Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 74: help


Fang Yan quickly found something to do.

Without his help, Fang Honghua was a bit overwhelmed with taking care of the whole house by herself. He walked around and found that the water in the tank was gone, and the firewood piled in the corner was almost gone, so he immediately started to move his hands.

In the past, of course, he didn't do these things. No matter how much work he did, he was only a ten-year-old child, and he didn't have the strength to carry a bucket or chop firewood.

But it's different now, and now there is the second brother to help him!

Fang Yan found out the bucket and pole with sparkling eyes, and looked towards Fang Huai.

Fang Huai took it and asked casually, "Are you going to fetch water? I only saw it on TV. How much do you have to pick?"

Fang Yan pointed to the large water tank in the yard, Fang Huai glanced at it, and suddenly felt his feet go limp. The tank was more than one meter high, and it was almost empty. I don't know how many buckets of water it would take to fill it up.

Just as he was about to pretend to refuse, he heard his younger brother say: "Those water tanks, please leave to the second brother!"

What? ! More than one? ! Fang Huai's eyes widened, and he looked in disbelief, and he saw three identical water tanks lined up in a row, waiting for him to fetch water.

Fang Huai's eyes immediately showed despair.

But his younger brother looked at him with expectant eyes, and he couldn't refuse if he wanted to. After all, he just praised himself in front of his younger brother. If he repented now, wouldn't he want to slap himself in the face? What's more, Fang Huai couldn't accept letting his younger brother, a ten-year-old child, carry water.

Facing his younger brother's expectant gaze, Fang Huai's heart was hardened, and he nodded in agreement.

Fang Yan cheered, carried the pole and bucket on his back, and led him out the door. Fang Ke hurriedly followed, waiting for Fang Huai to help when he needed help later.

Fang Yan led the two of them to the well at the entrance of the village, and asked Fang Huai to put down the bucket. He immediately touched the lever of the well, grabbed the lever and turned it round and round, turning the bucket from the bottom up. As soon as he tried hard, Fang Ke took it.

"Brother?" Fang Yan looked up at him, then stepped back obediently and let him take over.

The weight of a whole bucket of water is difficult for him, a ten-year-old kid, but Fang Ke is already a third-year student in high school, and his strength is much stronger than him, so he easily helped turn the whole bucket of water up. Holding the bucket, he poured the water into the bucket he brought, then put it back again, and poured another bucket of water.

Bucket after bucket of water was filled to the brim with the two buckets that he had brought, and Fang Huai's efforts were needed next.

He gritted his teeth, put the pole across his shoulders, straightened his body with force, and the two buckets filled with water left the ground.

Fang Huai adjusted his posture, and slowly moved towards Fang Honghua's house step by step.

The veins on the back of his hand were throbbing, it was obvious that he had used a lot of strength. Fang Ke glanced at him worriedly, and said, "If you can't carry it, let me do it."

"Farewell, I agreed to recite it, so you don't want to rob me." Fang Huai joked bitterly: "You said that if I recite it so many times, I won't grow taller in the future, right? ?”

He is not yet an adult, and he is not as tall as Fang Ke yet, so he can still jump up!

Fang Ke was helpless: "It can grow."

Fang Huai felt relieved.

The three of them returned home and poured water from the bucket into the tank, which was soon filled to one-third full. Fang Huai looked at the size of the three water tanks, then looked at the buckets, and lifted them up again helplessly.

The first time I did it, I felt very tired, but the second time I did it, I got used to it, and it took a lot less time than the first time. After only two trips, his physical strength was exhausted, and Fang Huai rested again. It took a long time before continuing for the third time.

By the time he filled all three water tanks, he was too tired to speak.

He sat on the bench to rest for a while, and saw his younger brother approaching the firewood pile in the yard with a big axe. That ax was really big, half the height of his brother's body, and it looked very sharp. Fang Huai didn't take a breath, and his heart immediately hung up.

He rushed over quickly, snatched the big ax from his younger brother's hand, and asked in a panic: "Yan Yan, what are you doing with this ax?!"

"I want to chop firewood." Fang Yan pointed to a pile of wood next to him and said, "There is almost no firewood at home."

Fang Huai: "..."

"You can't let you do this kind of thing." He said, pushing his brother aside, holding the heavy ax in his hand, looking at the pile of firewood, swallowing, drooling, and saying: "I'll do it , you sit next to me."

"Really?" Fang Yan glanced at him worriedly: "Second brother, can you really do it?"

He was actually questioned by his younger brother about his ability! Fang Huai disagreed. He immediately puffed up his chest and patted his chest proudly, expressing that he was absolutely fine.

But after finally comforting his younger brother and letting him sit on the small bench in the yard, Fang Huai immediately became worried. He has never chopped firewood before, and he has not recovered his physical strength from carrying so many buckets of water just now. Fang Huai looked back with a bitter face, and found that his younger brother was looking at this side, and turned his head back with a crying face.

As soon as he was cruel, he gritted his teeth, picked up a piece of wood and put it on the big stake, and was about to chop it with the axe. Suddenly, his hand lightened. When he looked up, he saw Fang Ke standing beside him, who was still in his hand just now. Fang Ke's ax had already reached Fang Ke's hands before he knew it.

"you… "

"Let me come." Fang Ke said, "You rest beside me."

Fang Huai could finally feel the benefits of having a brother. He glanced at Fang Ke gratefully, without refusing, hurriedly returned to sit down beside Fang Yan, and watched his elder brother busy with his younger brother.

Fang Ke has never neglected to exercise. He is a few years older than Fang Huai, and he is much stronger than Fang Huai. Now he rolls up his sleeves high, puts a piece of wood on the stake, swings an ax and chops, and the wood splits into two halves.

The two younger brothers sitting next to him immediately clapped their hands excitedly.

Fang Ke glanced at Fang Huai and saw the same excitement and admiration on Fang Huai's face as the ten-year-old Fang Yan next to him, and turned his head back speechlessly.

No matter what time it is, his younger brother seems to be a little silly.

Fang Ke shook his head with a sigh, picked up another piece of wood and put it away, and continued to chop.

Although he had never done this before, his learning ability was much better than Fang Huai's, and he quickly learned the trick of chopping firewood.

When he stopped, all the firewood had already been chopped, and Fang Yan and Fang Huai who had been waiting beside him for a long time rushed up immediately and helped him stack all the firewood neatly. One part was brought into the kitchen, and the other part was put outside under the shed in case it got wet in the rain.

After everything was done, Fang Yan started looking for work all over the yard.

Before he could find the next thing, Fang Huai quickly pulled him back.

"Yanyan, sit down and don't move." Fang Huai said, "Let your brother and I rest for a while, and come back later if we have something to do."

Fang Ke also nodded secretly beside him.

Fang Yan thought for a while, but he didn't object. He nodded and sat down obediently on the small bench.

Only Father Fang, who watched the whole process, almost laughed out loud.

Before Yan Yan came back, his first two sons were always at odds. Fang Huai was rebellious, and Fang Ke was not the temper that people still rubbed. It ended with a cold face. He used to worry about getting along with his two sons, but now he is fine. As soon as Yanyan came back, both of them became silly brothers. Not only did they shake hands and make peace, but they also became friendly members of the silly brother alliance. The relationship is incredibly harmonious.

Yanyan is really everyone's big treasure.