Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 1: Entering the city (1)


A black limousine drove up on the bumpy road, causing people passing by on this road to look at it.

It had just rained here yesterday, and the dirt road was full of puddles. The wheels of the car ran over it, and the car's shell, which was originally polished to reflect the light, was quickly splashed with gray mud spots, but no one cared about them.

A man and a woman sitting in the car looked nervous. They clasped their hands together and looked at the road ahead anxiously. The front is bare, there is nothing but soil and green leaves.

"Master, madam, we will be there soon." The butler sitting on the co-pilot turned around and said, "The young master is just ahead."

The man nodded, his usually majestic face tightened even more.

It has been ten years since their youngest son was abducted by human traffickers. In these ten years, they have been looking for the whereabouts of their youngest son, and their hard work paid off. Some time ago, they finally found out about the trafficker. After tossing and turning, I found this place.

It is more than half a territory away from the capital where they are located. Not to mention it is very backward, and even basic education cannot keep up. It is an impoverished mountainous area that they have only seen on TV before. The car passed by on the road, and the people I met along the way were very simple, and they looked at their car with surprise and envy.

Thinking that their youngest son grew up in such a place, both husband and wife couldn't help feeling sad. Before they came, they checked countless information about this place, and only two words were revealed in the thick stack of information.


Half-year-old children have to get up before dawn and walk several miles to herd cattle and sheep. Not only do they undertake all the housework, but they can't even eat enough, don't wear warm clothes, and can't even read books. superior.

I think their Fang family can be regarded as a respectable family in the capital. Although they are not top-notch, every Fang family member was born with a golden spoon. They have no worries about food and clothing. If... If his youngest son hadn't been abducted back then, he wouldn't have ended up in this situation!

Father Fang's hand holding his wife was trembling slightly.

The car drove forward and passed the mountain road before finally seeing the house.

But those houses were also very low and dilapidated. Fang's father glanced at them, and then turned his head unbearably. His wife's eyes were even redder, and she began to sob softly.

The housekeeper in front of him comforted: "Master and Madam, when the young master returns home, he won't have to suffer like this anymore. When he returns to the capital, are you still worried that he will not have a good life?"

The driver also followed suit: "Yes, when the young master returns, we won't have to live this hard life anymore."

Fang's father patted his wife comfortingly, and secretly made up his mind that after he took his youngest son back, he must bring the best things to his youngest son.

The car finally stopped in front of a low house.

Father Fang helped his wife out of the car, but the housekeeper had already knocked on the door first.

There were a few knocks on the door, and soon a voice with a strong accent came out: "Here we come! Who is it?"

"Squeak—" The door opened slowly.

A middle-aged woman came out and was stunned when she saw a few people. Fang's father and the others saw that they were not ordinary people, and they didn't fit in with the people of this small mountain village. She quickly became vigilant, closed the door slightly, and only showed her own body size, and asked, "Who are you? Is something wrong here?"

The butler said, "Are you Fang Honghua?"

Hearing her name, the middle-aged woman's face became more vigilant: "I am, who are you?"

"It's like this. You bought a baby from human traffickers ten years ago and named it Fang Xiaobao. Our Mrs. and Mrs. Fang are Fang Xiaobao's biological parents. They have been looking for the young master for the past few years. We found the trafficker and the whereabouts of the young master. We came this time to take the young master back."

In a few words, the disparate family backgrounds of the two parties were separated.

Fang Honghua fell silent for a moment.

The arrival of the few people undoubtedly revealed the things she was most worried about in these years.

Subconsciously, she wanted to slam the door shut to keep these people out, but soon, reason stopped her. Her eyes swept over the people, seeing the high-end suits they were wearing, and the exquisite necklace on the woman's neck, and then fell on the limousine behind them.

After thinking about it, she took a step back, opened the door, and let them in.

Obviously meant to negotiate.

The housekeeper said kindly and honestly: "Ms. Fang, don't worry, you have raised the young master in the past few years, and we will give you a generous child support fee."

The sky was getting dark gradually, and the orange sunset had already appeared in the sky. Fang Xiaobao was carrying the floral cloth backpack that his mother sewed for him, and hurried towards home.

He is now in the third grade of elementary school. When he was old, Mother Hua sent him to school, saying that he must study hard so that he can be successful in the future, and he was not even allowed to do homework. He can only go back early after school every day, so as to help Hua's mother do more.

When school was over today, Da Zhuang from the village head's family stopped him and refused to let him go. He took a little effort to get rid of Da Zhuang, and it took a little longer than usual. Mother Hua must have been waiting impatiently.

The school is far away from home, and by the time Fang Xiaobao ran home, the sun had already set by half.

As soon as he walked in, he saw the black limousine parked in front of his house, he stopped in his steps and stopped hesitantly.

Fang Xiaobao looked around, saw that it was still the surroundings of his own house, and it was still the door of his own house, so he hesitantly raised his foot and continued to walk in.

As soon as he entered, he saw four people sitting at his table. They were wearing expensive clothes at first glance, and the necklace on the neck of the woman in the middle was shining, which immediately compared with the mother Hua next to her. Fang Xiaobao immediately shrank back, hiding behind the gate and watching them timidly.

Seeing him, Fang's mother burst into tears.

"Mom, mom..." He looked helplessly at Mama Hua.

Before Fang Honghua could answer, Fang's mother answered first: "Hey!" Then her tears flowed even more.

Fang Xiaobao grabbed his schoolbag tightly with a dazed expression. He didn't understand why this person agreed, and he didn't know why the other people looked at him with surprise and surprise, and he didn't understand why Mama Hua had a serious face. , looking unhappy.

He didn't know that from this day on, his life would undergo earth-shaking changes.

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