Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 446: Time passed in the blink of an eye


Fang Yan and Gu Rong stayed in the ecological park for many days, walked every corner of the unfinished ecological park, and finally returned to the capital.

They were in a hurry when they left, and Fang Yan didn't ask for a few days' leave. During this period, Professor Huang called specially, and he verbally asked for a long leave. As soon as he got home, Professor Huang immediately heard the news and came Fang Yan dragged her back to school.

There was a state banquet earlier, and later he was taken away by Gu Rong. Fang Yan hadn't been back to school for a long time. When he appeared, for some reason, he even attracted the attention of countless people.

Fang Yan has always been not very sensitive to other people's sight, and he knows many things belatedly, but this time, everyone's sight is too obvious, making it difficult for him not to pay attention.

Fang Yan was puzzled by this.

Taking advantage of the time when a certain class was over, he went to Wan Lin, and only then did he find out the reason for the sudden attention.

"Isn't it because of the state banquet?" Wan Lin said, "Look, everyone only knew that you were very good before, but there are many good people in our school. I paid attention, but I didn’t pay much attention to it. You also know that our school also has a well-known alumnus—Gu Rong. He founded such a large company from scratch when he was in school. Although your green field is big, it has been so many years. Now, I also know that it was left to you by your family, so everyone was excited and curious, but they didn't say anything."

"Then why is it different now?"

"National banquet, that's a state banquet!" Wan Lin said with longing: "In one's life, there are opportunities to get in touch with successful entrepreneurs, but the chances to get in touch with state banquets are really rare."

The state banquet is not held every year. In the past few years, there has only been one such occasion, but this one opportunity was taken by Luye and Xingyi Restaurant.

Everyone is also a person who reads the news on the Internet every day, so they naturally know what a great honor the state banquet is. At first, they only regarded Fang Yan as a classmate with a successful career, but now, after Lu Ye and the state banquet are related, Fang Yan is nothing A successful student.

But a classmate with a very successful career!

This is a state banquet!

As a citizen of the country, anyone who is patriotic can't help but feel excited. Looking at Fang Yan again, his eyes are different.

Wan Lin patted him on the shoulder and said, "Your status is different now. Don't feel that everyone is very excited. If you came to school again when the state banquet was first held, everyone might just throw you up. gone."

Fang Yan: "..."

"You are wise for not coming to school for such a long time. After the baptism of time, you see, everyone has become much more reserved."

Fang Yan looked back at the students around him.

Their eyes were excited, and as soon as they met Fang Yan's eyes, the excitement in their eyes could almost turn into reality, and some of them were more emotional, and even stood up directly.

Fang Yan: "..."

"You see, everyone used to admire Gu Rong, but now, even if Gu Rong is here, I don't think he is as popular as you." Wan Lin paused, then couldn't help but said: "You are at home Will there be any pressure when looking at each other?"


Wan Lin rubbed his chin and said, "But you are all successful entrepreneurs now. If there is an award for the city's outstanding youth, I think you two can be on stage to receive the award at the same time. It's pressure, it's better to say it's excellent." people are also attracted to each other?"

Fang Yan was taken aback when he heard that.

Fortunately, the short break between classes ended, the bell for class rang, and he returned to his seat.

Fang Yan was not used to the suddenly enthusiastic attitude of his classmates. Fortunately, he endured it for a few days. As time passed, everyone's attitude became more and more normal, so he quickly adapted to it again.

After the enthusiasm for the state banquet completely disappeared, Fang Yan devoted himself to study and work again. The green field is still developing steadily. Whenever he is free, he and Gu Rongfei will go to the ecological park to see the construction progress of everyone in the ecological park. Every time he goes there, there are many changes compared to the last time he saw it. Fang Yan was very excited every time he saw it.

As the green field grew bigger and bigger, Fang's mother worried that he would be exhausted due to busy work, so she specially recruited two people to transfer to the green field to help him share the work. With the help of two people, Fang Yan undoubtedly felt much more relaxed, and had more time to spend with Gu Rong.

Fang Yan has always been very low-key, hidden from everyone, except that he has been on the hot searches a few times because of Fang Huai, there is no time when he is too prominent. Wan Lin was right. In his junior year, he and Gu Rong actually went on stage together to receive an outstanding youth award.

Time passed by in the blink of an eye, the time in college passed quickly, and soon it was his graduation ceremony.

In the second half of his senior year, Fang Yan stopped going to school and devoted himself to his work. When he received a call from Wan Lin asking him to attend the graduation ceremony, he almost didn't realize it.

"Mr. Fang, you must have forgotten about this matter." Wan Lin bluffed on the phone: "The class group notified you early in the morning, so I knew you probably didn't read the group news. I specially called you to confirm, and it really is the case."

Fang Yan glanced at the calendar, feeling guilty.

"I know you're a busy person, so don't say anything else, just come here directly." Wan Lin urged on the phone: "Hurry up, we're still on stage."

Fang Yan responded, and after hanging up the phone, he picked up the suit jacket that was put aside and walked out.

Three years has given him a more mature look, the immaturity on his face has faded, and he has become a little more stable. After he put all his focus on the green field, his handsome face has become a little more His imposing manner, even the employees below who often praised him behind his back, were trembling when they saw him and dared not say a word.

Fang Yan pushed the door and went out, met several employees saying hello to him, he nodded one by one, walked into the elevator quickly.

When they got to the parking lot, Gu Rong was already waiting in front of the car.