Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 82: The store is open


Amidst the eager anticipation of the entire community, the Fang family's fresh food store finally opened.

Upon hearing the news, the regular customers in the community, those grandpas and grandmas who had eaten the vegetables from Fang Yan's vegetable stall all cheered up, and rushed directly to Fang's house with their vegetable baskets in their arms.

The regular customers in the community are all received by Fang Yan. The opening day was Saturday, Fang Yan didn't have to go to school, but everyone else was very busy, Fang's father and Fang Ke went to Fang's company, Fang's mother enrolled in a cooking class, and Fang Huai followed his vocal teacher In class upstairs, only Grandpa Fang and Grandma Fang are with me.

Fang's mother told him countless times before going out, so Fang Yan had already made preparations, and sat down on the sofa in the living room at home early, with a small notebook and a pen in front of her, sitting obediently Waiting for the arrival of the guests. Grandpa Fang and Grandma Fang sat aside and looked at him with smiles.

He didn't wait long, and the guests of the Fang family came to the door soon.

When people of the older generation in the community followed the housekeeper into the door, they saw children sitting on the sofa waiting for them, with their hands straight on their knees, their faces full of anticipation, and there seemed to be something in their round eyes. Little Xingxing, when he saw them, the child immediately burst out laughing.

Fang Yan handed over everyone's names, called countless grandpas in one breath, then picked up the small book in front of him, and said: "Mom has told me that as long as grandparents give us all the vegetables and quantities they need Just tell me."

"Hey, Yanyan is so smart." An old lady teased him with a smile: "Can Yanyan write it all down?"

"Yes." Fang Yan said solemnly: "I have already memorized the menu."


Fang Yan picked up a stack of booklets next to him and distributed them to everyone in turn.

Everyone took it, opened it, and found that there were all kinds of vegetable patterns printed on it, which was more than what the child had sold at the stall before. Almost all the names that everyone could name appeared on it. Turning to the next few pages, in addition to vegetables, there are also various meats and fresh fish on it. As long as they are not too special, they can also be found on it, and it is enough to meet the daily consumption of everyone's family.

Fang Yan said seriously: "My mother said that it has just opened now, and the varieties are not complete. After a while, more and more things will be sold, and new seasonal crops will be added according to the season. She also said... Also said..."

He couldn't remember for a while, and immediately looked towards the grandparents next to him for help.

Grandma Fang reminded in a low voice: "Discount."

"Oh yes!" Fang Yan turned his head again, looked at the crowd, and said seriously: "Because it just opened, there is a 30% discount for the previous week, and free shipping."

"30% off? One week?" Someone was surprised: "This discount is really great."

The price of each vegetable was also written on the brochure that was distributed to everyone just now. It is not very expensive. Compared with the taste you have tasted before, it can be said to be of high quality and low price. Vegetables and fruits are originally small profits. Suddenly, there was a 30% discount on the sale of the sale, and it lasted for a week. Although everyone was a buyer, they couldn't help but began to wonder if they would lose money.

They understand the character of the Fang family. Even if they lose money, they will not shoddy vegetables with poor quality. It is precisely because of this that they are so worried.

Fang Yan hurriedly said: "It's only one week, there will be no discounts in the future!"

"Isn't Yanyan afraid of losing money?"

Fang Yan was also skeptical before, but now he has been enlightened by Fang's mother, so he is not panicked at all: "Mom said, let's attract everyone with a discount first, and after everyone tastes our vegetables, they will definitely come again It's at the door." Fang Yan proudly puffed out his small chest as he spoke.

He is also confident in his own vegetables!

Different from the vegetables grown in the past, this is a high-quality variety that has been improved by the magical space. When the vegetables in the vegetable orchard are ripe, the Fang family is the first to taste it, and they all affirm its taste. Fang Yan also I have tasted it myself, and although it is a bit inferior to the vegetables produced in the space, it is still delicious.

Their vegetables are not expensive. Under the same price, everyone will choose good quality products. Their vegetables are the best. Fang Yan is also very confident. Those who have bought their vegetables must definitely will become repeat customers.

Everyone recalled the taste they had revisited just two days ago, and nodded their heads in agreement.

Facing the content in the pamphlet, they quickly decided on the ingredients they would need for the next day. Before leaving, some people joked, "Will Yanyan deliver these vegetables in person?"

The child's eyes widened immediately, he looked at him in horror, shook his head vigorously and said, "I didn't have time to send it!"

"Huh? Didn't it come from Yanyan?" Grandpa Zhang who asked the question showed a very disappointed expression: "I only came to buy Yanyan's vegetables for the sake of Yanyan. It’s a little less desirable.”

The child was frightened by him, and his whole face immediately wrinkled.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, don't scare Yanyan, let's see how he is scared by you." Immediately someone stopped him: "Yanyan is a ten-year-old child. Everyone will sue you."

Grandpa Fang and Grandma Fang sat next to drinking tea calmly, without saying a word, but their eyes were not dull, they were like sharp blades, scratching the old man Zhang who deliberately teased his grandson, it was very painful. is fierce.

Mr. Zhang said embarrassingly, "I'm not joking."

Only then did the child stretch his expression.

"Then Yan Yan will come to write down the menu for us tomorrow?"

"It won't be me tomorrow." Fang Yan said, "You can call the number at the back of the brochure, and you can order directly. When the new products are available, someone will deliver the new menu."

It's just that on the first day of his business opening, he was so excited that he asked his mother for this job, and was responsible for recording the order status of the regular customers in the community on the first day.

Everyone turned to the back of the booklet, and sure enough, they saw the phone call the child mentioned.

Only then did everyone leave with satisfaction.

On the other hand, in the fresh food stores in the urban area, because of the 30% discount promotion, although the prices of those vegetables are a bit expensive for ordinary people, many people are still attracted by this fresh food store in the bustling commercial center. The store attracted them, stopped inside for a while, and came out with a whole bag of fresh ingredients in their hands.

Fang Yan's vegetable business opened briskly on the first day.