Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 24: frank


Mother Fang was a little sad. The younger son rarely wanted to ask her for something, but because of the price, the younger son felt that she couldn't give it.

Fang Mu, who was very satisfied with the current situation of life, suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

"If what Yanyan wants is really so expensive..." Fang's mother reluctantly said: "Then mother should also think of a way, and she can always find it for Yanyan."

Fang Yan: Huh

He sat up abruptly, and quickly said, "No, Mom."


Fang Yan didn't know for a moment whether it was better to explain that those machines were not worth 10 billion, or that he should explain that he didn't use 10 billion.

He thought for a while, and simply threw off the quilt and jumped out of the bed, ignoring Fang's mother's cry behind him, and ran out straight away. He ran all the way to Xiaobai's kennel, and called out Xiaobai who had fallen asleep.

"Woof? Master?"

Fang Yan hurriedly found an IPAD, and asked the dazed Xiaobai to send the bill to the IPAD before running back.

He ran all the way to Fang's mother's room and stuffed the IPAD into Fang's mother's hand, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"What Yanyan wants is this!"

Mother Fang lowered her head in bewilderment, seeing countless machines.

What seeder, harvester, thresher... Fang's mother directly pulled the bill to the end, and when she saw the last number, she fell silent.

This is what the younger son said, something more expensive than him

Fang's mother disagreed, she put the IPAD aside with a serious face, and shouted: "Yanyan."

Fang Yan raised his head out of breath: "What?"

"Yanyan is mother's treasure, so it's not only worth such a little money!" Fang's mother said seriously.

Fang Yan seemed to understand but half understood: "... oh."

"But why would Yanyan want to buy this?" Fang's mother was puzzled again: "These machines... the places in our house don't seem to need them."

Although she knows nothing about agriculture, she probably understands that these machines can only be used on large farms. Although their yard has become a vegetable field, it is not that big and does not need these machines.

Fang Yan hesitated: "This..."

"Is it Yanyan's little secret again?"

Fang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, nodded quickly: "Yes."

"Is it a little secret that you can't tell your mother?"


Mother Fang suddenly repented and hid the iPad behind her back: "Then Mom won't buy it for you."

Fang Yan was dumbfounded.

He never expected that Fang's mother would have such a reaction. Although he didn't say that he was obedient to him, but he had been here for so long, no matter what request he made, Fang's mother would always agree, and this was the first time he was rejected.

Sure enough, it's still too expensive, right

Fang Yan sighed.

"Then tell mom, what do you want to do with these machines?" Fang's mother said, "If you just want to collect them, I have to find you a big warehouse."

"No, I want to use it for farming."

"You know, we don't have these at home."

Fang Yan hesitated.

He looked around and saw that Fang's father was not there, thinking about what he had agreed with Fang's mother to share the secret, he gritted his teeth, and simply stretched out his hand to hold Fang's mother: "Mom, I want to take you to a place .”

"where to?"

As soon as Fang's mother's voice fell, she felt a change in front of her eyes. When she realized it, she was already standing on a piece of grass!

The blue sky, the endless land, there is a big lake in the distance, and there are endless mountains in the distance. She turned her head and saw a small wooden house. There was a large piece of reclaimed land at the door of the wooden house. The seeds planted on it have sprouted and are more than ten centimeters tall.

Mother Fang blinked, blinked again, and suddenly took a breath.

She looked down at her younger son in disbelief, but she didn't see surprise on the child's face. Instead, she looked calm, as if she knew she would appear here.

What did Yanyan say just now

Want to take her somewhere

Don't you just say here

"Yanyan, where is this..." Mother Fang asked tremblingly, "Where did you bring mother?"

She is already an adult, and she thinks more than Fang Yan, a child. After Fang Yan got the space, he only thought about the many places he would have in the future, but never doubted anything else. But Mother Fang was different, almost immediately, she thought of countless possibilities that would be harmful to the child.

"Is this Yanyan's?" Fang's mother pretended to be calm, and asked: "Where did Yanyan find this... place, and how did you bring your mother here?"

"This is my space, mom, this whole space is my territory!" Fang Yan drew a big circle excitedly.

"What is space?"

"Space... space is..." Fang Yan choked suddenly.

He naturally accepted the explanation of space, but he didn't know what space meant.

"Xiaobai said, this is the technology of the future, and everyone in the future will have it."

"Xiaobai? Our dog?"

"Yes, Xiaobai is the smart housekeeper in this space, and he also comes from the future thousands of years later."

Thousands of years into the future? Is it still high-tech

It was also the first time for Mother Fang to encounter such a bizarre thing. She thought about it, reluctantly accepted this non-scientific thing, and was still curious: "But how did you bring me here? We were still at home just now, this is called Where is the space? Have you learned to teleport?"

"Maybe it's on me?" Fang Yan became even more confused. He called Xiaobai's name a few times, but he could only hear the voice of the smart butler sleeping soundly, so he had to explain to Fang's mother in his own cognition: "I shout 'come in' in my heart, and I can come in, and when I shout 'get out' again, I can go out. No matter where I am, I can enter the space."

"Then how did you get this space?"

"I found that stone in the yard." Fang Yan said, "I accidentally dripped blood on the thing that my mother said was jade, and Xiaobai said that it was a drop of blood to recognize the owner."

Finally, there is a word that Fang's mother has heard of.

She seemed to understand but half understood, and seeing her youngest son was also embarrassed, so she gave up and continued to ask, and planned to investigate again tomorrow.

"Then Yanyan take mom out."

"Okay, Mom."

The scene in front of them was another side, and almost in an instant, they returned to the room.

Mother Fang hugged her youngest son in shock, and said calmly: "Yanyan is not allowed to tell other people about this space in the future."

"Can't anyone say it?" Fang Yan raised his head: "Where's Dad?"

"Dad can."

"What about my brother..."

"You can tell Xiao Ke, but Xiao Huai can't."

"What about Brother Gu?"

"Gu Rong can't do either."

"What about grandparents?"

"No way." The old man and the old lady are old and can't stand being frightened. It would be bad if something happens out of fright.

Mother Fang flicked her hair, and picked up the iPad again: "Yan Yan wants to buy this machine, is it because he wants to farm in space?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Mom bought it for you." Fang's mother said solemnly: "You have to remember, no matter what happens in the future, you have to come and tell mom that this space won't hurt you, it's okay, if something happens in the future, it will hurt you Mom can't afford to lose you again, you know?"

Fang Yan was stunned, turned over and got into her arms.

He rubbed his arms around Fang Mu's waist, and responded in a low voice.