Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 3: Entering the city (3)


200,000 is a huge sum of money, even if the Fang family can get the cash in one go, Fang Honghua dare not take it.

"I've raised Xiaobao for so many years, and now you take it away as soon as you say, can't you give us mother and son the last time together?!" The middle-aged woman who just got cheap glared at them fiercely: "Just One night, I will talk to Xiaobao a few more words, and I will let you take him away tomorrow."

"But… "

Mother Fang wanted to say something, but when her eyes touched Fang Xiaobao, she reluctantly agreed.

Ever since he heard about the 200,000, the child looked at them with hostility, as if they were not his biological parents, but enemies who separated him from the trafficker. Mother Fang's heart was extremely sour, and she only secretly regretted why the child heard those words just now.

When Yanyan returned to the capital with her, and never saw this trafficker again, he would naturally know how good they are. If they were in a hurry to take Yan Yan away, they might make Yan Yan unhappy.

The four people from Fang's family stayed in the village, while Fang Xiaobao stayed at home and spent the last night with Mama Hua.

Dinner time was especially late tonight. The Fang family left some toys behind before they left. Fang Xiaobao sat on the bed in silence and played with Transformers. And turn around.

He watched Mama Hua wash rice, chop vegetables, and cook. He even took out an egg from the chicken coop, picked up a little lard with chopsticks and spread it on the bottom of the pot, and the aroma came out of the pot. The room was extremely quiet, only the sound of Fang Honghua cooking.

Not long after, the golden fried rice came out of the pot, and Fang Xiaobao walked over in silence.

He picked up the spoon, but instead of scooping up the rice as usual, he continued to stare at her.

"What do you think I am doing?" Fang Honghua said uncomfortably: "I even added eggs for you. In the future, you will not be able to eat the meals cooked by Hua's mother, but your biological parents are rich. After they go back, they will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food, and they won't even look down on this fried rice."

"But I don't want to go back with them!" Fang Xiaobao burst into tears. He put down his spoon and kept wiping away his tears: "I just want to stay here with you, I don't want to go back with them."

"Hey, you silly boy." Fang Honghua also dropped her chopsticks, and said angrily, "Didn't you see the conditions of your biological parents? They came here with a car, a driver, and a housekeeper! It's just a good day , you insist on living a hard life with me here, are you stupid? I taught you this before?"

The child hiccupped from crying, and couldn't even speak clearly: "But...but I don't know them... woo..."

"They are your real parents. They don't know each other now, but they will know each other in the future. What are you worried about? Are you worried that they will eat you?"

The child looked at her pitifully, his eyes were wet, no matter how pitiful he looked.

Fang Honghua's tears welled up all at once. She sniffed, then wiped her eyes with her sleeve, otherwise the child would see her distressed look. She persuaded softly: "Listen to me, when did mom lie to you? You have never been out, and you don't know how hard our life is here. Your parents and their conditions are good, not only can you eat well Things, put on new clothes, and you can go to school and go to college! There are no college students in our village, you are the first one, and Mama Hua is also happy. You can also take a car and live in a beautiful and tall house, I also heard that there is something called an airplane outside that can make people fly in the sky, if you stay here, you will have nothing of these things.”

But Fang Xiaobao doesn't know anything about airplanes and cars, he can't hold too many things in his little head, he doesn't know what his future will be, he just doesn't want to leave here, and doesn't want to leave Mama Hua.

"Do you think I want you to go?" Fang Honghua couldn't help it anymore, and tears flowed: "What can I do? They are your biological parents, and they want to take you away. I want to stop them No, if I don't let you go, I'm going to jail."

If she goes to jail, she won't even care about her little treasure!

She bought Xiaobao from a human trafficker. At that time, Xiaobao was still such a small and soft ball. He was so obedient. The most beautiful and cutest child ever, she fell in love with it as soon as she saw it. She managed to pull Xiaobao to such an age, and enjoyed the family happiness. She didn't even make Xiaobao's new clothes for the New Year, and they had already come to her door.

There are so many people who buy children, why did something happen to her? !

Fang Honghua sniffed, hugged the child into her arms, gently wiped his tears, and comforted him by patting his back: "Listen to your mother, and when you get there, listen to them obediently. They can make you feel better." Live a good life. If other people bully you, you can ask them to decide, don't wrong yourself. Mom has money here, two hundred thousand, I won't move a cent, I will keep it for you, if they don't want you , our mother and I went to live a good life together."

"Then can you go with me?" the child looked up and asked her.

"That's okay. If I go, your parents will definitely be angry. If they are angry, they may throw you away."

Throw it away and throw it away, at worst, it will be fine to be picked up by Mother Hua again. Fang Xiaobao thought to himself. But he quickly thought again, what if his biological parents were angry and took Mama Hua away? !

He didn't want Hua's mother to have an accident!

With tears in his eyes, the child resisted the urge to cry loudly, and nodded in response.

Only then did Fang Honghua laugh: "Mom is waiting for you to be admitted to university and become a promising person. At that time, no one will stop you from doing what you want to do. At that time, Mom will buy you a house in the city , 200,000 can buy a big house!"

"Then I'll take you over to live with me," the child said.

Fang Honghua complied and patted his head again: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

Only then did Fang Xiaobao pick up the spoon again.

Tonight was the last meal he ate. Not only would he not be able to eat the meals cooked by Mama Hua, he might not even be able to see Mama Hua's face. He ate very carefully, not letting go of a single grain of rice, and he finally put down the spoon until the bowl was completely emptied.

From tomorrow onwards, he will no longer be Mama Hua's little treasure.

He wants to follow his biological parents to a place called the capital, where there are tall houses, big cars, and flying planes.

There is also everything that he has never touched before, which is enough to subvert his life.