the sky, but at this moment, thoughts flashed through Luo Feng's mind, and finally took a deep breath and said softly: "Call back!"


"Hello, Luo Feng." Captain Gao Feng's voice came.

"Captain, what's the matter?" Luo Feng said with a smile.

Gao Feng's voice sank: "You saw the sky-high reward, it's a full 100 billion, and it will definitely make countless warriors envious. It also specifically marked... the murderer is likely to be a warrior with the strength of the god of war, or a spiritual warrior." Nian Shi! You must never disclose your identity as a Psychic Psychic Master, otherwise you will cause big trouble... After all, our Fire Hammer Squad and Huya Squad had an enmity, and among the four who died was Huya Captain Pan Ya .Once your identity as a psychiatrist is disclosed, it will be easy for people to suspect you. At that time, thousands of people will stare at you to check. No matter how careful you are, accidents will happen. "

"I understand. But I didn't do it anyway, so what am I afraid of. But captain, this murderer is really strong. He managed to make the four of them die before they could convey the identity of the murderer to the couple. It's amazing." Luo Feng couldn't help admiring.

"It's very powerful." Gao Feng also praised.

Luo Feng continued: "And Pan Ya's death is also a great thing. Our Fire Hammer team will have no troubles in the future."

"Well, this matter is beneficial to us. I just remind you now, be careful and be careful! After all, this matter is too involved. I will remind Chen Gu and the others right away, don't worry... who dares to Let this news out, and I will not spare them alone."

"By the way, when are you going back to the base city? The monster materials we hunted are still stored there, waiting for you to come back and decide what to do with them together."

Luo Feng smiled and said: "At first I wanted to stay in the wilderness area for a while, but since Captain Huya is dead, I'm fine, so I'll go back in these two days."

"Well, see you later." Gao Feng's voice came from the communication watch.

"See you later."

Luo Feng hung up the phone, and the expression on his face immediately became serious.

This phone call seemed to be from the captain who was very enthusiastic to care about himself and remind himself. When I first heard what the captain said, I really felt warm in my heart. But if you think about the whole thing carefully, you will find one thing - the other four members of the Fire Hammer team should have guessed themselves.

But the four of them don't have enough evidence!

What should the four of them do to make Luo Feng believe them

"The best way for me to believe them is that they don't call me. If they don't call or communicate with me, it is impossible to find conclusive evidence." Luo Feng frowned, "But the captain called me, seemingly concerned Consolation... If I am less mindful and add the psychological pressure brought by 100 billion, in front of people who care about me, maybe I can speak out when my head is hot."

Thinking of this, Luo Feng couldn't help being afraid for a while!

Indeed, a young man under the age of 20, who has just killed a big shot and received a "sky-high reward", will generally be very nervous. At this time, the care of the seniors who have deep friendships will easily move this young man, and when his head gets hot, he may tell the secret!

"Using various methods to ask will make me vigilant instead."

"But this kind of concern makes people relax their vigilance. Once I tell the secret, maybe the captain is using a recording device to record what I said." Luo Feng took a breath, "Combined with me to hunt the Huya team, combined with I am a Psychiatrist. Combined, Li Wei's parents confirmed that I was one of the fighters who were closer to the scene."

"Finally, add this recording."

How can there be so many coincidences in the world, so much evidence, almost 100% confirm the identity of the murderer.

Luo Feng gasped... Indeed, if he admits it himself, he will be in serious trouble.

Fortunately, I have been under pressure since I was a child, and I have worked hard time and time again to become a warrior. Under long-term pressure, my psychological endurance is not as fragile as that of ordinary young people under the age of 20.

Time passed by every minute and every second, but the heavy snow fell more and more, the sky and the earth were completely white, and at the same time, the temperature dropped to an astonishing level, and soon it was evening.

Dirty interior.

Luo Feng sat there cross-legged: "I answered two calls today! One is from the captain, and the other is from Wei Qing. The captain is completely concerned about the words... But Wei Qing looks surprised." In the morning before, Wei Qing The first sentence Qing called was—"Damn, lunatic, the captain told me before, let us all be careful, don't tell us that you are a psychiatrist, you won't be the one who killed those four people." right?"

Wei Qing's call and the captain's call made Luo Feng suspicious.

Of course, just doubt!

Maybe the captain really only cared about himself, maybe Wei Qing really thought of himself as a life and death brother, that's why he was so heartless.

"People, the hardest thing to see through. After all, people's hearts are separated from their belly."

"In the face of huge amounts of money, brothers fight each other, husbands and wives turn against each other, and fathers and sons break off friendship... This kind of thing has been seen too much on the Internet! What's more, this time is a huge wealth of 100 billion!" Luo Feng just passed through the watch. , went to the network and watched some forum posts.

Just realized how crazy the whole world is in front of this reward.

Night is colder than day.

Luo Feng shrank in the corner, but his heart was a little cold. Ever since he became suspicious of the captain Gao Feng and Wei Qing, Luo Feng's mentality began to change... In the past, he was very cheerful, just like an ordinary warrior, he was able to go through life and death with other brothers in the warrior team, very happy. He has long regarded other people as good brothers.

But now...

"Do they regard me as a brother, or do they want to exchange me for a huge bounty? Perhaps, it's just that they don't have enough evidence, so they didn't do that." Luo Feng's eyes turned cold.

"What am I thinking about!"

"Always doubting." Luo Feng shook his head, he finally found that under the huge bounty of 100 billion, his mentality could not help but change... He is not sure that others will not be moved by 100 billion, after all, it is 100 billion . So I am always suspicious! Even if Luo Feng knew it was not good to be so suspicious, he couldn't control himself!

Vinina Polinas' goal has been achieved... Luo Feng unknowingly fell into various pressures brought by the 100 billion reward.

"Don't think about it, stop thinking about it."

Luo Feng immediately looked down at the watch, tapped the button lightly, and began to watch various messages on the screen of the communication watch. Suddenly, he turned to the phone book, and the names of the phones calmed Luo Feng down...

Among these names, there is a good brother 'Wei Wen' who has played together since wearing crotch pants.

"I don't know how Ah Wen is doing now." Luo Feng couldn't help showing a smile, recalling some interesting things with Wei Wen back then.

In the phone book, there are many names of high school classmates.

There are also the names of some friends in Xtreme Martial Arts.

Has the names of parents and younger brothers.

"Mom, dad, brother." Luo Feng looked softly, "No matter what, you will have a good life! I will definitely cross this threshold."


Luo Feng's eyes fell on a name - Xu Xin!

Xu Xin's phone number, when I was chatting with Xu Xin in the HR Alliance Mall, I left each other's phone number, but for so long, I never took the initiative to call.

"Call Xu Xin." Luo Feng said.

I don't know why, but I dialed the phone at this time, maybe I was worried... One day, my identity as the murderer was revealed, and the Xu family would no longer allow Xu Xin to associate with me.

"Hello." Xu Xin's voice came from the communication watch, "Is it Luo Feng?"

"Yes, it's me." Luo Feng felt warm in his heart.

"It's very rare, you, a great warrior, also thought of calling me." Xu Xin teased, "Why, have you returned to the base city?"

"It's still in the wilderness area, it's just boring at night, so..." Luo Feng was suddenly embarrassed when he said this.

Bored at night

Why is it like looking for a lady, looking for a lady at night when you are bored.

"Cough." Xu Xin coughed, "I didn't expect Luo Feng to be like this."

"H? Uh... how are you doing in college now? I'm a person who has never been to college, so I'm curious." Luo Feng immediately changed the subject, that's all... the two chatted on the phone, maybe because of the first phone call The reason for chatting was in the dead of night, so we chatted for a long time.

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that Luo Feng realized... the phone conversation lasted for an hour and a half.

"Could it be that this is the legendary talking on the phone? Sure enough, the porridge will be cooked in an hour and a half." Luo Feng was delighted. It was the first time to make an hour and a half phone call with a girl he had a crush on. happy.

The panic caused by the previous 100 billion reward, and the suspicious negative emotions brought about...

It's all gone!

From the previous gloomy mood of panic and suspicion, back to the simple and joyful mood of the little boy he had a crush on... This change of mentality made Luo Feng's whole soul seem to have been cleansed once.

Luo Feng gradually calmed down.

It was an unprecedented calm, a kind of detached calm after experiencing ups and downs. After all, how many normal people are able to experience such ups and downs

Calm, like still water!

"This feeling is so comfortable." Luo Feng enjoyed the unprecedented peace of mind, and at this moment, he had an urge—the urge to practice swords!


Pull out the blood shadow sword behind.

In this cold and late night, in this night where countless people were amazed by the sky-high reward offered, Luo Feng started practicing "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber" alone in a deserted residential building in No. 023 city in the wilderness area. Calm down like still water, every swing of the knife feels unprecedentedly comfortable.

One knife, two knife...

Luo Feng's mental power naturally diffused, and every subtle movement caused by the knife was clearly detected by the mental power.

The cold light is like snow, floating in this room...