Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 9: Paternity Testing


The Fang family is a prominent family.

The Fang family produces talented people, and every generation has someone who can revitalize the family business. Probably because of the family education, everyone is strict with themselves. Even if they don't inherit the family business, they have made great achievements in other fields.

Grandpa Fang is a formidable person, and so is Father Fang. In their hands, the Fang family has now stood at the top of the pyramid in the capital circle. Although it is not the top, no one dares to reach out and touch the tiger's butt.

Fang's mother comes from a big family comparable to Fang's family. She is the most favored youngest daughter in the family, and Fang's father is also in free love. The two saw each other at a banquet, and then Fang's father started a relationship Pursuit, the marriage of the two is out of love, and it is also a strong alliance, and the child born by Fang's mother is also the favorite of the two families.

When she was pregnant with Fang Yan, Fang's mother was already considered an older woman, no one expected this surprise, everyone was careful, the old lady stewed tonic for her all day long, and Fang's father rushed back to accompany him immediately after work His wife, even the entertainment is much less, everyone is full of expectations for the baby in her womb, the old man has already chosen the name early, just waiting for the arrival of the little grandson.

In everyone's expectation, the youngest son of the Fang family was finally born. The delivery was exceptionally smooth, and the mother was born without much pain, probably because it was well mended in the mother's womb. After the baby was born, it was white and fat, like a boy from heaven, and it was very popular with everyone. I like it so much, I have to hug it and kiss it from time to time. Even if they are kissed, the child doesn't cry, but just giggles at people, making people unable to resist kissing again and again.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, the Fang family's business opponents even despicably bribed the housemaid, stole the infant Fang Yan, sold it to traffickers, and then never found it again.

Fang's mother was heartbroken, and she shed tears almost every day. The Fang family mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources to find it, but still found nothing. The enraged Fang family directly bankrupted the hostile company, but there was still no progress.

As time passed, the lost youngest son became Fang's mother's heart disease, and her health became worse and worse. No one dared to mention Fang Yan in front of her. Until later, the people sent out to search finally found some clues. , she ran over immediately, but unfortunately after the paternity test was done, the child who was about the same age as Fang Yan was not Fang Yan.

Fang Mu has hope since then.

The Fang family's search for someone has not stopped, and Fang's mother has gradually cheered up. She has been thinking about the little son who was left outside. If you get it back, you can continue to live with him.

They were disappointed countless times, and finally got the news from Fang Xiaobao.

Fang Xiaobao was in a valley hundreds of thousands of miles away from the capital, no one thought he would go there, the original white and fat little fairy boy had also turned into a black and thin little mud monkey, but it was probably between mother and child There was a tacit understanding, the first time she saw Fang Xiaobao, Fang's mother decided that this little mud monkey was her son.

Later they did a paternity test, and she was right.

And that paternity test was now placed in front of Fang Yan himself.

The education conditions in Shangougou are not good, and Fang Yan is only in the third grade, so he can't know many characters. He took it and looked it up, but he couldn't recognize most of the characters.

Mother Fang pointed to the final result and explained to him: "That is to say, there is a 99.99% chance that we are mother and son. You are my son, you can't be wrong."

Fang Yan opened his eyes wide, staring at the number.

Ninety-nine... That's close to one hundred!

If he had some doubts at first, the result of this paternity test dispelled all his doubts, and definitely put the facts in front of him.

He is mother's son, he is Fang Yan, there is no mistake!

"I will never find the wrong son for me." Mother Fang said softly, "After all, I am your mother."

Holding the paternity test, Fang Yan smiled embarrassedly.

Who made the big difference between before and after, if it were an ordinary person, they might think they were dreaming!

"By the way, Mom, where are the chickens and ducks I brought?" Fang Yan looked around: "Mother Hua said that those are for the health of grandparents."


Thinking of the pair of chickens and ducks, the corners of Mother Fang's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Where's my egg?" After sleeping for a while, he finally remembered what he had forgotten: "That was given to me by Mother Hua, you won't throw it away, will you?"

Mother Fang looked towards the housekeeper.

The housekeeper: "The chickens and ducks are raised in the yard, and the eggs are sent to the kitchen." Some of them even became the food on the table last night.

Knowing that he was not thrown away, Fang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

He returned the paternity test to Fang's mother, and ran to the yard to watch the chickens and ducks.

The chickens and ducks Mother Hua asked him to bring over were already very old, so old that it was difficult to lay eggs, but the two of them were reluctant to eat them and kept raising them. So this time when Fang Yan went to the city, Fang Honghua specially asked him to bring them for him. Fang's family sent her over to mend her body.

In total, there are not many chickens and ducks raised, which is also a good thing that their family can afford.

But this pair of chickens and ducks is really too old, so old that the stew soup can't even chew it. Although it was specially brought to cook soup for the two old people, the chef came over to take a look, shook his head and left, and the pair of chickens and ducks lived in the yard.

In just one night, the chickens and ducks had already adapted to the life in the yard. When Fang Yan found them, they had already found a suitable and comfortable nest under a cluster of flowers, and even overwhelmed several flowers nearby.

The butler's mouth also twitched.

The courtyard of Fang's family was naturally designed by a master, and the flowers planted here are all rare varieties, and each plant is more valuable than this pair of chickens and ducks... He looked at Fang Yan's happy face, and then at his wife's smiling face With an expression on his face, he wisely swallowed the sentence back.

"Mom, let me tell you, they used to lay a lot of eggs!" Fang Yan proudly introduced the chickens and ducks he raised to Fang's mother: "Our family's chickens and ducks are the best at laying eggs!"

Mother Fang didn't understand the concept of being the best at laying eggs, but it didn't prevent her from cooperating in her praise: "They are really amazing."

Fang Yan puffed out his chest proudly.

"What lays the most eggs?" Fang Huai appeared out of nowhere, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the pair of chickens and ducks: "Who put this chicken and duck here?"

Before Fang Yan had time to admit it, Fang Huai's claws stretched out towards the pair of chickens and ducks.

He stretched out his hand quickly and accurately, and no one could stop him in time. Immediately, the miserable crowing of the old hen resounded through the sky, and even the frightened old duck quacked.

In the light of the calcium carbide fire, a handful of chicken feathers appeared on Fang Huai's hand.

Fang Yan was stunned for a moment, he stared blankly at the bare spot on the old hen he raised with his own hands, and then looked at the chicken feathers on his second brother's hand, suddenly his nose felt sore, he blinked, and couldn't hold back, tears bursting into his eyes flowed down.
