Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 113: jealous


The Spring Festival is a traditional festival. Even in poor families, they will take out the best things at home during the New Year and share them with their families. Even in this remote and impoverished mountain village, as early as a few days before the Spring Festival, there was already a lively atmosphere for the New Year.

Fang Honghua had just finished calling her adopted son when she thanked the village chief's wife and walked briskly towards her home.

There are still many traces of firecrackers on the bumpy dirt road. Since a while ago, the small shop in the village has bought toy firecrackers. Many children are willing to spend their pocket money to buy them. It rang, and red confetti was left on the ground.

Fang Honghua glanced at a few children playing games under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

After her adopted son Fang Xiaobao arrived in the city, his personality was much more cheerful than before, and he had more knowledge than before. Before that, he went abroad with his brothers. She, Fang Honghua, has lived half of her life, and she has never been abroad.

According to Xiaobao, they went to the beach to play. The sea is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance. It is blue and blue. There are shrimps bigger than a palm and crabs bigger than a face. Fang Honghua listened to them one by one. , I yearn for it very much in my heart, and it is very difficult to hold back my cowardice in front of my adopted son.

When Xiaobao just left her, she was still very reluctant, but now that she thinks about it, it would be better to leave her. I haven't seen how much the world Xiaobao has seen after living with his biological parents, and what he said on the phone What she heard was not something she, an illiterate village woman, could easily get in touch with.

That family is also a good family. They brought Xiaobao back to meet her before, and even invited her to the capital, but she refused.

After all, it's the capital, not any other village. She hasn't even been to school for a few years, and she has to spend all kinds of expenses after leaving home. According to people who came back from working outside, the housing prices in the capital have risen to a terrible figure. , Maybe she went and didn't even have a place to live.

Oh, Fang's family said they would help her solve it, but that was Xiaobao's family, and she didn't want herself to be a burden to Xiaobao. She has lived in this village for so many years, and she has already gotten used to it.

And there are phone calls and letters. With these, she is already satisfied.

Thinking of her adoptive son still saying on the phone that she had written a big letter to herself, Fang Honghua's pace became faster, thinking that the basket of eggs just saved up a few days ago could just be sent to the school. Teacher, let him read the letter for himself.

She turned a corner, saw the gate of her house, and quickly quickened her pace.

The door of the next room opened with a 'squeak'.

A figure appeared vaguely at the door, Fang Honghua glanced at it, felt the wind under her feet, and hurried into her room before that person came out. With a "bang", she closed the door heavily, and also shut out the question that the man was about to blurt out.

The smiling face that the neighbor woman put on just froze immediately, and she took it back unwillingly.

She glared at the next room angrily, turned around and closed the door and went back to the room.

In the afternoon, Fang Honghua pinpointed when the letter Fang Yan sent to herself would arrive. While opening the cupboard, she took out a basket of eggs that she had saved for a long time. She found an empty basket and carefully picked out a dozen or so eggs. Put it in, and took a piece of floral cloth to cover it. Putting the basket on the table, she turned around to do other things, looking forward to it anxiously.

Outside, a courier van drove slowly into the village.

The unevenness of the ground also made the delivery vehicle wobble. In the quiet afternoon of the village, the sound of the car coming in quickly passed through the not-so-soundproof walls and entered the house.

The windows and doors of several houses around were quietly opened, and the people inside secretly observed the movement outside.

As usual, the delivery vehicle stopped in front of a very dilapidated house in the village.

The courier brother opened the car door and got out of the car, and tilted the door skillfully with a 'bang bang bang': "Fang Honghua—is Fang Honghua at home? You have a courier!"

Inside the house, Fang Honghua's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly put down the rag in her hand and walked out.

The courier boy delivered her many times, and he has known her for a long time. When he saw her come out, he immediately said, "Your son sent you something again. He is so filial."

"That's my son." Fang Honghua smiled, and quickly signed his name on the form.

This time, Fang Yan sent a lot of things, which filled most of the car, whether it was food, clothing, or anything else. The two of them moved the things in the car in, and they filled the living room at once. .

Poured a bowl of water for the little brother, and watched him finish drinking, then Fang Honghua hurriedly sent him out. Watching the courier truck slowly leave the village, she hurriedly took a few steps back, making a gesture It's about to close.

But this time, the others were even faster than her, and they heard: "Safflower!" The door of the neighbor next door suddenly opened.

It's over, take a step slower. Fang Honghua sighed, raised her head and smiled.

The neighbor next door raised his head, and other people who were hiding in the house and peeping came out one after another. They went straight to Fang Honghua's house, and looked around the couriers without concealment, as if they wanted to see through the carton bags to see what was inside.

Although they couldn't see anything, they still guessed.

"Safflower, your little treasure is really filial. You see, I sent you so many things again."

"Yes, although Xiaobao is small, no one can match his filial piety. There are several truckloads of things delivered every month. Many of these boxes are things I have never seen before."

"It has everything to eat and use. It can be used for many years. Xiaobao keeps sending it over. I don't think it will be used up in a lifetime."

Because of poverty, the people in the village have always been frugal, and everything is saved and saved.

When Fang Yan buys things, he doesn't care if Fang Honghua will run out of them. He buys and sends all the things he thinks Mother Hua will need. Coupled with the improvement of living conditions, he is no longer as frugal as he used to be. , Guessing that the last delivery was used up, I immediately bought a new one and sent it over.

Fang Honghua already piled up a lot of the same things at home. Although she knew that it was all her son's wish, she was used to saving, and she was still cautious when using it. After accumulating, it is already a material that can make other people jealous.

Fang Honghua forced a smile.

She deliberately ignored the envy and jealousy in other people's voices, and said indifferently: "Yes, Xiaobao is filial."

"In the past, you couldn't have a child, and everyone felt sorry for you. It's okay. Later, I bought Xiaobao. You will have someone to take care of you for the rest of your life." The neighbor woman said jealously: "Before Xiaobao was killed by his own child My parents took it back, and I was still thinking about what to do with you in the future, but looking at it now, I have not raised it in vain these past few years, Xiaobao is only ten years old, right? Looking at the things sent over, we may not earn a year You can earn it. I think you not only helped others raise a son, but also bought yourself a lucky star."