Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 30: buy


Fang Yan excitedly found out the test papers that he had passed, and was immediately ridiculed by Gu Rong.

"You can even make mistakes in addition and subtraction. I think you're pretty good at counting when you're selling vegetables?" Gu Rong gritted his teeth.

The child was immediately embarrassed.

He doesn't know what's wrong, obviously when he was in school, he still had a headache about all kinds of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and he couldn't understand even adding decimal points, but when he set up a stall before, when it came to the price of vegetables, he could calculate quickly Yes, and was praised!

"You said that your brain doesn't look stupid. How come you are not enough for studying?" Gu Rong opened his homework book and saw countless bright red crosses on it. , suddenly choked.

Fang Yan quickly snatched his homework, and argued in a low voice: "I know how to farm."

"What's the use of farming?" Gu Rong couldn't help pinching his face: "Who are we? Even if you are a dude, you can find a few small companies for you to practice your skills. You have to sell vegetables under the sun? Farmers try to read books to change their fate, but you are better off, try to squeeze into other farmers’ farms.”

Fang Yan covered his face and thought in his heart: Is there anything wrong with farming

You can earn a lot!

Even if Brother Gu said it was hard work, he has already gotten used to it. Besides, there are so many useful machines in the space, Xiaobai can also help him. The hardest thing he does is probably to sell vegetables up.

But is selling vegetables hard work

Fang Yan couldn't figure it out.

Seeing the confused look on the child's face, Gu Rong scratched his head, knowing that he was too hasty.

The child is only ten years old. At Fang Huai's age, he still doesn't know where to play with mud. Yanyan is already very sensible.

It's just that he's been very irritable recently. The old man wants to throw him into the training camp all day long, in the name of training him so that he can inherit his mantle in the future, but he wants to go to the stock market with Fang Ke even more. . Recently, there happened to be a stock that seemed to be trending well. He wanted to put all his energy into it, but the old man planned to throw him into the training camp again.

The training camp was almost isolated from the outside world, and when he came out again, the day lily was cold. He told the old man what he thought, but the old man disagreed.

Before going out, he had a big fight with the old man, and walked around irritably. He suddenly thought of the news about Fang Yan he had heard recently, so he came here.

If you are not careful, you can't help but impose your own ideas on the child. His behavior seemed to be no different from that of the old man.

Gu Rong rubbed his forehead, softened his tone, and said, "But since you like it, you can do it boldly."

Fang Yan was at a loss: "I was already doing it."

His favorite thing is farming!

Watching the seeds germinate, grow up under your own cultivation, grow into seedlings, grow into mature vegetables, and finally become delicious dishes on the table, not to mention the sense of accomplishment!

The child's eyes sparkled and he was very excited.

Gu Rong's heart fluttered for no reason, he couldn't help but move closer to the child and asked, "Yanyan, what if your father doesn't allow you to farm the land?"

"Why not?"

"Like, suppose, if... if he objected, would you give up?"

"Why did you give up?" Fang Yan became more and more confused. Even if Dad objected, he could still grow vegetables in the space, since Dad didn't know he had a space anyway.

"What if your father wants you to inherit the family business?"

"Isn't there a big brother?"

"The Fang family has so many properties, your eldest brother can't do it alone?"

"Then..." Fang Yan hesitated: "If I can do it, I will help." After all, the eldest brother has helped him so much, and it is impossible for him to just watch when the eldest brother is in trouble.

Mother Hua said that the family members should help each other!

"But if you help, you will give up your hobby. You can no longer farm the land. Will you continue to do it?"

Fang Yan was silent for a moment.

For a child like him, this question was too profound.

He also doesn't understand why he can't farm the land, as long as he wants to, he can farm anytime and anywhere. Even if he can't do it in the reinforced concrete city, he can grow it in the yard. Even if he can't grow it in the yard, he can grow it in the space. Even if there is no space, he can find a few small flowerpots.

If he doesn't even have a small flower pot, he can go back to Mother Hua! Even if you can't go back every day, but only once in a while, you can still help Mama Hua!

Seeing his silence, Gu Rong suddenly collapsed. He whispered: "That's right, how old are you, yet I would ask you this question."

Even he couldn't figure it out, so how could Yanyan figure it out

Gu Rong reached out and rubbed the child's head: "I really envy you."

Fang Yan looked up at him, his round eyes were full of confusion.

He seemed to understand and said: "Brother Gu wants to farm, but Grandpa Gu disagrees?"

Gu Rong was taken aback.

The child wrinkled his whole face in annoyance: "Dad was not happy at first, but he didn't stop me in the end. Now he eats the vegetables I grow, and he is very happy to eat them. He praises me every day." Said In the end, the child was still a little embarrassed.

Gu Rong was stunned.

After a long time, he stretched out his hand again and rubbed the child's hair vigorously.

A few days later, Fang Yan heard about Gu Rong again.

I heard that he had a big fight with Grandpa Gu. The old man was so angry that he broke his crutches, and threatened to sever relations with him. Say nothing. All of a sudden, everyone was talking about it.

But Fang Yan has no time to take care of this matter.


His vegetable selling business has ushered in a new peak!

Since setting up a stall for two days on weekends, he had to stop selling vegetables because of the arrival of Monday. Unexpectedly, when he returned home after school on Monday, the door was blocked by neighbors who came to the door.

"This is Yanyan, right?"

"Oh, Yanyan looks so cute."

"It's very powerful at first glance, very different from our kid."

Those familiar old grandpas and old ladies touched his head with a smile, and touched his docile hair like a chicken coop. Fang Yan hurriedly ran behind Fang Mu with his head in his arms, hiding behind her and watching everyone , his face was full of bewilderment.

"Mom?" He called weakly.

Mother Fang patted him and comforted him: "It's okay, Yanyan, don't be afraid, these grandparents are here to buy food from you."

"Shopping for food?"

"That's right." Grandpa Li snapped up and said, "We bought some vegetables from Yanyan last time, and they tasted good when we went back to eat them. We couldn't taste the delicious taste when we ate other vegetables later, so We're here to buy food with Yanyan."

He also said that it was low, not only was it delicious, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a masterpiece in the world.

People like them have never eaten any good things, even if the vegetables they eat are all kinds of excellent varieties, but this is the first time they are amazed by an ordinary vegetable. It's like an addictive poppy, but if you haven't eaten it for a day, you will miss it terribly, so before the day is over, after finding out the reason, you immediately ran towards Fang's house.

On the way here, they also met other people with the same purpose, and they were even more anxious, for fear that if they were a step too late, they would not be able to buy the dishes they wanted.

After all, the Fang family's yard is only that small in total, and the vegetables grown are limited. If they run slowly, who knows if there will be any more!

"You all want to buy vegetables from me?" Fang Yan poked his head out from behind his mother, and he glanced at everyone. They were all residents of this community and regular customers of his vegetable stall. He looked up at Fang Mu again, asking for her opinion.

Fang's mother said: "Yanyan can decide for himself."

"Mom, I'm fine."

Fang's mother touched his head, then raised her head and said to everyone: "You have also seen that our inkstone is so small, it is not easy to grow such an order of vegetables, and the vegetables in the field are almost eaten up, even if you I want to buy it, but I can’t sell it to you.”

When everyone heard the words, they were immediately disappointed.

But what's going on in the yard, they can also see that Fang's mother is not telling lies.

"However, if you really want it so much, I can still get you vegetables of the same quality, which taste the same as what you have eaten these days, but you will have to wait for a while."

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately.