Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 115: idea


Fang Yan was completely unaware of the impact he had caused. After he received the letter that Fang Honghua asked his teacher to write for him, he was even more delighted, and read the letter for many days in a row.

When Fang Honghua's letter arrived, it happened to be the New Year's day. As soon as Fang Yan received the letter, he immediately ran to the phone and called the village.

"Hello?" On the other end of the phone, a gentle female voice rang. The wife of the village chief already remembered the number called from the capital by heart, so she immediately said, "It's Xiaobao, are you calling your mother again?"

"Yes, please."

Mrs. Village said softly, "It's okay", and put the phone aside. She asked her youngest son to call Fang Honghua to come over to answer the phone, while she got busy again.

Through the phone, Fang Yan vaguely heard the voices coming from there. It was very lively. Many of the voices were familiar to him, and they were all from the village.

Every Chinese New Year is the busiest time in the village. Everyone will sell the eggs that have been stored for a long time in exchange for pork and clothes. Only at this time, the children can let go of their appetites to pick up the fat on the table , can also have a new dress.

Fang Yan remembered that the village head's family would cook a lot of delicious food every time they celebrated the New Year, and the smell of braised pork came out of the window, spread to every household, and passed into his nose. As for whether he can eat meat, it depends on the income of the family in the past year. Mother Hua will always leave the best things for him, and will try to make him a bowl of delicious braised pork during the Chinese New Year.

Thinking of this, Fang Yan couldn't help squinting his eyes.

He specially sent a large piece of meat back to Mama Hua, not fresh meat, because the journey is far away, it is not easy to keep fresh, and there is no refrigerator at home, so he sent a large piece of meat that has been marinated, which can be stored for a long time, called Something about ham.

Mother Hua said she had received it, and said in the letter that she was very happy!

This time he is not at home, Mama Hua can eat a lot of meat by herself!

Fang Yan sniffed happily, as if he could smell the braised pork made by Hua's mother.

… Huh

He turned around suspiciously, and saw Fang Huai appearing next to him holding a small bowl, and the chopsticks in his other hand happened to hold a tempting piece of braised pork!

Fang Yan's eyes lit up, he stretched his head over immediately, and swallowed the meat in one gulp.

The chef had just cooked the meat, and it was still very hot. As soon as he took it in, Fang Yan was scalded, and tears were about to come out all of a sudden. Fang Huai was taken aback, never expecting to burn him, immediately circled around him furiously, and handed over the small bowl, motioning him to spit out the meat.

But when it came to the meat in his mouth, there was no reason to spit it out. Fang Yan puffed up his cheeks, took small mouthfuls of air with the small piece of meat in his mouth, and used physical movements to lower the temperature.

On the other side, Fang Honghua's voice suddenly came from the phone that had been quiet for a long time, and it immediately attracted all his attention. Fang Yan swallowed the meat with a thud, regardless of whether it was hot or not, and quickly called out: "Mother Hua."

"Hey, it's Yanyan." Fang Honghua thanked the village chief's wife in a low voice, took the plastic stool in her hand, sat next to the telephone, and whispered to her adopted son on the phone: "Today's New Year's Eve, Yanyan Why did you call me? Didn't you celebrate the New Year with your parents?"

"I'm at home, and my father is sitting next to me." Fang Yan said: "I received a letter from Mama Hua, so I told Mama Hua. Do you have any delicious braised pork today? I'll send it to you. Big piece of meat, did you cook it? Did you eat it? Is it delicious?"

"I made it, I ate it, it's delicious." Fang Honghua said with a smile, "Because Yanyan is not at home, I ate a big piece, and there was no one to snatch it from me."

Only then was Fang Yan satisfied.

Because it is the New Year, before midnight, some people can't wait to start setting off fireworks. While they were talking, there was a sudden "bang bang bang" sound outside, Fang Yan subconsciously looked up, through the window, he could see the gorgeous fireworks blooming in the dark night outside.

He let out a "wow" and excitedly shared with the people on the phone: "Mother Hua, I'm setting off fireworks here!"

Fang Honghua responded with a smile.

She also looked out of the window. It was very lively outside. Many children ran out of the family. Those with conditions, such as the village head's family, bought some fireworks this year and put them outside. She heard before that Yes, it is said that it will be released at night, but before the time comes, there are already many children waiting around it excitedly, their little faces full of anticipation.

Presumably Yanyan's face should have the same expression, right

Fang Honghua looked away, and inadvertently glanced at some people who were eating around the big round table. The people in the village are all relatives, and most of the relatives of the village head are villagers in their village. At this time, she was sitting here and talking on the phone with Fang Yan, and there were a few people inside who thought they were looking at her casually. Come.

Want to know what? Do you know what she and Yanyan are talking about

While answering Fang Yan's words kindly in her mouth, Fang Honghua felt infinitely tired in her heart.

Ever since Yanyan came back once, the villagers she used to know seem to have changed, one or two are inquiring about her, they are getting along under the nose, but they insist on thinking that she is doing something secretly, Yanyan The things they sent back every time were food and clothing, but they seemed to think that there was some gold and silver treasure hidden in it.

Even if there are really any gold and silver treasures, what does it have to do with these people

The son was raised by her, and she sent it back with her own hands. It has nothing to do with these people. Could it be that Yanyan should be filial to them

What's the use of envying her for being filial? She's not alone in the New Year's Eve, she doesn't even have anyone to eat with.

Fang Honghua sighed, and hurriedly stopped, but the child on the other side of the phone was keenly aware of it.

"Does Mama Hua miss me?" Fang Yan also sighed, and said, "I miss Mama Hua too, but we are too far apart, and we can't even spend New Year together. If Mama Hua It would be nice to live in the capital too.”

Fang Honghua curled her lips, yes, if she also lived in the capital, not only would she be able to see the son she was thinking of every day, but she would not have to be guessed by these people anymore.

A crazy idea popped up in her heart.

"But Mama Hua, don't worry, I will work hard to save money and bring Mama Hua here soon." Fang Yan said cheerfully: "In this way, I can meet Mama Hua every day, and I can celebrate the New Year with Mama Hua."

Fang Honghua responded with a smile: "Then I'll wait."

But she had a different idea in her heart.