Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 8: peace of mind


Fang Xiaobao slept on that big soft bed again.

Maybe it was because he had already slept in the afternoon, so he couldn't fall asleep this time.

During dinner time, he had already met all his family members. The family relationship of the Fang family is simple. Fang's father is the only son in the family. Only Fang Xiaobao's generation is more prosperous. His older brothers are also very kind and easy to get close to. Grandparents are also very kind, and even gave him a gift when they met for the first time.

As for Fang's father and mother, he had already experienced it on the way back. Those two were good people and were very gentle to him.

After staying in the dark space for a long time, he can gradually adapt to such an environment.

He could vaguely see the exquisite chandelier above his head. He remembered that when it was turned on, every crystal decoration would sparkle. It was the most beautiful lamp he had ever seen, but there was something more beautiful than this crystal chandelier in this home. , Like wallflowers hanging on the wall, vases filled with flowers, decorative ornaments, every detail of this home reveals beauty.

If it were him a few days ago, he would never have imagined that he would live in such a beautiful house one day.

In the house of him and Hua Mama, the roof is not high, there is only a dim light bulb on the ceiling, the bed is not soft, the winter is cold and the summer is hot, every winter, he will shiver with cold, and their house has no Such a delicious meal, without prawns, without crabs, and eggs is already a feast. More often, what they eat is wild vegetables dug from the ground.

He ate such a delicious meal today, and he doesn't know how Mama Hua is doing at home

Mother Hua has always been very frugal. Although because of him, she got a lot of money for nothing, but with Mother Hua's character, she will definitely save the money and not move any of it. Mother Hua said If the money is to be reserved for him to buy a house in the future, it will definitely be reserved for the future.

The chicken at home lays one egg a day. I don’t know if the egg was eaten by Mama Hua today? In the past, Mama Hua would always boil the egg, give half of it to him, and keep a small part for herself. Most of the time, she would directly make fried rice with eggs. The egg fried rice made by Hua's mother is also delicious, but to be honest, it is not as delicious as the one in his new home.

At dinner, my brother said that he didn't know what he likes to eat. In fact, he is not picky at all, and he likes to eat no matter what.

My mother also said that if there is anything you want to eat, you can tell the housekeeper, and the housekeeper uncle will tell the kitchen, and someone in the kitchen will cook it for him. But in fact, he didn't even know what food he had.

Even the big prawns in dinner was the first time he ate them today.

Fang Xiaobao stared at the chandelier on the ceiling, he raised the quilt to cover most of his face, only showing a pair of round eyes.

Also, grandma kept saying that he looked a lot like his mother, and he looked a lot like his father, but in his opinion, he looked like no one else.

He is black and thin, compared with his biological parents, he is like inconspicuous dirt, but his new family members are flowers, red, yellow and white, everyone is very beautiful, and he is the same as him one by one.

He and Mama Hua look the most similar, both of them are dark, but Mama Hua is fat, not skinny.

He thought again: Maybe mother picked the wrong person, he is not actually mother's child, nor brother's younger brother, he was bought by Hua's mother from human traffickers, no one knows whose child he is, maybe It fell from the sky.

Anyway, compared with this family, he is really out of place.

It was probably because of the night, so he was thinking wildly, thinking a little too much. Even the door of the room was opened unknowingly, and it was not until Fang's mother gently lifted his quilt that he finally came back to his senses.

He called out carefully: "Mom."

"Hey." Mother Fang gently hugged him into her arms.

The mother's embrace was very warm. Fang Xiaobao found the same place as Mother Hua in her embrace. He subconsciously got into it and rubbed it. When he came to his senses, he couldn't help but blushed and his hands were stiff. He didn't dare to move for a long time.

"Is there anything you want from me?" he asked softly.

"I was worried that you were afraid, so I came to sleep with you." Mother Fang gently stroked his hair, inserted her fingers into the withered and yellow hair, and combed his knotted hair neatly: "You don't know, actually, little Huai is most afraid of thunder."

Fang Xiaobao didn't know why she suddenly mentioned the second brother, but his curiosity was also aroused, and he immediately looked up: "Second brother?"

"Yeah, when he first insisted on arguing to sleep alone, it just happened to be a thunderstorm, which scared him out of the psychological shadow." Thinking of the second son who came crying and beat the door begging to sleep together Mother Fang couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Later, when it came to thunder, he was terribly afraid, and always found excuses to sleep with us. Fortunately, the weather has been fine recently, otherwise Xiao Ke would be entangled by him."


"Don't look at Xiao Huai and Xiao Ke who don't deal with each other. In fact, the relationship between the two of them is still very good. In the past, your father and I were busy with work, and it was Xiao Ke who took him to play. He was bullied, so he also came to find him. Xiao Ke was in his early years, but Xiao Ke was only so old at that time, and when they got older, Xiao Huai was not happy to stay with Xiao Ke anymore, and even made trouble for him all day long, but in private, what was he doing, It was all solved by Xiao Ke."

Fang Xiaobao sighed, "Brother is really amazing."

"Yes, Xiao Ke is very good." Mother Fang smiled and said: "But you are not bad, Yan Yan and Xiao Huai are also very good."

"I'm different." Fang Xiaobao thought for a while and said, "I'm different from them..."

"It's nothing different, you are all my sons." Mother Fang said solemnly, "My sons are all the same."

Fang Xiaobao opened his mouth, but did not express his inner thoughts.

They are flowers, but he is soil, can it be the same

It should be that my mother didn't notice it now, but later, when she saw the gap between him and his brothers, she definitely didn't like him anymore.

He didn't say anything, but Mother Fang also noticed it. She gently touched Fang Xiaobao's head and said, "Yanyan, don't look down on yourself. If you really want to blame, you should blame me. If it wasn't for my negligence at the time, you wouldn't have the chance to be stolen, let alone You will fall into such a backward place. You would have grown up carefree like your elder brother, and you would be the smartest and cutest child in the world, and of course you are now."

"I'm not..."

"You are. It's just that you didn't find out before. When we finish the formalities for you to go to school, after you go to school, you will find out that there is no smarter child than Yanyan."

Fang Xiaobao was so shy by the praise, she hid in her mother's arms in embarrassment.

"I know, you have always wanted to go back there and live with your adoptive mother." Fang's mother said, "but you are my child, and you want to be with your adoptive mother, and I want to be with your adoptive mother." With you, since you were stolen, I have been confessing, if I had watched more closely at that time, if I had been more vigilant at that time... you would have stayed by my side all the time, allowing me to Watching you grow up, in this way, you won't be so unfamiliar with me."

"Yanyan, I know, I just brought you back. Before that, you didn't know we existed, and we were only a little closer than strangers. But we've been thinking about you, whether it's me and Your father, or your grandparents, your brother has been looking forward to your return. I don't expect you to become close to us all of a sudden, but at least... rely on us." Fang's mother said disappointedly: "Don't Thinking about going back, don't think that we will lose you, I have already lost you once, and I finally got it back, I don't want to lose you again."

"Yanyan, I am also your mother."


Fang Xiaobao lay in her arms, silent, without saying a word.

All his worries and worries, he thought no one would notice, but in fact, his mother had already seen them clearly.

He used to only have Mama Hua, but now he has Mama Fang, Papa Fang, grandparents, two older brothers, and uncle the housekeeper. There are many people who like him.

Fang Xiaobao realized for the first time that he was Fang Yan.

It is not Xiaobao who lived with his mother Hua in the valley, but was born in everyone's expectation and returned in everyone's expectation. He is the mother's inkstone.

He is already Fang Yan.