Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 50: Strange Du Hang


The physique of both myself and my mother has been improved, and it is far from the truth that I can monopolize the benefits. Fang Yan quickly thought of a way to improve the physique of his family members without exposing his spiritual spring.

Fang's family drinks water ordered from outside. There are many people in the family and they drink quickly. They need to order new water within a few days. When the new bottled water arrived, he took a closer look under the pretext of being curious, and secretly dropped a drop of spiritual spring water into the bottled water while the others were not paying attention.

A drop of colorless and odorless nutrient solution melted into the water, and soon disappeared without anyone noticing, Fang Yan ran away in a hurry.

This bucket of water is placed in the living room, and anyone can drink it, so after a few days, the health of everyone in the family has improved, and there is no such thing as Fang Mu and Fang Yan, who wake up with so much water. The black mud, the process is step by step, no one has noticed anything wrong, only Grandpa Fang occasionally chanted, and his body has become stronger recently.

After drinking a bucket of water, Fang Yan found the same excuse again, and dripped Lingquan water into the bucket of water.

Later, he did it a few more times, and gradually got used to it. Every time he changed the water, he would go up and take a look.

A few days later, it was time for the weekly nature class.

Last time the teacher gave marks to all the little flowers of all races, and when the class was held this week, everyone's marks came out.

Before the teacher reported the grades, Wenwen raised her hand first and asked, "Teacher, what about Fang Yan's grades?"

Everyone knows that Fang Yan's little flower was pulled out by someone just the day before the teacher was going to give the grade. Everyone was talking about it, and the female detective team headed by Wenwen went to find the murderer of the flower-plucking case, but they searched and searched, but found nothing.

At that time, the teacher said that the flowers Fang Yan planted were the best in the class. Everyone could see what his flowers looked like. Even if the flowers were pulled out, she would still get good grades. Wenwen was very concerned about this, so before the teacher reported the results, she couldn't wait to ask.

The teacher said softly: "Fang Yan's flowers are the most beautiful ones. Of course I scored them. Fang Yan's score is the highest in the class, 100 points."


Immediately, all the children looked at him enviously.

Fang Yan puffed out her belly in embarrassment, and she was very proud in her heart: what he is best at is farming, if he can't even grow flowers better than others, it would be a shame to Mother Hua!

It's just a pity that although the other children are not the first, they can still go home with small flower pots and give the flowers they carefully planted to their parents, but he is gone, and his flowers are covered by others. After picking them, the small flower pots that I originally wanted to give to my mother turned into a large bouquet bought by a flower shop.

Although the big bouquet is pretty, he didn't plant it himself after all.

The question that confused Fang Yan before reappeared in his mind.

Who plucked his flowers

Apart from Fang Yan, the one who got the highest score for planting flowers was Wenwen, and she also got the envy of everyone.

After class, Wenwen ran to Fang Yan's side immediately, and sighed: "I don't know who pulled your flowers. I haven't found them after searching for a long time. What a pity. Your flowers are so beautiful. The ones everyone planted look much better, if you give it to your mother, your mother will definitely like it very much."

Fang Yan also gave a somewhat disappointed "hmm".

"If I find that flower-plucking thief, I will definitely not let him go!" Wenwen waved her fist righteously, and said angrily: "I hate this kind of bad boy who bullies others the most, so I will fight with Du Hang." Just as bad!"

"Du Hang?"

Fang Yan was puzzled, wondering where Du Hang offended her again.

"Yeah, don't you know? Du Hang secretly put glue on Xiao Jing's chair, which made Xiao Jing unable to stand up after sitting down. We took a lot of effort to remove the glue on her chair. "Wenwen was indignant; "Why do you think Du Hang likes to bully people so much? It's a pity that he didn't bully me, otherwise I would have to teach him a lesson."

Wenwen was really furious when her friend was bullied! But Xiaojing stopped them from taking revenge, so Wenwen stared with anger, but she still couldn't bring trouble to Du Hang openly.

But Du Hang was reluctant to bully her. Fang Yan thought to himself: Wenwen is Du Hang's little goddess, once Wenwen gets angry, he dare not do anything, let alone play pranks on Wenwen.

It's really strange, he was the one Du Hang liked to bully the most before, why is he bullying Xiaojing now

Fang Yanzhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Xiaojing is one of Wenwen's little friends, as her name suggests, she is gentle and quiet, even if she is bullied, she will only cry aggrievedly, and will not resist at all. But she has no grievances with Du Hang, why did Du Hang start bullying her

Could it be my own fault

Because he and Wenwen became good friends, Du Hang always came to trouble him out of boys' jealousy. Fang Yan couldn't explain why Du Hang suddenly changed, but his intuition told him that there must be something wrong in the middle. What happened that he didn't know about

What the hell happened to you

When Fang Yan thought about it, he went to ask. As soon as school was over at noon, after eating, he took a stroll outside. When he returned to the classroom, he saw Du Hang sitting on his seat, so he immediately walked over and pulled the chair at the front desk to sit. down.

Fang Yan took a deep breath, and was about to ask him if something happened during this time, but before he could say the first word, Du Hang jumped up violently in response, and in the panic, his knees were heavy The ground bumped into the desk, making a loud noise, but Du Hang didn't care at all, he hurriedly pushed away the chair, and quickly ran out of the classroom without saying a word to Fang Yan.

Fang Yan: "..."

The words he hadn't spoken were stuck in his throat.

The child touched his face blankly, looked around, and other children were already attracted by the movement from their side.

Fang Yan couldn't help asking: "Do I look scary?"

Of course not!

The children shook their heads vigorously.

Then why did Du Hang run away as soon as he saw him

Fang Yan couldn't help touching his face again, feeling extremely wronged.

He is not a big monster, why is Du Hang so afraid of him