Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 58: miss


Mother Fang kept her promise, and the vocal teacher came to the house the next day.

Fang Huai's free time was quickly taken up by vocal music lessons, he didn't even chase after the chickens and ducks raised in the yard, and stayed in the room all day, learning from the vocal music teacher. Fang Yan sneaked a few times through the crack of the door, and each time he could hear Fang Huai and his teacher playing high notes together. He couldn't understand, and he retracted his head after listening for a long time.

Fang Huai suddenly became busy, and Gu Rong couldn't see anyone all day long. Fang Ke started to participate in the Fang family's business. Whenever he had time, he followed Fang's father to study, and became busy. Such a comparison makes Fang Yan look very leisurely.

As soon as Fang Yan was free, he felt that Fang's house was extraordinarily empty.

The Fang family is very large. Each master's room, as well as the maid's and housekeeper's rooms, as well as rooms for various purposes, add up to several floors, and each floor has several rooms. Usually when there are many people, it is very lively, but when there are fewer people and the space is empty, it feels extraordinarily large.

On a Saturday when there was no school, Fang Yan sat on the stairs and sighed.

Down the stairs is the living room. Mother Fang is sitting on the sofa watching TV with Grandma Fang. When she heard his sigh, she immediately raised her head to look at him, and waved to him with a smile: "Yanyan, come here quickly."

Hearing this, Fang Yan stood up and ran downstairs.

Mother Fang pulled him to sit beside her, and the butler immediately brought a plate of snacks to him.

Fang Yan didn't have much appetite, he only tasted two mouthfuls, then put down the cake fork, and pushed the cake towards the center of the coffee table.

The youngest son is not such a person who wastes food so casually. It is probably a habit he has developed since he was a child. He is very economical. As long as it is in his own bowl, he will eat everything. When he first came home, everyone did not know his habit. , kept putting things into his bowl, so Fang Yan was overwhelmed every time. Seeing that the child is full and still trying to eat, everyone gradually understands. Every time they eat, they will pay attention to him from the corner of their eyes, and estimate his appetite in their hearts. Once it is almost the child's appetite When the time comes, he will stop adding things to his bowl.

Mother Fang glanced at the clock. He didn't eat much at noon, and now it's several hours before lunch. Logically speaking, the youngest son should be a little hungry already.

She couldn't help but soften her tone, and asked softly, "What's the matter? Don't you have an appetite?"

"Hmm..." Fang Yan thought for a while and nodded.

Mother Fang's tone became lighter: "What is Yanyan thinking about, tell mom, mom can still help you."

Fang Yan shook his head.

He didn't know why he was suddenly depressed, he couldn't explain, but he just felt a little bored, and then he didn't even feel good.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Fang's mother guessed secretly, but she couldn't figure it out. After deliberation, she simply diverted the youngest son's attention: "Does Yanyan still remember her vegetable and fruit garden?"

Fang Yan: "I remember, Mom."

"It's been a long time since my mother took Yanyan to the vegetable and fruit garden last time, and now there are many new things there, do you want Yanyan to go with her mother?" Fang's mother pretended to be mysterious: "Sure There are things that Yanyan has never seen."

"Something you haven't seen?"

Fang Yan thought for a while, and quickly agreed.

The primary school student doesn't have much homework. He has always been very diligent. He finished all his homework last night under the guidance of his elder brother. He originally planned to go to play with Du Hang today. Unexpectedly, Du Hang flatly rejected him, saying that he wanted to Practice ball skills with other friends. So he has nothing else to do.

There is nothing left and right, it is better to go out and play with my mother.

He nodded, and Fang's mother immediately called the driver and sent the two to the vegetable and fruit garden.

The last time they were there, the vegetable and fruit garden had just been bought, and it was simply arranged. Now that all the personnel are in place, all kinds of vegetables have been planted in all the fields, and a large piece of land has been reserved for Fang Yan to plant flowers in the future. . Even in the breeding garden next to it, the daily work has started in an orderly manner.

Fang's mother walked with him, and said: "In a short time, this place will be ready to open. The vegetables grown by Yanyan before are delicious and everyone likes them very much, so the grandparents in the community have placed orders here , when it opens in the future, we will send fruits and vegetables there on a regular basis every day."

Fang Yan watched intently, seeing the vegetables that had grown out of the ground, he immediately felt better.

Mother Fang secretly said: "Thanks to the seeds Yan Yan took out from the space, those seeds are better than ordinary seeds, not only the vegetables grow faster, but the vegetables grown are also delicious - although there is no way to compare with those grown in the space. , but it is also much better than ordinary vegetables, I believe everyone will like it."

It was also because these vegetables grew so fast that they opened much earlier than she expected, and everyone became busy.

Mother Fang took him to the breeding garden next door.

The animals in the breeding garden are all ordinary animals. They haven't been transformed in space, so the growth rate is nothing special. However, the chickens in the chicken coop have already started to lay eggs, and they can harvest a lot every day.

Mother Fang took him to see the stored eggs.

Fang Yan didn't know anything about business, but when he saw those eggs, his eyes finally lit up!

Because of the large number of chickens, many eggs can be harvested every day, and countless eggs can be saved in just a day or two.

He knows the value of eggs best!

When he and Mama Hua were still in the small mountain village, they raised a few chickens. They didn’t eat well, and the chickens didn’t eat well, and they didn’t lay eggs very often. If they didn’t lay eggs, he and Mama Hua would both Store them carefully, and when you save up a full basket, you can go to the town to sell eggs for money, which is still a big income for their family!

They are usually reluctant to eat eggs, only occasionally there are some big happy events - such as his birthday, for example, he got 100 points in the exam, and such days, Mother Hua is willing to take out eggs.

For example, on the day he left Mama Hua, Mama Hua fried rice for him with eggs and put a little lard on the bottom of the pot, which was delicious.

Fang Yan licked his lips, as if recalling the taste of the fried rice that day.

It was the best fried rice he had ever eaten.

Even here, the uncle in the kitchen used delicious seafood, delicious meat, and fried rice made with luxurious ingredients, but it was not as fragrant as the bowl of fried rice made with lard and eggs made by Hua's mother.

He wants to spend his mother.