Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 48: reason


The little girls pestered Fang Yan for a long time, but they didn't find out why.

Because even Fang Yan himself didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing that he hesitated and couldn't give a reason, the little girls thoughtfully changed the topic, and soon talked about other things, and in the blink of an eye, they forgot this matter. The children accepted new things very quickly. After one morning, everyone accepted the fact that Fang Yan suddenly looked better, and they didn't make a fuss anymore. Then there was nothing.

However, the fact that his appearance has improved has brought some benefits to Fang Yan. The specific performance is that there are more girls who like to play with him.

As soon as the last class in the morning was over, the little girls immediately called out his name, went to the cafeteria in droves, occupied a long table in the cafeteria, and kindly gave him the food they thought was delicious. The food was distributed to him, and after a while, Fang Yan's bowl was piled up into a hill.

Naturally, Fang Yan didn't waste the kindness of the little girls, his belly swelled after eating, and he could barely walk, so the little girls mercifully let him go back to the classroom to rest on his stomach. And the little girls went to play in the school garden by themselves again.

Fang Yan didn't really go to rest either. When the others left the classroom, he immediately ran out to a corner where there was no one outside, and then entered the space.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai!" As soon as he entered the space, he immediately shouted Xiaobai's name.

Xiaobai quickly sensed his call and ran out from the corner: "What's wrong? Master?"

Fang Yan hurriedly hugged him, and told the strange thing that happened to him: "I just fell asleep, why did it become like this, is it because of the Lingquan?"

He still remembers it! Xiaobai said that the spirit spring had the effect of improving physical fitness, so he put a drop in the water glass before going to bed, but he didn't expect that after waking up, he would be completely changed. After thinking about it, Fang Yan felt that it should be because of the spiritual spring.

Sure enough, Xiaobai quickly admitted: "Yes, I have already told the master that Lingquan can improve physical fitness and strengthen the body. Doesn't the master feel that my physical strength is much better today?"

Fang Yan thought for a while, and it was true. There was also a physical education class in the morning, and the teacher led them to run around the playground. When other students were panting, he only sweated a little. Because his physical strength was already better than that of his classmates, he didn't care.

"But does physical fitness include being beautiful?" Fang Yan's whole face was wrinkled: "I almost can't recognize myself."

"Of course it is. In the future, everyone will look beautiful, without any blemishes on their bodies, and their skin will be white and tender. Nutrients can improve their physique, and naturally they can also remove impurities in their bodies. All beauty products work well!" Xiao Bai raised his head proudly.

Fang Yan thought of the black mud that appeared on his body when he woke up in the morning, probably this is what Xiaobai said was the impurities in his body.

"Besides, the master looks better now than before, and there must be more people who like the master! The person who usually likes to trouble the director didn't even say a word to the master today. It must be because the master is good-looking, so Sorry to bully Master again!" Xiao Bai wagged his tail excitedly.

"Du Hang?"

Fang Yan thought for a while, indeed, in normal times, Du Hang would definitely jump over to trouble him, maybe even call him a sissy, but today he didn't say a word to him, Fang Yan didn't see him all morning his silhouette.

Strange, this is not at all like the usual Du Hang.

Fang Yan couldn't figure it out, is it really because he looks good

After returning to the classroom, Fang Yan couldn't help but focus on Du Hang.

Du Hang's seat was separated from him by an entire classroom, and unless Du Hang deliberately walked over to his seat, the two of them would never meet. Today Fang Yan deliberately walked past him, but Du Hang still lay on the table without saying a word, as if he hadn't seen him at all.

It's so weird.

Although he usually hated Du Hang, his classmate became very strange, and Fang Yan couldn't help but focus on him. Throughout the afternoon, he frequently looked in Du Hang's direction.

But no matter how many times he looked at it, Du Hang never raised his head to meet his gaze.

How strange!

Fang Yan didn't think of a reason until after school.

He originally wanted to ask Du Hang if he had offended him somewhere else, but when the bell rang after school, Du Hang quickly picked up his schoolbag and ran out. Before Fang Yan could react, he rushed went downstairs.

Fang Yan had no choice but to get on the car home with his own doubts.

After seeing him for a day, Fang Huai couldn't help stretching out his hand to him, holding him in his arms and pinching his face.

"It can be regarded as waiting until after school. I have been holding back all day today, and I just want to know how the inkstone is maintained, and why the skin has become so good overnight." Fang Huai said, couldn't help touching his face, touching When a new pimple appeared on his face, he felt depressed again.

At the same time, it was born by the same parents, how could Yanyan look good when he woke up, but when he woke up, he only had an extra pimple

Ever since he bought the guitar, Fang Huai has become a sensitive boy. Not only is he obsessed with music every day, but he also cares a little more about his own image. He has to make himself look very handsome every day before he is willing to go out.

"Okay, don't tease Yanyan." Fang Ke reluctantly hugged his younger brother and helped him escape Fang Huai's clutches: "Yanyan is still so young, what can he understand? It should be used by his mother last night." What kind of skin care product?"

"Nonsense, I'm also taking care of it, why doesn't the effect seem to be as good as Yanyan?"

"Yanyan is only ten years old, how old are you?"

Fang Huai choked, and was immediately speechless.

The car carried the three of them back home. As soon as the car stopped, Fang Yan immediately pushed the car and ran down, pedaling all the way to the house, for fear of being caught by someone again and asking questions about skin care products.

Fortunately, after a day of mental preparation, everyone in the family stopped asking him about this matter.

Only Mother Fang knocked on the door of his room when he was about to turn off the lights and go to bed at night.

Mother Fang's eyes were eager, but she said gently and softly: "Yanyan promised mother in the morning that she would tell her, Yanyan probably forgot, right?"