Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 83: sales


After Fang's mother came back from the culinary training class, she had already reported to her about the sales situation on the first day.

While she was calculating the accounts, Fang Yan had been lying on the convenience and waiting expectantly. As soon as she calculated the total number, he immediately came over.

Fang's mother subtracted the cost from the first day's income to get a total profit figure, and then showed it to him.

Under the discount of 30% off, the profit seems pitifully small.

"That's all?" Fang Yan showed disappointment, "I thought there would be more."

The numbers on the paper must have been an unimaginable astronomical figure for him before, but now Fang Yan's appetite has been cultivated, and just setting up a stall for a day can bring him a huge amount of income, and vegetables are his What is produced in the space does not cost money, and there is no cost of rent, water, electricity and personnel wages. It can almost be said that income is equal to profit.

But fresh food stores are different, because they are responsible for delivering the vegetables ordered by each person from the vegetable orchard to the customer's home, which requires a lot of delivery staff, and the staff wages alone are a huge cost.

"Yan Yan is a small money fan." Mother Fang laughed and said, "This is only the first day, and the income has exceeded my expectations. I thought I would lose money on the first day."

Unexpectedly, their youngest son's fresh food shop is so powerful, not only did not lose money, but even made a profit.

Hearing what she said, the expression on Fang Yan's face was even more surprised: "Losing money?!"

"Yes." Fang's mother said, "I didn't lose money on the first day, Yanyan is really good."

Fang Yan's whole face wrinkled: "If you want to lose money, why do you need to open a shop?"

Mother Fang was speechless for a moment.

This is a commercial marketing strategy, how should she explain it to her youngest son

"Yanyan's fresh food store is different from ordinary products. Except for the regular customers in our community, many people have never heard of how delicious Yanyan's vegetables are." Fang's mother explained patiently: "Just Just like when Yanyan set up a stall to sell vegetables, at the beginning, everyone took care of Yanyan's business because the owner of the stall was Yanyan, but why did they become repeat customers later? It was because they had eaten Yanyan If you think the vegetables are delicious, you will come to buy them again. It is the same when opening a store. The same vegetables can be bought in the vegetable market. Why do you buy Yanyan vegetables? That is because your vegetables are cheaper than other vegetables. That's why people choose your vegetables."

Fang Yan suddenly realized and nodded.

After everyone has tasted his vegetables and knows that the vegetables he sells are delicious, they will come to visit his fresh food store again like the grandparents in the community!

Compared with ordinary vegetables, the prices of vegetables in Fangjia Fresh Store are still relatively expensive. Because of the quality, the prices of all vegetables are not cheap. The Fang family did not plan to expand the business scope of the fresh food store too much from the beginning. Fang Yan's business needs to be done by himself when he grows up, instead of solving everything before he can run his own business independently, so that he can just lie down and make money in the future.

When the Fang family cultivates their children, they will deliberately guide their independence. After all, there is only one who can inherit the family business, and the other two must find another way out, either to develop their own careers, or to become dudes who have achieved nothing. Parents naturally want their children to grow up.

Therefore, although the fresh food store is temporarily operated by Fang's mother, it will still be handed over to Fang Yan in the future. At the beginning, Fang's mother did not dare to stretch her hand too far, and just wanted to take it slowly, so that the youngest son will take over in the future. When you are in a fresh food store, you won't be too flustered.

At present, she only plans to target the fresh food store to the upper class. On the one hand, she can afford their vegetables every day, and on the other hand, she wants to have fewer customers and not be so busy. As for the fresh food store, although it is a retail store, most of it is the customer service and after-sales center of this fresh food brand.

However, although the customer base is small, the profit is still quite large.

The brochures that recorded all the products and prices of the fresh food store were sent to the mailboxes of the residents in every high-end community, and there were also promotional leaflets with a 30% discount and free delivery. Look at the 30% discount and free delivery At Fei's opening event, there were also vegetables that were not too expensive in the brochure. Many people still tried to call the phone number at the back of the brochure and placed an order by phone.

The delivery staff started from the vegetable and fruit garden and delivered fresh ingredients to every household.

After the second day, the number of orders increased like a blowout!

For delicious food, everyone will not be stingy with their own recommendations. After tasting the cooked vegetables, everyone's eyes widened in surprise, and they all gave thumbs up to the person in charge of the spoon.

"Mom/wife, your cooking skills have improved a lot today, where did you learn new recipes?"

In this regard, all the people in charge of the spoon gave the same answer: "It's the same as before, why is it better today?"

Soon someone discovered the difference in ingredients.

When women get together, there is always a lot of gossip and gossip. Everyone talked about the newly opened fresh food store. Soon, those who hadn’t made an order call were also chatting with other friends. Under the recommendation, I tried to place an order by phone.

On the second night of the opening, when Fang's mother calculated the turnover of the day, even though she was well prepared, she was still taken aback.

Seeing her stop, Fang Yan, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, immediately said impatiently: "How is it? Mom?"

"Yanyan, wait a minute." Fang's mother blinked, and then knocked on the computer again: "Mom made a mistake, wait for mom to do the math again."

But when she did the calculations for the second time, the numbers were still astonishing.

Mother Fang blinked, and was stunned.


"Yanyan." Mother Fang took a deep breath and said solemnly, "You have to be mentally prepared."

"What?" Fang Yan was at a loss.

"You might be scared if you say it..." Mother Fang told him the final total profit.

Fang Yan was stunned for a moment.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and asked repeatedly: "Is it true?!"

"It's true." Mother Fang said.

Fang Yan took another breath.

Compared with the pitiful figure of the previous day, the figure of the second day can be said to be a huge sum of money!

He turned around in joy, and was suddenly speechless by the great happiness, and even walked dizzy.

Mother Fang watched him amusedly as he turned left and right out of the house, turned around and entered the profit into a separate account book, and before he finished writing, he heard a slamming sound from outside the door.

Mother Fang immediately stood up and ran out in a panic.

"Yan Yan!"

Before she could walk out of the room, she heard the excited voice of her younger son.

"Dad—Big Brother—Second Brother—"

The sound spread farther and farther away, and at the same time, there was also the sound of the younger son running down the stairs.



Mother Fang smiled and shook her head, returned to her seat, and continued to remember the accounts.