Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 17: space


According to what the information told him, there is also a manager in this space, like a housekeeper, who can help him manage this space.

Fang Yan searched everywhere, and finally found a white egg in a bush. It was like an enlarged version of the jade he saw, and he didn't know what was inside. Fang Yan thought for a while, he stretched out his hand, untied the bandage on it, and dug some of the solidified wound, the child suddenly wrinkled up in pain.

But these are far less curious than this strange egg.

Fang Yan stretched out his hand and wiped the egg. Seeing that there was a layer of blood on the white eggshell, he quickly wrapped his bandage back. When he looked again, the blood color just now had disappeared, replaced by the sound of cracking eggshells.

After a while, the whole egg split open on both sides, and a wet white puppy got out of it. It shook its head, and immediately rubbed against Fang Yan intimately due to the blood connection. past.


"Puppy!" Fang Yan hugged it in surprise, and soon the little white dog licked his face enthusiastically: "You will be my housekeeper from now on, I will give you a name, Xiaobai, okay? "

"Wow~" Xiaobai called out cheerfully, seeming to like the name very much.

Fang Yan played with it for a while before putting it down.

"Xiaobai, since such a large piece of land is mine, can I grow vegetables on it?"


"Can you raise chickens and ducks? Can you raise cattle and sheep?"


"Then... can fruit trees be planted on the mountain?"


Fang Yan couldn't understand a word, so he agreed very naturally: "Then it's decided like this, Xiaobai, then let's start to open up wasteland."

Xiaobai tilted his head in doubt: "Wow?" What is land reclamation

"Then Xiaobai, do you know where there is a hoe?" Fang Yan asked.

Xiaobai is the smart housekeeper in the space, he knows every detail of the space, and he is also very clear about what is in the space. It barked twice, and quickly took Fang Yan to a small wooden house in the center of the space.

The cabin is not big, there are only two rooms, one is a bedroom, and there is only a simple bed in it, and the other is a utility room, Fang Yan looked through it, and all the tools needed for farm work are very complete inside, It seems that this space was born for farming.

Fang Yan turned around and became more and more satisfied.

In fact, he doesn't really understand what space is, but he only understands one thing, this thing called space is already his, and he can do whatever he wants in it, and his land is bigger than the village chief's house. many!

I really want to show Mama Hua. Fang Yan thought to himself.

He quickly remembered another thing: "Xiaobai, do you know how I should get out of here?"

He didn't know how he got here, he was lying on the bed sleeping one moment, and he was here the next second. I don't know if my mother noticed that he was missing. If she found out, his family members would be very worried.

Fang Yan suddenly became anxious and said, "Xiaobai, can you send me back?"


As soon as Xiaobai's barking sound sounded, Fang Yan suddenly felt his eyes go dark. He blinked and sat up in horror. When his tentacles touched the slippery quilt, he finally realized that he had returned home.

"Is it a dream?" Fang Yan whispered, "If it's a dream, it's too real, right?"

He also touched Xiaobai's fur several times, it was soft and warm, just like the real thing.

"By the way, where is my stone?" Fang Yan looked around, but couldn't find the stone. "Strange? Why is it missing?"

The room was very dark, and he subconsciously reached out to press the light switch, but before he touched it, he immediately saw the electronic clock on the bedside table. In the darkness, the clock also reported the numbers accurately, and it was already morning It's three o'clock.

Fang Yan had never slept so late before, he was so frightened that he immediately withdrew his hand, and ignored his own jade, obediently pulled up the quilt to cover himself, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The child has always been angry earlier than everyone in the family, but today he was called up by his mother on a rare occasion. When he opened his eyes, he was still a little unresponsive.

"Yanyan, wake up, your brother has been waiting downstairs for a long time." Fang's mother said softly, "Do you still remember that today is the day you are going to school?"

go to school

The memory came back, and the child jumped up immediately.

"Strange, Yanyan, where did you get all this dirt?" Fang's mother said in surprise.


Fang Yan looked down and saw that the bear pajamas on his body were now covered with mud. He remembered that the clothes were still clean before he went to bed.

Fang Yan immediately remembered the strange dream he had. Before he had time to think about it, under the urging of Fang's mother, he quickly changed his dirty pajamas and put on a brand new school uniform. He led me downstairs.

Fang Huai had already been waiting downstairs impatiently. As soon as he saw him appear, he immediately ran over, took his hand and rushed out of the house, ran straight into the car, and urged: "Hurry up, going to be late."

"Wait, Yanyan hasn't eaten yet." Fang's mother chased her out and stuffed a lunch box into Fang Yan's hand.

After the door was closed, the car drove away, carrying the two little masters of the family, towards the school.

On the way, Fang Yan was eating breakfast while listening to Fang Huai's popular science about the school.

"If someone bullies you, you report to the teacher. If the teacher doesn't help you, you come to me. If I'm not here, you report the name of our Fang family." Fang Huai proudly said: "Our family Your name is very useful, as long as you call out, no one will dare to bully you."

Fang Yan seemed to understand, and bit off the meat filling in the middle of the bun.

"Don't listen to Xiao Huai's nonsense." Fang Ke who was sitting in the front row turned his head helplessly: "Yanyan is so good, no one will bully you."

Before Fang Yan could answer, Fang Huai immediately blew his hair, and said angrily: "You are lying! When I went to school, you told me the same way. What happened? If I hadn't practiced with Brother Gu, You have been tricked a long time ago."

"That's because you pulled the little girl's braids first. You almost pulled out her hair. Don't you want the little girl to be angry?"

Fang Huai hummed, but couldn't say a word.