Sweet Nothings

Chapter 16


A night of fine snow passed, the sky was clear in the morning, and the golden morning light brushed on the bed through the gaps in the curtains, illuminating Huo Yunshen's sharp profile face.

Yan Qing stared at him blankly, her heart was exploding, her eyes full of little gold stars.

She thought she knew something about Mr. Huo, but Mr. Huo slapped her in the face again, declaring her naivety.

At least at this moment, she really didn't know the man who was talking about getting married.

Yan Qing said in an unbelievable way: "You mean... let me make a promise?"

It felt like she had just opened the first chapter of a novel and jumped to the end without warning, and the plot in the middle became "a million words omitted here".

Impossible, Huo Yunshen was frightening her.

Without waiting for Mr. Huo's answer, Yan Qing simply stood up neatly, looking through his face: "Mr. Huo, this kind of remark is not suitable for joking, do you want to scare me with a rambunctious first, so that I can accept your real request? Then You might as well just say it."

Huo Yunshen leaned on the head of the bed, not knowing whether it was intentional or not, he put his injured hand in a conspicuous position and stared straight at her with deep eyes.

Yan Qing's aura suddenly shortened: "You... what do you mean?"

Huo Yunshen remained silent, giving her time to think.

After a while, Yan Qing's face gradually changed, and he stared at him in disbelief: "Are you serious?!"

"Seriously," Huo Yunshen said in a low voice, "I don't have any other requirements, except this one."

Yan Qing was blown away at the time: "What a big thing to get married, do you make such a fuss?! Mr. Huo, I've only known you for a few days? Apart from knowing your identity and your feelings for Yun Qing, I'm not familiar with you at all, can your brain circuit be normal?"

Her reaction and the words she said excitedly were all within Huo Yunshen's expectations.

He was also hurt and escaped repeatedly, and found out the source of her resistance.

Catching the source can make her change her mind.

So Mr. Huo slightly frowned, his expression showed a little fragility, and he started his strategy with a serious face.

"It's true that we haven't known each other for a long time, but after we get married, you will naturally understand what you want to know."

Although Yan Qing's mood was soaring, his IQ was still there, and he could sense that his words had a different meaning from before: "Huo Yunshen, do you finally admit that we didn't know each other before?"

Huo Yun didn't change his face and told her nonsense: "Yes, I was injured once, but I woke up. I believe you are not Yun Qing."

As soon as he said these words, Yan Qing was relieved. The Five Elements Mountain was crushed on his body, and his whole body was relaxed. Even the word "marriage" was not so unpleasant.

Huo can always recognize this, and the biggest obstacle between her and him is gone.

Anyway, you can communicate on an equal footing.

Yanqing applauded Mr. Huo, and couldn't help shaking his head in praise: "Mr. Huo, you are really righteous, I take back what I scolded you before, and I wanted to say it for a long time, how good are you, you are so handsome, and you have everything in your family. , I will find a good girl after I think about it, and my goddess Yunqing will not blame you."

The corners of Huo Yunshen's mouth were bent, so that he could look at her in his spare time: "Didn't you find a good girl? You nodded and agreed, the handsome me, the home I have everything, is yours."

Yanqing found that these two things were not on the same page, and widened her eyes: "You said that I am not Yunqing, and you always mentioned marriage. What are you doing?"

Here comes the theme.

Huo Yunshen turned his head sideways: "You pull open the drawer of the bedside table first."

Yan Qing was puzzled, Yi Yan squatted down, opened it, and was stunned. It was filled with large and small medicine bottles, and only half of them were left, proving that they were taking them all the time.

"There are more homes in Jiangbei's old house than these," Huo Yunshen said in a low voice, coming from the top of her head, "After Qingqing left, I couldn't sleep or eat for about half a year, and I started to have severe headaches and stomachaches. It hurts, and you should have heard the rumors outside that I was born insane and mentally abnormal, right?"

Yan Qing bit her lip, remembering what she saw in Chengfeng's video at first. He lost control on the bridge and needed a sedative injection. Later, he felt unwell many times, including last night, Min Jing also said that he fell asleep after taking the medicine.

Huo Yun stared deeply at the tip of her reddish nose.

Qingqing has always been like this, soft-hearted, kind-hearted, suffering for the suffering of others, he knows that, so he uses it badly, just to tie her to his side.

He calmly said: "In the past three years, my shadow and obsession have been too deep. If I don't think of a way to resolve it, I will never be able to get out of it for the rest of my life."

Yanqing believed it, and if it wasn't so deep, he wouldn't have caught her as a straw.

He followed the temptation: "The consequence of my inability to get out is that I will keep pestering you, even worse than before, I may lock you up, and you will not be allowed to see anyone, even if you want to commit suicide, I will not let you go, to the point of torturing you. Crazy, and torture myself to death, Yan Qing, do you want this ending?"

When the picture of him tied up with a tie returned to his eyes, Yan Qing shook, knowing that he could do it.

She raised her head, her cheeks turned pale, and asked, "What's the solution you said?"

Huo Yunshen's chest was beating violently, his blood was burning with unbearable temperature, boiling in his empty body.

He wants Qingqing to belong to him.

Three years apart, her strangeness will be eliminated by him in the future.

"The solution is very simple," he said in a calm and pleasant tone, hiding the hoarseness caused by excitement, "you are not her, but she is also her, why don't we reach a peaceful agreement, you stay and help me make up for the regrets of the past three years , wash away the shadows and let my life return to normal, my body has become resistant to drugs, this drawer full of drugs has no effect on me, the doctor said that most of the problems in my body are neurological and need to be adjusted by themselves, but I can't rely on myself, I can only rely on you."

Yan Qing's throat was dry and she swallowed hard: "You let me treat you..."

Huo Yunshen's hand was clenched in a place she couldn't see: "Yes, I only have one request for treatment, marriage."

His forehead fell, and he glanced at his eyebrows, blocking the bitterness and hatred surging in it: "It's a pity I can't get past that I didn't marry Qingqing."

Yan Qing leaned on the edge of the bed with her elbows and held her face with her hands, so she had to seriously think about the feasibility of this problem.

She has always been open-minded, and the tyrants and Xiao Huangwen who are circulating on the Internet are also peeking at them. After a few back and forth in her head, she thinks she understands the thinking of President Huo, and she can't help but pat the bed.

"So, you know very well that I'm not Yun Qing, but you want me to pretend to be Yun Qing, help you get out of the shadows, and make up for your three years, which means that we both know who each other is. On the premise, I will be Yun Qing's stand-in, right?"

Huo Yunshen didn't like the word "substitute" and wanted to refute.

However, his family Qingqingmao has a broad mind, and the more he gets excited, he has already said in one breath: "If you think like this, it's actually much better than before. Before, you forced me to be another person, and I was forced to be a substitute. , now it's different, I clearly have a job as a 'substitute', so I'll play a role, right?"

Huo Yunshen was speechless by her apparently relaxed expression.

Yan Qing understood this matter, but she still didn't trust it. She asked cautiously, "Is it okay to have a fake marriage? People are fake anyway. When you think it's enough, I'll leave at any time."


Yan Qing pursed her lips: "But I can't delay you for the rest of my life, then I'll really die."

"...Three years, she leaves for three years, you make up for me for three years, we make a contract, if you voluntarily follow me during the three-year period, the contract will be voided, if you still want to leave after three years, I will release the person, once the breach of contract, I will all I'll give you my net worth, then I'll be penniless and I won't be able to control you anymore, okay?"

Yan Qing clasped his slender fingers together, shocked by his condition, but it also proved that he was sincere.

Her cherry-red fingertips plucked at the sheets, and her voice was a little lower: "Then I can also make conditions, right?"

"Okay, as I said, you promise to get married, and I give in to the rest."

"... The marriage must not be exposed to the outside world. It's better that no one knows about it except you and me."

"it is good."

"We are in a contractual relationship, I can treat you, but... but not that, that over-secret behavior! Never go to bed!"

Huo Yun looked at her with a chaste little expression on her face.

Who was it in the past, lying on his bed with a smile on his face, stretched out his delicate feet to hook his legs, and bent his eyes.

The things that should be done and should not be done have been done countless times, and now they are not even allowed to touch them.

Huo Yun leaned deeply and approached her with a deep tone: "Yes, not only that, I will ask you in advance if I want to have any intimate behavior with you in the future."

Yan Qing squinted his eyes with satisfaction: "Also, you are not allowed to interfere in my recording of the show. If my grades are good or bad, even if I enter the entertainment industry in the future, you should not interfere."

The girl's facial features are exquisite, the eyes are bright and moist, the flesh and bones are even, slender and beautiful, she is enough to stir up the storm, but she is ignorant of the future to face, thinking that the entertainment industry is a place that only depends on hard work.

"Okay, but when you need me to intervene," Huo Yun was deeply angry with her, and also felt distressed, his eyebrows couldn't help showing a trace of savagery when he was a teenager, "Remember to ask me."

Yan Qing had never seen him look like this, and was taken aback for a moment.

There seemed to be an invisible nerve in the depths of my mind being plucked, making a loud noise.

She pressed her temples and continued: "The last important thing is that when I'm by your side, I'll be a stand-in to ensure my dedication, but I should be free at other times, right? After all, you can't stop me from liking me for three years in a row. someone else."

Yan Qing thought that she would get the same answer, but she didn't expect her wrist to hurt as soon as she finished speaking.

Huo Yunshen clenched it hard, and his steady eyes sparked fiercely.

The blue veins on the back of his injured hand bulged, and when she was uncomfortable, he let go in time, and the nails were embedded in his palm.

He stared at her, didn't start, and said coldly, "No."

Yan Qing was frightened by him, stood up and retreated far away from him, emotionally unstable: "You are so moody, how can I trust you, or forget it! What kind of marriage, you can kill or cut whatever you want!"

She ran to the door, but Huo Yunshen didn't move.

She twisted the door to go out, and he opened his mouth with ice.

"No, no, no."

"I'll give you a week to think about it, and in the morning a week later, I'll go downstairs and wait for you."

Yan Qing walked out of the room and leaned against the wall. Huo Yunshen's last words rang in her ears like a bell, and the nerve that was stirred just now seemed to resonate and swayed in her mind.

Where is she... Where have I seen such a young man and heard very similar words.

It seems that there has been such a person, wearing a white shirt with the school logo, obviously fragile and sad, buried in the dust, but also holding a cold face, said to her viciously: "I'll give you a week to think about it!"

Yan Qing squeezed her brows heavily, and when she tried to think about it, the picture became blurred again. She bent down and tried to drive the discomfort out.

She is prone to mental weakness when she arrives in the spring and autumn, which should be the reason. She has only been in a trance twice recently, but this year, she came late, and it was late autumn and winter, and she reacted in succession.

Yan Qing vaguely heard a movement in the room, and it was estimated that Huo Yunshen was about to come out to catch her. She was still choked up and didn't want to face him, so she accelerated downstairs, ran out the door without looking sideways, and got into the car that was coming.

Anyway, Huo Yunshen said it himself for a week, and he would never demolish his own platform.

She is not without temper. It is such a big thing for a girl to get married. She has no family, is alone, and has nowhere to talk to. It is miserable enough to have a plastic marriage for herself, not to mention that she did not say that she would be his interview. Falling in love, can't you even like someone else in private? !

She is a girl of the right age who is suitable for dating. Well, she can't have a heart full of hormones towards him, that is the place to die without a burial.

How did Yun Qing get used to him like this.

Yan Qing was so annoyed that she didn't want to think about it. When she returned to the dormitory, she learned that Song Xueran's matter had come to an end. This kind of malicious murder with clear evidence would no longer pass the test as easily as last time, and he must bear legal responsibility.

"That's sulfuric acid," Ouyang looked back and forth while holding her face, his teeth itch when he raised it, "Fortunately you have bodyguards at home, otherwise people will be ruined!"

Yeah... that's sulfuric acid.

Last night, the picture of Huo Yunshen protecting her regardless of the consequences came alive again, Yan Qing's heart shrank bitterly, and the original resentment gradually dissipated.

He was hurt.

She slammed the door and left without saying a word.

Yan Qing calculated her balance and transferred a large sum of money to Huo Yunshen. He said straightly, "I'm going to record the show, turn it off, drink more hot water, and buy something delicious for yourself."

The progress of the show is non-stop, and the first round of the second phase will be recorded the next day. With the title of Huo, Song Xueran has an accident, "Peak Girl" has become popular on the Internet before it is broadcast, and the topic is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not to be outdone, the talent show of the girl group at home was not to be outdone, and the hot search and purchases took off, and the broadcast time was set two days earlier than "Peak Girl", and it was about to stabilize.

But unexpectedly, the local police silently posted a Weibo to inform the police that night, saying very simply, Song Moumou, female, 23 years old, deliberately hurt people with sulfuric acid, etc.

No name was given, which is not enough to attract attention. However, there were many people on the scene at the time, and I don't know who took two photos, one of Song Xueran's madness being taken away, and the other of Yan Qing sitting under the street lamp, Surrounded by a blanket, her long hair was messy, her face was small and pale, and the broken snow fell on her head, full of cruel and clean beauty.

The person also broke the news: "Song Moumou is the one who kills her. Suddenly she understands a little bit. Whoever sees this kind of competitor is not jealous, and it is normal to want to destroy it."

This Weibo, combined with the police report, easily detonated the topic. Amid all kinds of controversy, this unintentionally photographed photo of Yan Qing became the material for the masters of drawing. Overnight, the ancient princess and the immortal cultivator The war-damaged junior sister, the eldest miss who escaped from home, only they could not think of it, and it would not have been possible without them.

Yanqing's information has been scraped again and again, but the reason is not revealed. The star-chasing sisters who have never been resistant to beauty rushed to the "Peak Girl" official blog to knock bowls and other materials, and the official blog was also mysterious: "It is kept secret for the time being, in fact You all know her, but you don't know her either."

Yan Qing was in a hurry to prepare for the knockout round, and knew nothing about it.

She thought that Huo Yunshen would never appear again for the recording the next day. He should rest at home and wear soft clothes to avoid injury, but when she actually stood at the recording site, she was surprised to see the lights of the "high-energy jury" It was lit, and the vague figure behind was Huo Yunshen in a suit.

He was still... worried, for fear that she would be bullied.

Yan Qing's eyes were faintly hot, and he lowered his head helplessly. He was in so much pain, and it was so uncomfortable to dress so succinctly.

The day broke up unhappily, obviously there should be a temper.

Yan Qing played steadily on the scene, and did not give Huo Yun a chance to protect his shortcomings. He sat firmly in the forefront of the high score. After the recording, all the contestants and the instructor had a dinner together, which was also used as a material for filming.

Before leaving, Yan Qing couldn't help but look up at the jury seat above, it was already empty, Huo Yunshen didn't know when he left.

Right, just go.

Yan Qing went to the restaurant with Ouyang and the others with a lot of thought, and sat in the crowd of group A. The girls around were chatting in a low voice, but suddenly someone exclaimed, which became a continuous scream of enthusiasm.

She turned her head, and a group of mentors headed by He Xuanjin was present.

Before eating, there must be some entertaining shows. He Xuanjin is also a singer, and he hummed a few paragraphs, which made the crowd excited. Yan Qing listened with no interest, and suddenly heard He Xuanjin call her name: "Yan Qing, as the S-rank The contestant, the Kapok deity again, should I sing a song with my mentor?"

When the camera came over, the roar sounded, Yan Qing had no choice but to cooperate, put on a small smile, and left the table and walked forward.

He Xuanjin's gentleness was just right, she raised her hand and called the staff to bring drinks and a microphone.

"It's the Sydney juice you like. First drink a little to moisten your throat. I prepared it specially." He said softly in a voice that could not be recorded, very considerate.

However, when the delivery staff came in, there was a stir in the restaurant.

"Wow so handsome? Why didn't you notice it before!"

"The body proportions are really good, taller than He Xuanjin, but it's a pity to wear a mask."

"There's no way, the staff who entered the mirror are all wearing masks, I really want to see the real face!"

Yan Qing froze in place, her heart almost stopped beating.

The person who came in wore a staff uniform, and seemed to have chosen a large size that didn't fit well, and hung it loosely on his body, but it made his shoulders wider and his legs longer. He wore a funny mask on his face. Obvious burnt scars.

Yan Qing seemed to be sinking in the sea, and it was difficult to breathe.

In front of everyone's eyes, those hands placed the tray between her and He Xuanjin. When He Xuanjin went to take it, the tray slanted bluntly, and the Sydney juice poured over the wet microphone and spilled onto He Xuanjin's sleeve.

Seeing the situation, the camera immediately moved away, and a group of assistants came in to take care of He Xuanjin. Taking advantage of the chaos, Yan Qing grabbed Huo Yunshen's clothes and ran out of the restaurant. The Sydney juice secretly overflowed with anxiety.

Yan Qing took Huo Yunshen to hide in the dark corner, and took off his mask on tiptoe, angry and anxious: "Why did you come here! Does it hurt? What should I do if I get photographed, Mr. Huo, come here! Pretending to be a staff member?!"

Huo Yun lowered his eyes and concluded, "You care about me."


"The jury can act, and of course the staff can act too," he said with deep eyes, pressing her down heavily, describing in detail, "If you want to see you, you can act whatever you want."

Yan Qing's mood is complicated: "Didn't you say it's a week? I haven't thought about it yet."

Huo Yunshen gave a low "um": "You answer me for a week, but that doesn't mean I have to stay away."

"I used to chase Qingqing, and I lived the same seven days when she promised me," he twitched the corners of his mouth viciously.

Yan Qing suddenly realized that he was deliberately targeting He Xuanjin.

The "suiter" he said that night had always kept him in his throat.

On a night like this, even if Mr. Huo was not at home to recover from his injuries, he should have appeared well-dressed in high-class social situations that she could not imagine, but he didn't care about his image at all and did such a childish thing.

But the more naive, the more clearly she was reminded.

She couldn't avoid him.

Huo Yunshen pinched her chin lightly and lifted her chin, put her lips on her, and kissed her, not breaking her promise: "Yanqing, I can make concessions on everything, but this one is not allowed."

She didn't drink Sydney juice, and the song was dismissed by Yan Qing on the grounds of a sore throat. Within two days, Yan Qing heard gossip among the girls. It is said that He Xuanjin lost two important endorsements in a row.

Yan Qing was so angry that she wanted to ask Huo Yunshen for questioning. She calmed down before taking action. With Huo Yunshen's character, the more obedient she became, the more stable she became, and the more extreme she became.

Whoever she likes in the three years will be in bad luck.

Did she make her a little nun for thirty-six months? Black enough!

Every day after that, Yanqing could always find Huo Yunshen's shadow around the corner. He often worked in the car and opened the window to see her. Various identities, quietly guard her.

Afraid that she would be lost, that she would run away, that she would wake up one night and suddenly disappear.

He knitted himself into an endless net and bound her obsessively.

Until the last night of the deadline, Yan Qing was lying on the bed without sleepiness. She couldn't bear to climb out of bed and go to the corridor to breathe. The little curly hair in the next room happened to have just returned and asked her softly: "Yan Yan, are you also worried about the premiere of the show tomorrow? , can't sleep?"

Yan Qing nodded heavily.

She could say it.

What she is worried about is not the premiere, she is worried that she will soon become a married young woman!

The little curly hair added: "I was standing by the window just now, and I saw a luxury car parked at the corner downstairs with the lights on. I don't know who it is so late."

Yan Qing's heart skipped a beat, pretending to calmly say goodbye to the little curly hair, and quickly ran to the window at the end of the corridor.

It's only eleven o'clock at night...

Does he stay all night until tomorrow morning

Yanqing stood for more than half an hour, but the car didn't want to leave. She panicked and dry, so she just ignored it, went back to the dormitory and pulled the quilt over her head, holding the important documents under the pillow in her hand.

Huo Yunshen sat in the back row of the car, with several stacks of documents and materials beside him, it was his content tonight.

The Huo family used to avenge Qingqing and find her tools, but now, it is to protect her and let her go wild in the entertainment industry.

He needs it.

At five o'clock in the morning, Huo Yunshen put down his work, leaned back on the back of his chair, and the uneasy feeling under the strong pressure rushed into his heart exponentially.

If Qingqing doesn't come...

He closed his eyes, covered the bloodshot, and endured the unease that he was about to burst. All he saw was her shadow.

When Qingqing was in school, her long hair was neatly tied into a ponytail, and she always liked to tie a cream-yellow ribbon. She wore a clean white skirt with thin calves under the skirt, so white that she shone.

Not only in school, but also in the so-called upper social circles, they all know that the youngest daughter of the Yun family is beautiful and beautiful. She had set up a baby relationship with the Huo family since she was a child. Shengsheng was replaced by his half-brother Huo Linchuan.

He is the abandoned son, everyone wants to hide from him, fear him, and he will do all kinds of evil, and they will get what they want.

When he was in a desperate group fight in high school, he punched a little girl who was accidentally injured and carried her away. Since then, he has been entangled by her and shouted for repayment. He firmly believed that she had no purpose and hated her so much. Itchy teeth, especially after knowing that she was the daughter of the Yun family, was even more certain that she was a ghost like everyone else.

He murdered her, avoided her, neglected her, and there was nothing to please her, but she was neither angry nor complaining, and cared for him warmly.

care what.

He has never understood or experienced it, so he doesn't like it and doesn't want it.

Not even want to.

I am afraid that if I want it, I will never go back to my cold and hard lair.

But the warmth is too tempting, he fell for her at an unexpected speed, became more crazy, couldn't give up, couldn't lose it, not only wanted to get her, but also couldn't bear the slightest heat of her being taken away, day and night longing for her. The whole person belongs to him.

Qingqing was finally disappointed with him.

He was afraid, ran after her frantically, followed her figure with blood red eyes, begging her not to give up, he would change, he would get better, he could do anything, as long as she didn't leave him behind.

But the young man always had to keep his face, his heart melted into a sea, and his face was like a stone. After confessing to her, for fear that she would refuse to open his mouth, his fingers were shaking, and he said fiercely, "I'll give you a week to think about it!"

After speaking, he turned around and left, his eyes were so hot that he wanted to cry, he quietly looked back at her, couldn't help but long, and silently chased after her.

He followed her all week, for fear that she would be taken away.

On the night of the last day, he was afraid and panicked, accompanied her from school with a stern expression, and was afraid of being hated, so he walked across the road, took a step, looked at her several times, clutched the gift he wanted to give her in his hand, and was soaked in sweat. wrinkled.

Halfway through the small park, the squad leader was waiting for her at the door, smiling and waving.

He stood still, staring at her.

She ran to meet her, took the things handed by the squad leader, her eyes were crescent moons, and she had never smiled so sweetly.

His five internal organs will be crushed to pieces, and he wants to rush up to smash the man's bones into ashes.

But it is more of fear, the despair of falling into the abyss and seeing no light again.

When the bones of his hands were about to break, she suddenly turned her head and looked at him quietly under the moonlight.

He can't see anyone else anymore. He only has her in his eyes. He doesn't want to kill anyone anymore, he just wants to beg her, using any method, kneeling down, or anything, begging her to ask for him.

Qingqing faced the light and walked towards him.

His breathing hurts.

When she came to the front, she lightly touched his hand that was about to be clenched, stood on tiptoe, dragged his neckline and pulled him down, pressed her soft lips to the corner of his mouth, and asked in a low voice, "Huo Yunshen, you know me answer?"

Huo Yunshen rested his head against the car window, and there were traces of water oozing out of the corner of his eyes.

Outside the car, the sky was already dimly lit.

The day of sentencing has come.

He sat silently in the car and waited, his hands and feet became cold every minute and every second, and countless extreme thoughts tortured his nerves.


The window glass was knocked.

Huo Yun froze for a moment, turned his head sharply, and saw the fair and beautiful face outside.

Time staggered, and she returned to this moment at the age of sixteen.

He hurriedly opened the car door and wanted to go down to pick her up.

Yan Qing pushed him back into the car with a finger, angrily: "Don't show your face! Don't show up! Be careful of the impact."

Huo Yunshen's throat was dry and hot, the blood in his eyes hadn't disappeared, and he could not make a sound with his mouth open.

Yan Qing embarrassedly hugged the packet containing the documents. Seeing that he didn't speak, he glared at him nervously: "Mr. Huo, I finally made up my mind to get the certificate, can I leave?"

The driver accelerated with one foot of the accelerator and flew out of the program group.

When he reached the destination and stopped, Huo Yunshen held Yan Qing's hand and squeezed it tightly with a slight sweat.

He stared at her, slowly curled his lips, stretched his eyebrows and smiled at her.

Yan Qing was stunned.

It was the first time she saw him smile like that.

Huo Yunshen's throat was still mixed with grit, and he said softly, "It's time to change your tune and get rid of 'Huo'. From today, I'm your husband alone."