Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 16: Stone


There is still a long time before the harvest, although they made an appointment to sow together next time, but before Fang Yan took the initiative to call him, Gu Rong took the initiative to run over the next day to help him water the vegetable field.

Accompanied by his friends, Fang Yan would squat in the vegetable field most of the day. With Gu Rong's help, occasionally Fang Ke would come over to help, and gradually even the servants at home would come over curiously, and even the housekeeper helped to pour water a few times. After a long time, Fang Ke felt that the land was not enough.

Once there is nothing to do, he can't help but panic, and anxiously wanders around the house, looking for something to do.

But Fang's family is so big, and the things that can be done are also distributed to other servants, and things like cooking and cleaning are not up to him. Fang Yan searched around, but found nothing.

Mother Fang noticed his embarrassment, so she pulled him over and asked, "Does Yanyan want to go to school?"

"Go to school?" Fang Yan repeated, and said, "I'm already in the third grade of elementary school."

"Yes, the procedures for you to go to school have been completed. If you want to go, let Xiaohuai take you to school tomorrow. If you don't want to go, we will go next semester."

Fang Yan instinctively recalled some unfinished things at home, and then quickly realized that he was no longer in his original home, and there was not so much farm work waiting for him, and he had a lot of time Can go to other things.

Mama Hua said that he will study hard and become a college student, so that he can honor Mama Hua!

Fang Yan couldn't wait to agree: "I'm going!"

Mother Fang patted his head and responded gently.

In the afternoon, Fang Yan's new schoolbag arrived in his hands, and it also contained new stationery, all of which were carefully selected by Fang's mother. Fang Yan has never used such a beautiful schoolbag! His schoolbag was pieced together by Hua's mother, and the stationery was so short that there was only a small section of pencil left. When he came, he brought it with him, but it was quickly put aside, and he never took it again. got up.

Fang Yan threw away the old pencil, and carefully kept the schoolbag that Mother Hua sewed for him in the back of the closet.

Then he cherished the rest of the time.

What Fang Yan is most worried about is the vegetable patch and chicken and duck nests in the yard.

The plants in the field began to grow gradually, and other members of the Fang family began to help him clean up the vegetable field. Even Grandpa Fang joined in. The first thing everyone got up every day was to go to the vegetable field to see the growth of the vegetables. However, he also taught himself the knowledge of vegetable cultivation, so he didn't need to do it.

The chicks and ducklings also began to grow up, and their soft and tender yellow feathers gradually began to acquire other colors.

I heard from my second brother that the knowledge in school is very difficult, and he will study very hard. After he starts to go to school, he will have no extra thoughts to take care of these chickens and ducks.

Thinking about it this way, Fang Yan spent a lot longer in the chicken coop.

He touched the feathers of each chicken and duck reluctantly, grabbed a few handfuls of millet for them in a small bowl, and watched the chickens and ducks squatting lazily with the help of the light in the yard. Sitting on the ground, he finally put the bowl of millet on a high place reluctantly until Mother Fang came out and told him to go to sleep.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a chicken in the corner pecking at something.

Fang Yan suddenly moved over curiously, and saw the chick dragged out with something in its beak, stopped in front of him, then lost interest, flapped its wings and ran away.

Fang Yan quickly picked it up, it was a dusty stone, wiped off the dirt wrapped on it, revealing the white and moist color underneath.

He froze for a moment, and quickly ran into the house holding the stone.

"Mom, I picked up a strange thing!"

Mother Fang responded, and saw the child holding a round jade in his hand. She was surprised and was about to speak, but the child tripped over the carpet and fell to the ground.

"Yanyan!" Mother Fang hurriedly got up and walked over to help the child up.

There was a soft carpet underneath, and the child did not suffer any injuries from the fall, but when he fell, he subconsciously clenched the jade in his hand. The stones dug out from the ground were not round, and the sharp corners were scratched He touched his palm, and when he let go, a small patch of blood had already appeared on the jade.

Fang Yan wiped his hands on his clothes indifferently, wiped off the blood on the jade, and asked, "Mom, what is this?"

"It's a piece of jade." Mother Fang said helplessly. She picked up her younger son, asked the housekeeper to bring the medicine box, carefully wiped his hands clean, applied medicine to his wound, and solemnly bandaged it up.

Fang Yan chased her again and asked, "What is jade?"

"It's a kind of ore, and my mother has jewelry made of jade."

Fang Yan tilted his head and thought for a while, then handed over the jade in his hand: "Give it to Mom."

Mother Fang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and carefully checked the wound on the younger son's hand, and said: "Don't give it to me, you can keep it for yourself."

"Then is it worth money?"

"Looking at the color, if it is good jade, it is very valuable."

Fang Yan's eyes lit up, and he looked at her expectantly.

Mother Fang glanced at this piece of jade, which was dusty and covered with dark brown soil. Even the exposed jade meat did not seem to be of good quality. It was probably lost by someone before. I don't even want to spend time looking for it.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the youngest son, Fang's mother couldn't tell the truth, so she had to say: "Mom doesn't know either, so Mom will help you find out."

Fang Yan complied happily.

He forgot all about going to school the next day, and all his thoughts fell on this piece of jade, washing it clean, and even holding it in his hand when he went to sleep.

All the lights in the room were turned off, and the blackout curtains were all drawn. The whole room was pitch black, only decorated with fluorescent stars on the ceiling. Fang Yan stared at it for a while, and soon fell asleep, with heavy eyelids. After a while, he fell asleep.

He felt as if he had arrived at a very magical place.

It was pitch black there, there was no one there, and there was no sound. Suddenly, a string of information penetrated into his mind, which immediately gave him a splitting headache. After a long time, he finally recovered.

After the severe pain, there was a burst of refreshment.

Fang Yan opened his eyes in pain, and a large green area appeared in front of his eyes, a place he had never seen before.

Fang Yan was suddenly surprised, and whispered: "Am I dreaming?"

He looked down at himself, he was still wearing pajamas, but he was not on the bed, and he was stepping on a piece of soft soil. The soil quality was the best he had ever seen, even better than the one in the yard at home. If it was used for farming , must be able to grow vegetables of good quality.

"But where is this place?"

He tentatively took a step, the bare|bare soles of his feet were scratched by the tender green grass, and countless itches suddenly arose.

Shouldn't he be sleeping? Since when has there been such a large grassland near his house

Is it mom's prank

Fang Yan called her mother a few times loudly, but she couldn't hear any response.

He called his brother, his father, his grandparents, and Gu Rong, whom he hadn't met many times, but no one answered him.

Fang Yan suddenly became frightened.

Suddenly, the information that had been drilled into his mind just now came out, Fang Yan was slightly startled, but within a few seconds, he immediately understood where he was.

is a place called space. It seems to be a high-tech product many years in the future. Somehow, it fell into the courtyard of Fang's family thousands of years ago, turned into a jade-like thing, and was picked up by Fang Yan.

Because he accidentally rubbed blood on this stone before, he actually activated this stone and let the space recognize its master.

Fang Yan reasoned for a long time before he finally understood.

Such a large piece of land, as well as the endless mountains in the distance, and even the large lake, all became his.

Looking at a large piece of green in front of him, the child's eyes slowly lit up.

This large area!

It's all his!