Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 22: machine


The flow of time in the space is different from that in reality. When Fang Yan and Xiaobai planted all the land, they were so tired that their backs ached, but not much time had passed outside.

Fang Yan asked Xiaobai to pay attention to the time, and reminded him when it was school time. After they finished planting the land, there was still a lot of time left, so he just hugged Xiaobai and lay down on the bed in the cabin.

Xiaobai was so tired that he stuck out his tongue: "Master, next time you can buy a planter."

"Planter?" Fang Yan was at a loss.

"Yes." Xiaobai said earnestly: "Although the technology of this era is a little behind, there are also many agricultural machines. I have learned about this world. In addition to planters, there are many machines."

"There are many more?!" Fang Yan was surprised.

Xiaobai's eyes widened, and he looked at his master in disbelief. Seeing that the surprise on his face didn't seem fake, he fell back down in frustration.

As a smart butler who traveled from a high-tech future, not only did he not remind the master of such a key point, but he also forgot about the high technology, and followed the master to restore the original labor, which is simply irresponsible!

Thinking of this, Xiaobai immediately cheered up.

Its eyes suddenly started to glow, and under Fang Yan's surprised expression, a light shot out from its eyes, which was thrown into the air, and a translucent screen suddenly appeared in the air, showing the appearance of the planter, and playing A short video showing what it looks like when the planter is in operation.

Watching the huge car-like machine drive by on the farmland, countless seeds were planted, and a row was filled in a short while, while the people who were supposed to work were just sitting on the car, Fang Yan Eyes wide open, I feel like my world view has been subverted.

"This... is this your future high technology?" He asked weakly.

"Of course not!" Xiaobai retorted loudly, "Master, this is a machine in your world. Apart from this planter, there are many other machines, such as harvesters and irrigation machines, all of which can be bought outside. Save a lot of energy for the master!"

The pictures on the translucent screen were changed and changed, and countless videos were played, showing Fang Yan all the machinery related to agriculture.

Fang Yan was able to let out a cry of surprise at first, but in the end, it was too late to even cry out, so he could only widen his eyes and greedily look at everything on the screen, for fear that he might miss something.

"These... can these be bought?" He said weakly.

"Yes, and with the owner's family background, it's no problem to buy ten sets, eight sets, and one hundred sets."

"No, no, one is enough..." Fang Yan subconsciously retorted.

And there is only one of them.

Before that, Fang Yan never knew that there was such a convenient machine in the world. Before leaving the village, whether it is planting or harvesting, everything has to be done by oneself. There are no machines, and the only tools that will be used are probably sickles and hoes.

Watching the machine run by, a large piece of golden wheat waves fell quickly. Fang Yan didn't know how to operate it, but he was also surprised.

How much trouble can this save!

Fang Yan seemed to see a door slowly opening towards him. He was only ten years old and could not understand too many things, but he also knew that if he had these machines, his farming career would definitely be brought to a new level!

"I've decided, I want to buy this!" Fang Yan said excitedly: "Xiaobai, help me find out how much these machines cost in total."

"Good master."

In less than half a second, Xiaobai reported a number to him.

Fang Yan's high spirits collapsed visibly to the naked eye.

"This... this is too expensive..." He said weakly, "I can't afford it..."

He has a lot of money. Before leaving the village, his mother secretly put it in his schoolbag, and the pocket money his mother gave him after he got here. He has no place to spend money. So far, the only thing he has bought is a small Bai's ham sausage, all the money has been saved, and now there is a considerable number.

But compared with buying these machines, his deposits are only a fraction of the price.

"I... I have no job, no income, and I can't afford it." Fang Yan counted his working years with his fingers, and there are still more than ten years left: "Although my mother will give me pocket money every day, Even if I don't eat or drink, and save all my money, it will only add up to... uh." He hasn't learned the math yet, and he doesn't know how much money he has.

"In short, it is absolutely unaffordable." Fang Yan said firmly.

Xiaobai barked: "Master, you can ask your parents to buy it for you."

"No." Fang Yan retorted subconsciously: "They have already given me a lot of things, I can't ask them for more."

The seeds outside alone add up to a lot of money.

Xiao Bai wagged his tail, seeing that he persisted, he couldn't say anything.

It sighs inwardly, pity itself, a smart housekeeper from the future high-tech era, not only can't develop its own expertise, but is forced to fall into the cheapest primitive labor, it is too pitiful, he is too wasteful.

Thinking that there are still so many lands in the space that haven't been dug, Xiaobai's eyes go dark, and he suddenly wishes that he is really just an ordinary pet dog.

Although he knew in his heart that he couldn't ask his parents to reach out to buy those machines, Fang Yan still had to think about them. When he suddenly learned about such a useful machine, he had already put all his thoughts on that machine, and spent every day paying for that expensive money. Worried about the amount of money, even the usual began to moan.

The family quickly noticed something was wrong with him.

After Fang Huai and Fang Ke talked, they quickly found a tutor for Fang Yan and taught him from the most basic knowledge, but the child was still frowning, as if he was no longer worried about his own studies.

Fang's mother was worried, and observed for several days, and found that not only the youngest son was depressed, but even their dog had lost enthusiasm, and she became more and more puzzled.

She took a chance and knocked on the door of Fang Yan's room at night.

It was quiet inside, without any sound, until after a long time, suddenly there was a clanging sound from inside, and only then did the youngest son's panicked voice come out: "Come in!"

Fang's mother opened the door and went in. Fang Yan's small body was lying in the center of the large bed, the quilt was pulled up to cover half of his face, only his round eyes were exposed, looking at her without blinking.

"Mom, why are you here?" Fang Yan asked.

Mother Fang smiled softly, pulled away his quilt, and lay down herself, lying intimately with her youngest son.

She was thinking about the strangeness of her youngest son in the past two days, and repeatedly brewed the words in her heart for a long time. She was about to speak when she suddenly realized something was wrong.

She stretched out her hand, only to see that the palm of the hand that hugged her little son just now was rubbed with a handful of dirt.

Fang's mother pulled back the quilt in surprise, only to find that the pajamas on the youngest son's body were covered with mud, with dark brown stains one after another.

"Yanyan, why are you so dirty?"