Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 57: Vocal teacher


Gu Rong came back once, then left again.

He had told the school that he didn't have to come back except for important exams, so now he spends most of his time on his own career, carrying a piggy bank to speculate in stocks, and the stocks he fancy are big The increase, the principal suddenly doubled several times.

With the start-up capital, he started to start his own plan.

Fang Yan didn't know about Gu Rong's actions, but Gu Rong's appearance this time reminded him of the big flower he had planted in the space.

After returning from school that day, he immediately got into the space.

Because of the watering of the spiritual spring, most of the flowers in the space are blooming, and the flowers of various colors bloom together, competing for beauty and beauty, which is very beautiful.

It's just that Fang Yan went to look at the place where a large orchid was planted. After observing for a long time, he couldn't see anything special. He even called his smart butler over: "Xiaobai, come over and have a look. Do you think this orchid can sell for hundreds of thousands?"

Hearing his barking, Xiao Bai immediately ran over, and the white puppy ran up to him with small steps, and then braked sharply, almost crashing into the flowerbed. It also followed what Fang Yan said, and carefully observed the entire flower garden, then shook its head and said, "Master, Xiaobai can't see any difference."

One is a high-tech smart housekeeper in the future, who only has data in his eyes, and the other is a fake farmer who grew up in the village. Apart from being able to say the word "good-looking", the two really have no appreciation.

One person and one dog sighed towards the flower garden.

The little white dog quickly remembered something, turned around and ran out with his buttocks twisted. After a while, he ran back again, biting Fang Yan's clothes and leading him away.

Fang Yan was pulled by it to the other side of the flower garden. When he looked at it, he found a very conspicuous small flower pot. The small flower pot was carefully selected and brought back from the flower shop. The one he planted in the school's small garden was just as beautiful.

"It's already blooming?" Fang Yan picked up the small flower pot in surprise, and then went out of the space and ran downstairs: "I'm going to show it to my mother."

All the other children gave their mother the flowers they planted, but he didn't. Although he said it was fine, he was also very disappointed!


Xiaobai also followed with four short legs.

After dinner, the family was sitting in the living room, listening to Fang Huai talking about the guitar to them. The simple and brisk melody floated in the living room, and everyone was fascinated by it, when suddenly they heard a burst of chaotic footsteps, interrupting their conversation Attention, I heard the sound and looked over.

I saw Fang Yan running down the stairs happily holding a small flower pot, followed by Xiao Bai stumbling along, stepping on the floor with six legs, and making a loud noise when running down the stairs. For a moment, everyone looked at Fang Yan and Xiao Bai, and even Fang Huai stopped.

"Yanyan, come here." Mother Fang waved to him gently.

Fang Yan hurried over and sat down on the seat beside her. Before Fang's mother could speak, he immediately lifted up the small flower pot in his hand: "Mom, here it is for you."

"Give it to me?" Mother Fang took it in surprise.

Not long ago, she just received a large bouquet from her little son. There are all kinds of flowers in it, and there are many kinds of flowers with high prices. But now the small flowerpot received is nothing special, but the flowerpot is a little cuter. The flowers planted are more brilliant, and there is nothing special about them.

Whether it is expensive or cheap, Fang Mu is very happy to accept it.

"Thank you Yanyan." She said, looking around, looking for a suitable place to put the small flowerpot.

Fang Huai hugged his guitar, pretending to be depressed and said: "Yan Yan is really eccentric, he only sends flowers to his mother, not his second brother. When other people perform, there will still be flowers from the audience and fans. "

Just now, Fang Huai had the illusion that his brother was here to give him flowers when he saw his younger brother appearing with a small flower pot in his hands. He also played a wrong note in a panic, wondering if it would be too strange to take a flower pot, but who knows that he didn't even get a single flower petal in the end.

"This one is different." Fang Yan said with a flushed face, "This is a flower planted in the school, and everyone gave it to my mother."

What's more, he originally planned to give it to his mother!

"Flowers in the school?" Fang Huai wondered, "Didn't someone pull out your flowers?"


Fang Yan said "Oops", and quickly covered his mouth, only staring at Fang Huai with a pair of round eyes, like a frightened little squirrel.

His space is very magical, and the flowers were replanted in a short period of time. My mother knew it, but my second brother didn't know it!

Fang Yan glanced around in a panic, not knowing how to answer Fang Huai's question. He looked around, and had no choice but to look towards Fang's mother next to him for help.

Fang's mother touched his head calmly, and said: "Because of the school's nature class, Yan Yan has recently started to learn to plant flowers. Not only have this potted flowers, but there will be more in the future. I am still planting fruits and vegetables. I found a place in the garden for his flowers."

The vegetable and fruit garden is Yanyan's business. Fang's mother and Fang Ke have been busy working there. The others have not seen it with their own eyes. Now they heard what Fang's mother said, so they nodded and stopped asking.

Fang's father asked again: "Where did you just play? Did you give up buying music?"

Of course not!

Fang Huai lifted his spirits, picked up the guitar and started playing again.

Fang’s mother restricted his pocket money, and he has always been used to being extravagant. The pocket money he just got this month disappeared after a while. Last month, he bought the sheet music he wanted, but this month he has it again. New wish, I want to invite a vocal teacher to teach him vocal music. After much deliberation, Fang Huai came up with a new idea to make money as a vocal teacher by selling singing.

What he sells is a simple piece that he has just learned, and the audience is naturally his family members.

Regarding his decision to rely on his own labor in exchange for remuneration, the family members agreed with both hands, so after Fang Yan went upstairs, Fang Huai pulled a chair, played for everyone, and asked everyone to rate and decide whether to give it to him or not. He hired a vocal teacher.

Just now he played halfway, but was interrupted by his younger brother. For his own score, Fang Huai hurriedly continued to play.

The brisk little tune sounded again.

For his new hobby, Fang Huai is very serious, as if he has found a new goal in life, and he is more focused than ever. He spent a lot of time and hurt his fingers countless times by the strings. Now he can play like Looks good.

A song is not long, Fang Huai played it again, and it didn't take long for it to end.

Fang Yan was fascinated by it, and after the music disappeared, he clapped his hands very hard, which made Fang Huai very embarrassed.

"Yanyan also thinks it sounds good?"

"Yeah!" Fang Yan nodded vigorously, and his little head shook like a double image.

He doesn't have much appreciation ability, he just thinks it sounds good. But this is enough.

Fang Huai pursed his lips in embarrassment and smiled, shy and introverted, and looked at the others expectantly.

Mother Fang held the small flowerpot and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll invite you. But we have agreed in advance that if you later regret it or skip class, the teacher's money will be deducted from your future living expenses."

A good vocal teacher is not cheap, maybe there will be no living expenses for a whole year!

But Fang Huai was full of confidence in himself, and he agreed immediately without thinking too much about it.

"Don't worry, the next time you see me, I'll already be singing on TV."