Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 93: Plant amazing flowers


After returning home, Fang Yan threw away his schoolbag again, and carried the little white dog into the space.

One person and one dog couldn't wait to pick two flowers from the flower garden, and then ran to the Lingquan behind the cabin. One quickly got down on the ground, and the other wagged its tail happily beside it.

They grafted the two flowers and aligned the incisions. Fang Yan held them and quickly put his hands into the Lingquan.

The water in the Lingquan is so clear that you can see what's underneath, so Fang Yan puts his hand in it, and even a person and a dog can clearly see what's going on underneath.

Under the watchful eyes of one person and one dog, filaments could slowly spread out from the incisions of the two flowers, reaching towards the incisions on the other side, and then hugging, intertwining, and finally merging into one body. After a while, under the washing of the spiritual spring water, even a knife edge could not be found at the two incisions.

Fang Yan's eyes widened, and he was about to exclaim, but he quickly tightened his lips, fearing that it would affect everything that happened in the water. Even Xiaobai next to him was the same. He folded his two ears, and the pointed ears blocked his own ears. On the other side, he didn't dare to wag his tail, and he didn't even make a sound of "Wow". Dare to send out, for fear of disturbing.

Under the gaze of one person and one dog, the movement of the two flowers disappeared.

Fang Yan quickly picked up the flowers, and the two flowers splashed out of the water, bringing up countless nutrient solutions. Fang Yan carefully threw back all the nutrient solutions, not daring to waste a drop, and then carefully Observe the condition of the flowers.

Xiaobai also hurriedly leaned his head over to take a look.

I saw that the incision just now has been pasted together, not even a gap can be found, and there does not seem to be any trace of being cut by a knife on the outside. If one person and one dog hadn't ensured that they had been staring at the cut, they would not have believed that the plant was not the same one.

The nutrient solution turned the two flowers into the same flower, and also made them grow more beautiful than before.

Fang Yan stared at this flower for a long time, and suddenly came up with a bold idea. He was startled by his own thoughts, and quickly turned his head to look at the little white dog, only to see that the little white dog was also staring at him with piercing eyes, and his tail was wagging fast behind him, as if he was thinking about the same thing.

One person and one dog hit it off, and soon there was a new action.

When Gu Rong suddenly received a call from Fang Yan, he was still puzzled, not understanding why he suddenly called her.

But Fang Yan did not say his purpose on the phone, but said cheerfully: "Brother Gu, you will know when you come here."

Gu Rong asked several times, but he didn't reveal a single word. He had no choice but to hang up the phone, pick up his coat and walk out the door.

His partner stopped him: "What are you doing? Boss Huang is about to be taken away by a rival company now. If we don't find any more wonderful flowers, all our previous efforts will be in vain." His computer page There is also a web page for buying exotic flowers on the Internet.

Gu Rong turned her head and said, "I know, it's just that the children at home are in a hurry. I figured there must be something important, so I'll just go back and come as soon as I go."

His partner also knew his background, and if something serious happened to his family, it would be no small matter, so he would let him go without stopping.

Gu Rong went out and stopped a car, urged and urged, and returned to the community at high speed. As soon as he got out of the car, he ran in the direction of Fang's house.

Fang Yan had already stood there waiting. He was standing at the door with a simple flower pot at his feet. In order to prevent Gu Rong from discovering this surprise in advance, a large black plastic bag was placed on the flower pot. .

Gu Rong hurriedly ran to stop in front of him, he took several deep breaths, calmed down, and then asked, "Yanyan, what do you want from me?"

"Brother Gu, this is for you." Fang Yan picked up the flower pot on the ground and handed it to him.

"What's this?" Gu Rong took it with both hands, but he didn't have any extra hands to peel off the black plastic belt, so he could only ask, "What's inside? Did you plant flowers?"

"Yes!" Fang Yan looked at him with bright eyes: "Because I looked very troubled looking at Big Brother Gu, so I planted flowers for Big Brother Gu, which is the strange flower that Big Brother Gu wants." He said on the last two words The sound is accentuated.

"A strange flower?"

Gu Rong laughed, but didn't take his words seriously.

He has been searching for so long but has not found it. He almost gave up, and it is impossible for him to be planted by a child so easily.

Gu Rong thought to himself: The child probably misunderstood what he meant, thinking that he was looking for some strange-looking flowers, so I went and bought them for him.

Although the things were wrong, the purpose was good. Seeing the child's shining eyes and the sweat that hadn't been wiped off his forehead, he thanked him sincerely: "Thank you Yanyan."

"You're welcome, Brother Gu, hurry up and find that client of yours, if it's too late, your rival company will snatch it away!" Fang Yan pushed him as he spoke.

Gu Rong responded repeatedly, and left the community with the potted flower in his arms. He hailed a taxi and returned to the company.

Seeing him coming back so quickly, the partner was stunned for a moment: "Is it resolved so quickly?"

Gu Rong casually said "um", and carefully placed the flower pot in her hand on the desk.

Seeing how careful he was, the partner's attention was also attracted, and he immediately asked, "What are you holding in your hand? Could it be the strange flower we are looking for?"

"Isn't it? It was given by the children at home."

The partner came over curiously: "Can I open it?"

Of course not. Gu Rong pushed him aside, and opened the gift Fang Yan gave him with her own hands.

As soon as the black plastic bag was uncovered, a pot of flowers that they had never seen before appeared in front of them. The first time they saw the true face of this potted flower, the two of them lost all words at once.

The words in front of us are not exaggerated even if we use the ingenuity of the Creator to describe it. An ordinary rose was planted in an ordinary flower pot, but the branches of the rose branched, and the tops of the side branches turned out to be a variety of different flowers! All kinds of colors, all shapes, all kinds of different flowers!

Every flower seemed to grow naturally, and there was no trace of modification in the later stage, but the two of them knew very well that even if they searched all over the world, they couldn't find a single plant that could bloom several different kinds of flowers!

Gu Rong was no less shocked than his partner.

He clearly remembered that it had not been a few days since he told Yan Yan that he wanted to find a strange flower. Even if he wanted to find it, it was difficult to find it in such a short period of time.

What did Ke Yanyan say? She said she heard that he was looking for exotic flowers, so she planted them specially for him!

In just a few days, such a flower was planted for him? !

Countless exclamation marks rushed past Gu Rong's heart, leaving only deep doubts.

If what Yanyan said was true, how did he do it

"You... what did you just say?" The partner said in surprise, "Your child gave it to you."

Gu Rong reacted, and quickly said calmly: "My family knew that I was looking for a strange flower, so they probably helped me find it. It happened that there was only one child at home, so they asked the child to give it to me."

The partner nodded.

Gu Rong glanced at him, then turned his head to look at the flowers on the table, his eyes were dim.