Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 118: Mother Flower is here


The black car stopped at the gate of the train station. Fang Yan rolled down the window and poked his head out to look around. When he saw Fang Honghua standing at the gate of the train station, he immediately extended his hand to greet her excitedly.

"Mother Flower!"

The adoptive son's shout passed through the crowd and entered her ears. Fang Honghua hurriedly followed the sound, and when she saw Fang Yan lying in a car waving at her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She didn't know any kind of car. She only knew that Fang's car was black. She didn't expect that after arriving here, there were black cars all over the street, and they all looked the same. It's Fang's car.

Fang Yan didn't come, and Fang Honghua didn't dare to wander around, so she stood at the gate of the train station with her luggage and waited until she saw him coming, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The driver got out of the car and helped her put her luggage in the trunk. Fang Honghua got into the car, held Fang Yan's soft hand, and felt the car moving under her body, and the scenery outside the car window began to recede. Finally, he took a long breath and relaxed.

"Mother Hua, why did you come here suddenly?" Fang Yan lay half in her arms, and asked curiously: "Before you came, why didn't you tell me that I haven't bought a house for you yet, nor have I bought a house for you to live in?" Get ready."

"It's okay, I have money." Fang Honghua paused, thinking of the high prices she felt on the train, and said softly: "It's just that I may need to borrow money from Yanyan."

"Borrow money?"

Fang Yan touched his pocket subconsciously.

He lent all the money to Gu Rong before, but now that the fresh food store has opened, he has a lot of savings. If Mama Hua wants to borrow it, it's not like he can't get it out.

While thinking about the little golden pig who was about to leave him again, Fang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and said cheerfully: "Then I will lend all my money to Mother Hua!"

"No... no, I don't want your current money." Fang Honghua waved her hands in a panic, and she carefully glanced at the driver in front of her, fearing that he would hear her, she lowered her voice even more: "I mean, I'll keep it for you 200,000 to go to college... "

Fang Honghua was very apprehensive when she said it.

Although when the Fang family handed over the money to her, they said it was to thank her for taking care of Yanyan for the previous ten years, but in her heart, the money still did not belong to her, but to Fang Yan. That's what she kept for Fang Yan to use in college.

As a mother by herself, not only could she not give money to her son, but she had to use the money from her adopted son instead, Fang Honghua felt very ashamed.

Fang Yan had long forgotten about the two hundred thousand.

After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered, and quietly leaned into Fang Honghua's ear, and whispered, "I will also lend it to Mother Hua."

In Fang Yan's heart, the money was not his.

He was inexplicably relieved that he would no longer need to use the small coffers in his pocket.

After getting his affirmative answer, Fang Honghua touched the passbook in her bosom, and finally felt relieved.

With these 200,000 yuan, she must be able to spend the previous time quickly and settle down in the capital. After she finds a place to live and find a job, she will work hard to save money and return the money to Yanyan. That's what Yanyan kept for college—although with the Fang family's financial resources, she doesn't need to worry about the money, but being prepared is always safe.

The car staggered into the city with the two of them, and the bustling scene made Fang Honghua's surprise never disappear. When the car stopped at the entrance of Fang's villa, she couldn't even say a word. Out.

Staring blankly at the big villa in front of her, Fang Honghua didn't react until Fang Yan called her, and got out of the car tremblingly.

She watched Fang Yan rushing in, quickly pulled him back, and said anxiously: "Yan Yan, don't walk around, here... here..."

She looked up, looked at the butler who came out of the room, and lost all ability to speak in an instant.

She had met the housekeeper of the Fang family. When Fang's father and mother came to their village to pick up Fang Yan, the housekeeper's contemptuous eyes left a deep impression on her. The Fang family's steward appears here, doesn't that just mean that this is the Fang family

Fang Honghua looked at the exquisite villa in front of her. One side of the yard was planted with all kinds of beautiful flowers, while the other side was bare and had been turned over. She looked familiar. Fang Yan also mentioned it to her on the phone, saying yes Turn your yard into a place to grow vegetables.

When she first heard it, she naturally substituted it into her own yard. Every family in their village grows vegetables in their yards. Because of this, she just thinks that Fang's house is bigger than ordinary houses...

But now look at the villa in front of her. The bricks on the walls have beautiful patterns, and even the details are exquisitely carved. The windows are bright, and the walls are covered with green vines. Any house I have ever lived is even more beautiful, it is simply a place where gods live!

Fang Honghua's voice dropped all of a sudden, she held her adoptive son's hand, and said hesitantly: "Yanyan, this...is this really your house?"

Fang Yan noticed her nervousness, and suddenly became confused: "Mother Hua, what's wrong with you? Come in."

Fang Honghua's mind went blank.

She was dragged into that exquisite big villa by her adoptive son. The big villa is not only beautiful on the outside, but also beautiful on the inside. It is completely different from her own house. All her timidity seems to be born. At this time, it flooded and swallowed her whole.

She was dragged by Fang Yan in a daze, and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

This sofa is so soft. As soon as Fang Honghua sat on it, she felt as if she was sitting on a ball of cotton. As soon as her butt sank into it, she immediately stood up straight again nervously, looking back in half panic and half fear—even The sofa in the village head's house is not that soft!

"Mother Hua?" Fang Yan took off his shoes and climbed onto the sofa, only to find that she was nervous, and stretched out his hand to pull her: "Mother Hua, sit down."

Fang Honghua didn't dare to sit down.

She forced the corners of her mouth to smile at her adopted son, and sat down cautiously.

She raised her head again, only then did she notice that there was a kind old lady sitting on the single sofa on the other side. She was too nervous before, so she didn't notice it at all. Now that she saw it, she was shocked and wanted to Stand up and say hello to her.

"You don't need to stand, just sit." Grandma Fang said kindly: "Are you Yanyan's adoptive mother? We haven't met before. I often hear Yanyan mention you. You just came to the capital now. If there is anything you are not used to , just tell us that you have taken care of Yanyan for so long, and we haven't had time to thank you."

Fang Honghua murmured in response.

What can I say to thank you

It would be nice if they didn't hate her.