Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 28: Sell vegetables (2)


When dusk fell, Fang Yan finally closed his stall.

I don't know if his dishes are fresh, or because of the blessing of the Fang family's surname, after a day, Fang Yan actually sold a lot. Ke helped count.

When Fang Ke was counting, Fang Yan stood aside and watched eagerly, his little head shook little by little, following his movements, and seeing Fang Ke stop, he immediately said impatiently: "How is it? Brother? How much did I sell today?"

"A lot." Fang Ke said a number with a smile, and immediately saw the exaggerated surprised expression on the child's face.

That is indeed a lot!

More than all his pocket money combined!

Fang Yan only set the unit price according to the price of imported vegetables. The price of imported vegetables is not low in the first place. In addition, the quantity he sold is also quite a lot. Adding up, there is already an astronomical figure that is enough to surprise him.

Fang Huai, who was still laughing at the side, suddenly couldn't say anything. He floated over and took a look at the thick stack of banknotes, his eyes full of envy.

He never expected that his younger brother would surpass him and become the person who will make money in the family first! Fang Huai couldn't believe it. In his mind, his younger brother, Xiao Ruan Ruan Ruan, should be the one hiding behind him and being protected. Why is it suddenly the other way around, making him appear to be very useless

Obviously it's just selling vegetables... Even if it's just selling vegetables, my brother is better than him!

Fang Huai's eyes widened, wishing he could rush up and move all his toys down, and take them out to sell at a stall like his younger brother.

The old man and the old lady praised and praised their self-reliant little grandson, and even Fang Mu looked proud.

Fang's father had no choice but to secretly pull his wife into a corner, and said: "Now everyone is looking at our face, you don't know, every family has ordered vegetables in the vegetable orchard outside, waiting for the freshness during this time In the past, there will be no one to take care of Yanyan's business. You let Yanyan make trouble like this now. In the future, no one will buy vegetables with Yanyan. What if Yanyan is sad? Besides, our family only has such a small amount of food in total. Where are enough inkstones to sell?"

Mother Fang rolled his eyes at him and thought: Not only is it not enough, but it is more than enough.

Fang's father didn't know about Fang Yan's magical space, but she did. A lot of vegetables were grown there, and she was worried about how to solve it.

But she still said: "Yanyan is still just a student now, that is to take advantage of the rest day to play. After two days, it will be Monday again, and he will go to school again. How can he have so much time to sell vegetables? If you I really can't see it, so I invite another tutor for Yanyan, and let him take a few more classes, so I don't have time to think about selling vegetables."

But is Fang's father willing

Father Fang couldn't bear it.

After much deliberation, he really couldn't bear to see his scumbag son suffer from the torment of his studies. Seeing that Fang Yan was selling vegetables happily, he had no choice but to let him go.

At worst, he put on this old face and begged one by one, because he couldn't believe that no one bought Yanyan's food. No matter how bad it is, if he finds someone to sell all Yanyan's dishes, it will be enough for the children to be happy.

What Fang's father expected and unexpectedly was that Fang Yan's business did not decrease the next day.

The old grandpas and old ladies who were doing morning exercises still bought a bag of vegetables from his vegetable stand, but the number of people who bought them was much less than before. Fang Yan was not in a hurry, and sat on a small bench with his fairy tale book to read. Saying hello when there is business, watching the vegetable stalls running out of food and replenishing them, I feel at ease, but the Fang family members who are secretly watching are even more panicked than him.

At noon, after eating the lunch brought by the housekeeper, Fang Yan placed his vegetable stall in a cool place under the shade of a tree, opened his fairy tale book again, and continued to read from the place marked last time.

Before he read a few pages, the top of his head suddenly went dark, and the light was blocked by someone.

Fang Yan looked up blankly, and saw Gu Rong's face.

He smiled subconsciously, and called out sweetly, "Brother Gu."

"It's me." Gu Rong rubbed the child's hair vigorously, then moved a small bench and sat down beside him, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm selling vegetables."

"Selling vegetables?" Gu Rong raised his eyebrows: "I thought it was someone spreading rumors, but I didn't expect it to be true. You can grow so many vegetables on your small piece of land. Since these vegetables You can’t finish it when it’s cooked, you know how to sell it, but you don’t know how to send some to me?”

In fact, it was delivered.

When the vegetables in the yard were just ripe, they sent a copy to all the people they knew well, and proudly picked them up, saying that they were grown by their own family's most precious golden lump, and the Gu family naturally did not forget.

But at that point, he would finish it in one meal, and there was no way to satisfy Gu Rong.

The way he looks at these vegetables is different from other people's. He has watered, pulled out weeds, and fertilized these vegetables himself. His eyes are no different from looking at his own son. Fang Yan just sent a little to Gu's family. Is he worthy of the loving heart of his "father"

He didn't taste it himself, but was sold by the child first. Gu "father" seemed to have seen the scene of his own son being ruined.

Fang Yan covered his head and replied obediently: "Because I can't finish eating."

There are so many vegetables in the space, if you really want to eat them, you can eat them for a lifetime!

Gu Rong gritted her teeth, feeling very angry, but she couldn't say a word to the child.

He got up and ran to the small supermarket outside, bought two popsicles and came back, and sat on the bench with the child to eat.

The scorching sun at noon was hanging high above his head, Fang Yan licked the popsicle seriously, the sweet taste directly chilled his heart. He ate halfway before he remembered, raised his head and asked, "Brother Gu, what are you doing here?"

"Of course I came to see you on the way." Gu Rong gave him a sideways glance: "You just remembered to ask me now?"

Fang Yan scratched his head and continued to eat popsicles with his head down.

Gu Rong cracked the ice a few times, and swallowed the crushed ice directly. He wiped off his sweat, looked back at the child obediently sitting on the bench reading a book, and couldn't help wondering: "You Don't you feel tired? Even that kid Fang Huai knows to hide in the house, but you are fine, you can stay here all day, and you won't be afraid of heatstroke."

"I'm not afraid, Brother Gu, I'm used to it."

When he was still in the village, he had to stay outside to work even in the hottest heat, but now he just sits, which is nothing to Fang Yan.

It's just that he was tanned in the past, like a charcoal, but he put on sunscreen seriously when he went out these two days!

Gu Rong frowned: "When will you sell these dishes?"

"When it's sold out, I'll close the stall."

"Sold out?"

Gu Rong thought about it and had an idea. He stood up immediately, and before he left, he did not forget to tell the child: "Don't run around, wait here for me to come back."

He ran away after speaking.

Fang Yan was left scratching his head in wonder, not knowing what he meant.