Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 117: Pick up Mommy at the train station


When those people left in the end, Fang Honghua didn't agree.

Even if she wanted to take it, she would not be able to give that much money at all. She explained in every possible way, but none of the villagers believed her. responsibility.

For a while, various titles such as "stingy", "stingy", "don't know how to report kindness", "white-eyed wolf" and so on were all attached to her head. contemptuous eyes.

She gritted her teeth and endured it without any compromise. As soon as those people left, she took the money she had prepared in advance to the village head's house, and handed over the same amount as last year to the village head's wife.

"Oh, you..." The village chief's wife looked at her hesitantly, wanting to say something, but didn't know what to say.

Fang Honghua noticed it, but couldn't spare the energy to pay attention to it. She forced a smile, and hurried back home again.

Close the door, everything outside is isolated from the door, and nothing can be heard. She sat quietly at the table again, and began to imagine the days when she lived with Fang Yan after she arrived in the capital...

Fang Honghua's determination reached everyone's ears through the village chief's wife.

Everyone was aggrieved by the failure of the plan and her ignorance of current affairs, but although they were not reconciled, they had nothing to do. After the split amount was exceeded, many people scolded Fang Honghua behind her back.

The money was collected, handed over to the theater troupe, and an appointment was made for the theater troupe to come over, and the next step was to set up the stage.

Although the villagers said before that they should contribute, in fact, it didn't take much effort to build the stage. It didn't take a few hours, and the simple stage was built quickly, leaving a large open space in front for the stage When the team starts to perform, everyone will move the benches out of the house and sit in front to watch.

When setting up the stage, someone came to call Fang Honghua, but she refused. The person who came to call her spoke loudly outside, and even stood there talking sarcastically for a long time, but Fang Honghua didn't pay any attention. This was originally a volunteering thing, and many people who didn't go went, and I didn't see how others were scolded.

Ever since she rejected the unreasonable request of the villagers, no matter what she did, she was guilty of original sin, no matter what she did, it was wrong, and those people could always find fault in her actions.

Fang Honghua really couldn't bear it.

If it was in the past, before she had the idea of going to the capital, she might have endured it like this, and after getting used to it, she wouldn't feel anything. But ever since she found out that there was a way to the capital, she couldn't bear it anymore.

In her imagination, the trip to the capital, which had turned into a tragic ending every time, has also begun to develop well. For example, she successfully found a good job in the capital, which can not only support herself, but also It's time to support Fang Yan—even though her adopted son doesn't need her to support her.

All the difficulties that were in front of her before now seem to have disappeared, or they have become very small, not insurmountable. In the face of today's gossip, they are as vulnerable as thin ice.

Driven by these rumors, Fang Honghua immediately made up her mind.

She didn't tell anyone about her decision, and even secretly took out the things that Fang Yan sent back in batches, some were sold, and some were given to those who didn't have prejudice against her because of the rumors , the rest of the things that can be taken away were packed away by her, and the passbook and all her deposits were hidden deep in the package, with a note with Fang's number written on it. At that time, everyone hadn't woken up yet, and she left quietly with her big and small bags.

Bought a train ticket to the capital, the ever-increasing price made her tongue-tied, but she still gritted her teeth and paid for it—fortunately, those things sold for a lot of money before, so she didn't show embarrassment in front of the expensive ticket.

Sitting on the green leather train, among the crowds of people entering the city after the Chinese New Year, she set off towards the capital with her longing for the future.

After the new year, everyone in the Fang family started to be busy again.

Fang's father had to go to work in the company every day, and Fang Ke became busy. He went to the company with Fang's father, and studied by Fang's side every day. Fang Huai learned another course, and Fang's mother also left early and returned late, busy with the business of the fresh food store.

During the last period of the winter vacation, only grandparents and Fang Yan were left in the Fang family during the day.

Usually no one calls Fang's house.

Everyone has a mobile phone for communication, and the phone seldom rings. During this period of time, Fang Yan, a child without a mobile phone, used it the most.

Fang Yan was sitting on the sofa helping grandma wind the woolen yarn—after cutting the window grilles, this old man had a new hobby of knitting sweaters, and she didn't care about it at all. The passing of the new year also means that winter is about to pass. When weaving is finished, spring has come.

When the phone next to the sofa rang, Fang Yan immediately dawdled over, stretched out one hand to pick up the phone, quickly tilted his head to hold it, and continued to raise his hand to wind grandma's wool.


"Hello...?" A familiar cautious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Is it Yanyan?"

Fang Yan was startled: "Mother Hua?!"

He immediately looked at the number on the phone, and the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, not the one he usually called.

He said pleasantly, "Mother Hua, have you installed a phone at home?"

"No." Fang Honghua stood at the gate of the station, looked at the passing vehicles, and then turned her head to look at the tall buildings next to her. She took a deep breath and said, "Yanyan, I'm coming to the capital."

The sound of a child gasping for air came from the phone, followed by a thud, as if something had fallen to the ground, and soon another panicked voice came into the phone.

"Yanyan! Are you okay?"

Fang Honghua suddenly became nervous, grabbed the phone and shouted, "Yanyan? Yanyan, are you okay?"

There was no response from the other end of the phone, only the sounds of all kinds of turmoil. After a long time, Fang Yan's voice came back again.

"Mother Hua, you've arrived in the capital?!" Fang Yan said in surprise.

"Yes." Fang Honghua said, grabbing the microphone nervously.

Her decision came suddenly, and she didn't discuss it with Fang Yan before she set off, but now that she came here, she remembered that she came suddenly, and she didn't know if she would cause trouble to Fang Yan.

But in reality, there is no trouble at all.

Fang Yan only felt a huge surprise falling from the sky, which almost knocked him into a daze.

He asked Fang Honghua's location clearly, and he didn't have the heart to help grandma wind the wool any more. He jumped up and ran out without even having time to put on his shoes.

"Uncle Butler!!!"

"Yanyan is going out!!"

"Go to the train station! Pick up Mother Flower!!"