Sweet Chief Secretary

Chapter 106: Just lie down


"The child is fine, don't worry!" Mrs. Bao comforted Bao Na distractedly, but her eyes were fixed on Chen Wenxuan.

It seems that Mrs. Bao is dissatisfied with him. Forget about a woman who has no ability to earn money to support herself. She is still hooking up with others outside. I really don’t know what her daughter sees in him.

Chen Wenxuan had a guilty conscience and felt uncomfortable when being stared at by Mrs. Bao. He wanted to leave, but he didn't have the courage. He stood there with his head down, feeling embarrassed.

Bao Na saw that Chen Wenxuan was uncomfortable, so she hugged her mother's neck and said coquettishly: "Mom, it's all because of Xia Yu's shamelessness. After hooking up with Young Master Yan, she became arrogant. Last time, she injured Chen Wenxuan and smashed our car. Her idea. This time I heard that I was pregnant, and I became even more evil. "

"I will let the second wife come forward about the car. But you are pregnant now, what will you do in the future?" Everything else is easy to talk about, but this is the only thing that gives Mrs. Bao a headache.

This old lady doesn't want to marry her daughter, but Chen Wenxuan really doesn't want to marry Bao Na!

He pretended not to hear and stayed there without saying a word.

Chen Wenxuan's attitude made Mrs. Bao very angry. She had already stepped down for him, and he was still lukewarm. What does he mean? Don’t you want to marry your own daughter

It just so happens that my Bao family doesn’t want to get married yet.

Mom was too serious. Seeing how she frightened Chen Wenxuan to the point where she didn't dare to speak, Bao Na quickly forced out a smile.

"Wenxuan and I are planning to get married, but I'm still just an intern, and Wenxuan is just a clerk..." At this point, he glanced at his mother secretly: "Mom, can you support me?" Money for business? You don’t want your grandson to say that his parents are incompetent when he grows up, right?”

"You..." He was in trouble in the last class, and he was still doing business. It would be strange if he didn't lose all his coffin capital. But it was really not an option for her daughter to continue like this. She sighed and said, "I'll discuss it with your father later. Now we'll deal with the Xia Yu matter first."

My daughter is already pregnant, but she still needs to get married. Is it possible that her grandson will have no father in the future? But Chen Wenxuan and Xia Yu are ambiguous, which Mrs. Bao cannot tolerate.

Bao Na and her daughter made arrangements for their marriage and their married life in just a short time, and they didn't even ask Chen Wenxuan for his opinion.

If you don't want to ask, don't ask. As long as the Bao family can use money to do business for them, Chen Wenxuan is already satisfied.

Therefore, he acquiesced in this marriage.

The happiest person is Bao Na, who is about to get married to Chen Wenxuan, and will have her own company after the marriage. Moreover, Xia Yu was about to be unlucky. Bao Na was as happy as she wanted. She couldn't help but hug her mother and kiss her heavily on the forehead.

This child was about to become a mother and still acted like a spoiled child. Mrs. Bao smiled helplessly and took out her mobile phone.

A video fell into her eyes, and she was stunned on the spot.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Bao Na looked at her mother in confusion.

"See for yourself!" Mrs. Bao threw the phone to her daughter, looked up at Chen Wenxuan and said coldly: "Come and see too!"

Talking about Xia Yu seducing Chen Wenxuan is sheer nonsense!

Mrs. Bao stood up angrily. After giving birth to such a daughter, how could she go out to meet people in the future

"This, this is a frame-up!" Bao Na jumped out of bed, her hands trembling.

I almost convinced my mother to teach Xia Yu a lesson. She was so desperate that I sent her a video like this.

"Did someone frame you? Nana, you disappoint me so much!" Mrs. Bao angrily took the phone back from her daughter. Her daughter's pregnancy out of wedlock has already made her face shameless, and she has found such a man. In the future, she will How to get out

"Mom, Young Master Yan will definitely kill me this time. Tell dad to give us the money quickly to do business." Xia Yu was beaten so badly in the mall today that the two young masters of the Shen family would definitely not agree if they knew about it. Will give up and give up.

That's why Bao Na took a preemptive strike and pretended that she almost had a miscarriage and went to the hospital to seal the mouths of the two young masters of the Shen family.

Now it seems that her plan has failed. She is self-aware. Instead of waiting for others to fire her, it is better to find a way out first.

Mrs. Bao paused and wanted to give her a lesson, but thought about it and gave it up.

is that useful? In the end, you are the one who is angry.

"Baby, your mother seems really angry!" Mrs. Bao didn't clearly say that she would give her money when she left, and Chen Wenxuan became uneasy.

"Don't worry, she won't ignore us." Bao Na said confidently.

At Shen Yan's villa, the second wife asked the doctor about Xia Yu's condition. After learning that she was fine, she comforted Xia Yu for a while and got up to go back.

Shen Qiang hurriedly sent it out.

"Xiaoqiang, I know Bao Na went too far this time, but she is my junior after all, so just let her go, don't embarrass her." Everything the two brothers did was in the eyes of the second wife, Last time Xia Yu was not injured, they smashed cars and beat people.

This time Xia Yu suffered such a great injustice, Bao Na still wanted to have something good to eat? The second wife felt like she was in a mirror. She did need a lesson, but she was pregnant after all.

"Second aunt, don't worry, we are sensible." Shen Qiang smiled and sent the second wife to the car. She could let Bao Na go, but Chen Wenxuan, the bastard, could let that bastard go, but the second brother would not agree. Wait. Look at it.

The child's smile was really weird, and the second wife was really worried. She said that the old lady wanted Shen Qiang, so she sent Shen Qiang to the old house and separated the two brothers, so that they would not have to worry about Na and Chen Wenxuan.

The second wife is someone who has been here before. Is the son's attitude towards Xia Yu the same as a boss' attitude towards his subordinates

In these extraordinary times, they might not have thought about it yet, which made the second wife feel temporarily relieved.

She could see that Xia Yu was a good girl and a good match for her son. It's just that his son is now competing with Shen Mo for a position. No matter how strong Xia Yu's personal ability is, he can't be better than the Zeng family.

It's better to nip this matter in the bud before they can react.

The second wife thought of Yang Keer and it was time for her to return to China.

After the mother went out, Shen Yan and Xia Yu were the only two people left in the room. Shen Yan sat down beside Xia Yu's bed.

"Get some sleep." Shen Yan gave the order directly.

ah? !

Xia Yu raised her head and glanced at him, only to see that he still didn't comply. Then she slowly walked over and lay down beside him in an orderly manner.

As soon as he came over, he felt the extremely strong masculine aura on his body, and Xia Yu's ears turned red as a reflex.

Shen Yan suddenly held Xia Yu's finger, so fast that Xia Yu didn't even have time to react.

She was startled, her fingers retracted, and she wanted to escape.

However, Shen Yan tightened his fingers and interlocked with hers.

Xia Yu's heart was beating fast, and her eyes were a little unnatural.

She didn't understand what Shen Yan's move meant, and she didn't dare to ask, so she just lay there silently, motionless.

Seeing Xia Yu's well-behaved appearance, Shen Yan was even more satisfied. As a girl, she should be a coward and show off her face to who else all day long. He reached out and pulled her into his arms.

Xia Yu's eyes widened instantly!

What's happening here!

Didn't he take advantage of everyone's absence...

Xia Yu was sweating nervously.

However, she was not shocked for long. The next second, Shen Yan spoke: "Lie down and let me see the injuries on your body."

Xia Yu suddenly realized.

When they were in the mall, Bao Na took advantage of her pregnancy to punch and kick her for so long that she was already partially bruised.

Everywhere in her body hurts!

Now, Shen Yan pressed lightly and it hurt even more.

Xia Yu lightly hissed!

Shen Yan immediately relaxed his strength and kept rubbing her: "Does it still hurt?"

Feeling better indeed, Xia Yu shook her head: "It doesn't hurt so much anymore."

"In the future, stay away from crazy people. Don't be smart." Shen Yan took a bottle of medicine from behind and massaged it carefully for Xia Yu. He said unforgivingly: "But you are so stupid, you can't hide away." , which is also normal.”

"Who is stupid? I just don't want to know her." Xia Yu retorted dissatisfiedly.

I felt relieved, it turned out that he just wanted to give himself medicine.

But also a little bit disappointed.

The next second, Xia Yu wanted to slap herself. What was she thinking

Although he was massaging the bruises on Xia Yu's arms, his eyes kept falling on her face. Seeing her changing expressions, his beautiful fox eyes curled up and he said: "You don't think I want to What to do to you?"

Xia Yu's eyes widened for a moment, then she immediately covered it up and answered hesitantly: "No!"

"Really?" Shen Yan raised his eyebrows, deliberately lowered his head, and got closer and closer to Xia Yu.

"Really, really not!" Xia Yu dodged, not daring to look into his eyes.

"Seriously? It doesn't matter if you just think about it!" The smile in Shen Yan's fox eyes became even stronger.

"They all said no more!" Xia Yu was embarrassed!

Why is this person like this

Don’t you see that people are already embarrassed? What else are you asking

This girl's shy look is quite cute. Shen Yan really wanted to kiss her impulsively at this moment.

But he was afraid of annoying her, so he looked at her blankly for a while. He originally wanted to continue teasing her, but when he saw the wet clothes on his body, he slowly straightened his body and said, "Don't move, I'll give you medicine. "

Xia Yu lay down obediently.

After giving Xia Yu the medicine, Shen Yan took the wet wipe and wiped his fingers.

Xia Yu immediately distanced herself from him: "Thank you."

"Yeah." Shen Yan said, "You should thank me more, but you haven't done anything yet."

Xia Yu was embarrassed: "Then you say it and I'll do it!"

Shen Yan smiled inexplicably, raised his hand, and touched her forehead lightly: "Fool."

Xia Yu's face turned red again.

"You lie down, I'll make you some porridge!" Shen Yan didn't tease her this time. After covering him with the quilt, he went out and closed the door behind him.

Xia Yu nestled in the bed, maybe because she was too tired, and fell asleep quickly.

When she woke up, it was completely dark. Shen Yan sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her. Seeing her open her eyes, she leaned over and said, "Are you awake? Are you hungry? Eat some porridge."

Xia Yu hurriedly wanted to get up, but Shen Yan supported him with one arm and raised the pillow up with the other hand for Xia Yu to lean on.

"Thank you!" Xia Yu leaned on the bedside and saw Shen Yan bringing the porridge over, and hurriedly got up: "I'll get up and eat!"

Shen Yan refused: "Lie down and I'll feed you!"

"I'd better get up!"

Xia Yu felt very embarrassed to be waited on the whole time.

After all, I was used to being independent, and suddenly being taken care of by someone made me feel like I was disabled.

"Don't move!" Shen Yan had already brought the bowl over, scooped a spoonful of porridge and brought it to her mouth: "Don't be embarrassed, at worst, you will come back next time I get sick!"