Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 25: operate the machine


Fang's mother didn't let anyone handle the preparation of those machines. She did everything by herself, and it took a few days.

A few days later, when Fang Yan came back from school in the afternoon, she was mysteriously held back by Fang's mother, and just as she got out of the car, she got into another car.

"Mom? Where are we going?"

"Go to a place." Fang's mother leaned into his ear and whispered: "What Yan Yan wants has arrived."

What he wants? Are those machines? !

Fang Yan's eyes lit up, his eyes lit up immediately, he grasped Fang's mother's hand, and shouted Xiaobai's name in his heart. Xiao Bai, who was crouching in the villa gnawing his bones, stood up wagging his tail, ignored the housekeeper's cry, and quickly jumped out, disappearing after a few steps.

In order to store those machines, Fang's mother rented a large warehouse on the outskirts of the city and asked the driver to wait for them outside, and she led her youngest son inside.

Push open the heavy door, turn on the light switch, suddenly, the whole warehouse is illuminated by fluorescent lamps, all the brand new machines are lined up there, in Fang Yan's eyes, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are shining.

He threw himself on the nearest machine almost immediately, and rubbed vigorously against it, regardless of whether it was clean or not.

"Yanyan, don't worry about being happy, put these machines into your space first." Fang's mother pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Brother, they are still waiting for us to go back to eat."

"Okay, Mom!"

Fang Yan put his hands on those machines, and he shouted "Go in" in his heart, and the machines under his hands disappeared in front of his eyes. He glanced at the space again, and it really stopped on the grass in the space.

After putting all the machines in, Fang Yan ran around in the big warehouse, and when he came back, he was still sweating a little.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Mother Fang nodded, took his hand again, locked the warehouse, and walked out.

After returning home, everyone was already sitting at the dining table waiting for them.

"Where are you going? Why did you come back so late?" Fang's father was curious: "Can't we go tomorrow if we have something to do?"

Fang's mother glanced at him with a smile, but didn't answer, she picked up a prawn and put it in his bowl, which was self-evident.

Father Fang touched his nose and stopped asking.

After dinner, Fang Yan immediately picked up Xiaobai and rushed back to the room, even Fang Ke ignored him, locked the door, and immediately entered the space with bright eyes.

Xiaobai had already organized the space, and as soon as he entered, he immediately rushed towards those machines, reaching out and touching them curiously, until he touched each machine once, and finally stopped.

"Master, master." Xiaobai wagged his tail and circled around him: "Quickly try it!"


Fang Yan climbed into the machine excitedly, sat firmly on the seat, and froze immediately.

He stretched out his legs, but his short legs couldn't reach the gas pedal underneath, and he stretched out his hands, but he couldn't reach the steering wheel at all.

He... doesn't know how to start these machines at all.

Fang Yan sat in a daze for a long while, then climbed down with a bitter face.

"Xiaobai, where is the manual?"

The almighty smart butler immediately took out the manual of the machine.

Fang Yan took it and flipped through it, let alone the words, he couldn't even understand the pictures.

Fang Yan looked at his omnipotent smart butler with a bitter face again: "Xiaobai, you are so powerful, can you drive these machines?"

Xiaobai: "... Wang?"

Before the puppy could react, its owner reached out and hugged it onto the machine. It looked at the suddenly increased vision in front of it with a dazed expression, and the unscrupulous owner was still cheering up: "Xiaobai, you Come try it, you can definitely do it!"

Xiaobai: "Wow?!"

As an excellent smart housekeeper, when the owner has a problem, he must help the owner to complete it!

Xiaobai could only put his paws on the steering wheel with tears in his eyes, stretched out his hind paws hard, and stretched towards the accelerator. Its body is only so big, no matter how hard it tries, it can't reach the accelerator.

Fang Yan watched from the side, and suddenly sighed.

It was because he thought too much. He was only ten years old, and he only thought about how these machines could farm the land faster and more conveniently, but he completely ignored that the people who started those machines were adults.

These machines are also made according to the height of an adult, and he can't reach them at all.

Can it only be used after he reaches adulthood? Fang Yan felt a little distressed, how much land and how many things could be planted in the years since he became an adult, what a waste

But what else can I do

Just as he was moaning and sighing, he suddenly heard a long barking sound beside him.

Fang Yan looked up immediately, and saw that Xiaobai had turned into a huge white spot of light. He opened his mouth wide, but before he could react, the white spot of light suddenly sank into the machine and became one with the machine. Immediately afterwards, the machine that had left him at a loss what to do at first started booming.

The machine ran over the green field, and the soil underneath was dug out. After a while, a straight dark brown line appeared. Fang Yan was stunned. Before he could react, the unmanned machine made a sharp turn again, and drove towards him again. Passing by him, it drew another straight line deep. brown.

When the machine stopped and light spots emerged from the machine and turned into Xiaobai again, the large piece of land in front of him had all changed color.

Xiaobai yelled and jumped off the machine. It seemed that he had expended a lot of effort. He staggered towards him, but before he could reach his side, he suddenly threw his body forward and fell weakly on the ground. on the ground.

Fang Yan was startled, and quickly picked it up: "Xiaobai!"

"I'm fine, master." As soon as the puppy's voice fell, a long sound came from its stomach: "Gu~~~"

"I'm just a little hungry."

It's more than a little bit! Fang Yan hurriedly carried it out of the space, and ran straight downstairs, shouting as he ran, "Uncle Butler—"

The family members were still sitting in the living room chatting after eating. When they heard his cry, they all raised their heads, thinking that something serious had happened. The butler came in response, and before he could see what happened, a hot puppy was suddenly stuffed into his hand.

"Uncle housekeeper, Xiaobai said it was hungry!"

The housekeeper was confused: "Didn't you just feed it...?"

The puppy's stomach growled at the right time. Seeing the puppy's weakness, the housekeeper couldn't understand it, so he had to hold the puppy and turn around to feed it.

Fang Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and was called by Fang's mother to sit down beside her, with a big peeled apple stuffed in her hand.

"What has Yanyan been up to lately?" The old lady asked with a smile: "Every time after school, no one is seen, and grandma can't see Yanyan anymore."

Fang Yan blurted out: "I'm farming."

The mother next to her smiled and held her forehead, worrying about the rough nerves of her youngest son.

The old lady was puzzled: "Didn't I see you in the yard recently?"

Ever since he had a space, Fang Yan knew that the vegetables in the yard were being taken care of, so Fang Yan completely ignored them, and stayed in the space whenever he had time, farming and harvesting vegetables. The speed of time in the space is different from that outside. The vegetable fields outside have not yet been harvested, but the vegetables in the space have matured. He also kept a lot of vegetables in it! Just no chance to take it out.

But my mother said, I can't tell grandma about the space.

Fang Yan choked suddenly, faltering, not knowing how to explain.

Fortunately, the family members didn't get to the bottom of it, and soon talked about other things. The old lady also fumbled and took out the candy she had secretly hidden, and quietly stuffed it into the hands of her little grandson.

Only Fang Ke glanced at him thoughtfully.