Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 102: I can't cure you! (2 more)


Su Yi wanted to go up and talk to her, but she knew now was not the right time. Fang Jiayi was rescuing a critically ill patient whose life was hanging by a thread. Even if she wanted to talk to her, Jiayi might not have the time to pay attention to her.

She watched Fang Jiayi being pushed away and into a room. Before the door could be closed, Fang Jiayi jumped down first, took a scalpel, cut into the patient's neck without hesitation, inserted a breathing tube neatly, and manually gave oxygen...

Then the door closed in front of him, blocking Su Yi's sight.

Her pupils shrank and she withdrew her gaze. After not seeing her for a few years, Jiayi had become very different...

I don’t know if she still remembers herself now. It seems that there are really many hidden talents in their class, and each of them is doing very well.

With a hint of emotion, she took the elevator to the 8th floor, asked the nurse for her grandfather's room, and went over to knock on the door.

“Knock knock knock…” Su Yi stood at the door, lowering her head slightly, “Mom, Grandpa, it’s me, Su Yi.”

"Come in." It was Lu Zhen's voice behind the door.

Su Yi turned the door handle.

Behind the door is a clean and peaceful special needs ward.

The grandfather with a kind face was leaning on the hospital bed, wearing a dark gray striped hospital gown. His figure was not as healthy as before, and he was even a little skinny. I guess he was worn out by chemotherapy and antibiotics.

Lu Zhen sat beside her grandfather's bed, peeling an apple. Her face was still the same as she remembered, with her long hair tied up low. She wore a beige slim dress. She had a gentle and elegant temperament and was as beautiful as a painting.

Seeing Su Yi coming in, Lu Zhen put down the fruit knife and apple in her hand and stood up. "Are you here? Are you thirsty? Mom will pour you a glass of water."

Her mood is much calmer than before. Over the years, because she has been divorced for a long time, she has wanted to let go of things and actively accepted treatment for bipolar disorder. She stayed in a nursing home for a period of time. After she came out, her whole spirit and appearance have improved a lot, and she rarely gets sick now.

"Okay." Su Yi responded, his eyes a little red.

Lu Zhen went to pour her some water.

Su Yi called out sweetly, "Grandpa, I'm here to see you."

Grandpa Lu was seriously ill. When he saw her coming, he burst into tears. It had been five years. He hadn't seen his granddaughter for five years. He reached out his hand, patted the back of Su Yi's hand, and nodded, "It's good that you're here, it's good that you're here, sit, sit next to grandpa..."

Su Yi sat down as he was told. For some reason, her eyes became even redder when she heard this. She held her grandfather's hand and gently massaged him. "Grandpa, I just came back from England the day before yesterday. Did you miss me?"

"Yes, my dear granddaughter is here. How can I not miss you as an old man?"

"Don't say that about yourself. You're not an old man. You're still young."

"Not young anymore." Grandpa Lu shook his head, his eyes moist, not knowing whether he was moved or sad, "Grandpa is old and useless. Your grandma has passed away, and grandpa will be gone soon. By then, grandpa won't be able to see you..."

"How could that be? You are in such good health, you will definitely live a hundred years. Don't have wild thoughts and don't talk nonsense, do you understand?" Su Yi treated the old man like he was coaxing a child, massaging his hands. Tears flashed in his eyes, but he didn't dare let his grandfather see.

"Hey, Grandpa knows his health. Grandpa knows that he won't live long. He just wants to see our little Su Yi wearing a wedding dress before he dies..."

"You are young, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense..."

"Little Su Yi..." Grandpa Lu held Su Yi's hand and said with hope in his eyes: "Grandpa is serious, it hurts here every day..."

He pointed at his belly, and Su Yi immediately rubbed it. Grandpa Lu's eyes flickered as he said, "You won't live long. You won't live long. I hope that before I die, I can see our little Su Yi walk into the ceremony hall, marry a good man, and take good care of your mother in the future..."

Su Yi didn't know how to respond to the old man's overly heavy topic. She could only rub the old man's belly in silence and listen to him nagging for a long time before she said softly in a comforting tone: "Grandpa, I want to, too, but this kind of thing depends on fate after all, right?"

"Then I can't see it..." Mr. Lu didn't force her. He just looked at her, his eyes gradually moistened. Then, he gently raised his hand and touched her hair.

Su Yi's heart suddenly felt so painful that she felt like she was going to die.



Su Yi was looking for her bag at home. Although the house in Haizhimen belonged to Song Yanan, it was given to Su Yi to live in. So it was temporarily Su Yi's house. If there was nothing important, he would not come over to bother her.

Su Yi searched around but couldn't find it, thinking that her bag must be at Lan Fuchu's house!

I looked at the time and it was almost half past eight. I guessed that the people next door should be off work, so I put on a pair of slippers, thought for a while, kicked off the slippers, went upstairs, put on a brand new light purple lady's dress, a pair of high-heeled sandals, and rushed out the door.

Before ringing the doorbell of Lan Fuchu's house, Su Yi was afraid of making a fool of herself, so she even tidied her hair. Every time she thought of the reunion in the elevator, she felt particularly upset.

Soon, the door of the Lan family opened, revealing an extremely cold and handsome face.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, and swallowed back the question that had just reached his throat. He smiled and said, "Mr. Lan, good evening."

Lan Fuchu: “…”

After being speechless, she wanted to close the door, but how could Su Yi let him close it? It was about her wallet and ID. She stretched her hand inside and propped up the door of his house to prevent it from closing. Then she spoke politely again, "Mr. Lan, I came here to talk to you, definitely not to chat with you, don't worry."

Lan Fuchu said nothing, just glanced at her indifferently, with no intention of letting her in.

He refused to let her go, and Su Yi refused to compromise. She just stood at his door with a fake smile on her face, "Mr. Lan, you know that my bag is lost, so I just came here to look for it. As a businessman, you also know that there are too many documents. If they are lost, it will be too troublesome to apply for new documents one by one."

"What does it have to do with me?" Lan Fuchu glanced at her indifferently. Although they were only a few inches apart, he seemed particularly condescending.

"Don't say that. We are all neighbors, so of course we should be friendly to each other, right?" Su Yi looked at him, the smile on his lips still there, but he was already cursing in his heart.

"I don't need neighbors. Besides, not just anyone can come into my house."

The smile on Su Yi's lips froze slightly. At the same time, she was so nervous at the sharp look he gave her that she could not stand it any longer. Her face turned slightly cold, and she said indignantly, "I just want to find my bag."

"Please call the police if you lose anything." Lan Fuchu spoke bluntly, his expression remaining calm and cold as always.

Su Yi was annoyed and narrowed her beautiful eyes, "Is this really necessary?"

After all, they were good friends who could talk about anything. How could it become like this now? Why? Didn't she just confess her love to him? Was he disgusted and insulted by her like this? Didn't she stop pestering him after he rejected her? She went abroad to study, what else did she want


"I have no obligation to help you find your lost items."

"I know, but I just can't find my bag. Just let me go in and look for it. I won't get in your way. Just look for it. If I can't find it, I'll leave, okay?"

"No." Faced with her kind words, he rejected them very straightforwardly, without any regard for their past friendship.

Su Yi was about to point his finger at his forehead.

He endured it and just said, "Just wait for me!"

After saying that, he ran away angrily.


After a while, Su Yi ran over again and rang the doorbell of Lan Fuchu's house.

Lan Fuchu came to open the door a few minutes later.

This time Su Yi didn't waste any time talking to him. As soon as he opened the door, she rushed in. Lan Fuchu was caught off guard and was bumped into the door. The faint fragrance of her body came to his nose.

Lan Fuchu was stunned. She had already run in, searching and rummaging all the way, making a mess, not treating this as someone else's home at all. When she was in school, she was used to bullying him, which led to her habitual thinking and actions now. Whenever she got angry, she would abuse him to death without caring about anything.

First, he turned the sofa in his house into a mess, then rushed into the kitchen and tinkered with it, but didn't find it, so he went to mess up the living room.

Lan Fuchu quickly followed in with an unfriendly expression on his face, "What are you doing? Who allowed you to rummage through my house?"

Su Yi didn't respond and just kept flipping through the books.

What I was thinking was: I can’t cure you anymore!

She had never thought that Lan Fuchu could call the police. Perhaps in her subconscious, she felt that he would not do that.

He pulled down the neatly arranged furnishings on his wall one by one and threw them on the ground, then started pulling the clothes off his rack.

Lan Fuchu was silent.

Looking at the living room that turned into a garbage dump in an instant, his handsome brows frowned, but then he ignored her and just watched coldly.

When Su Yi had messed up the entire living room, his cold and indifferent voice finally rang out in the air, "Hello, is this the police station?"

Su Yi, who was standing behind her, "..."

Then he was stunned, ran over and pulled the phone from his ear, "You actually called the police!"

(End of this chapter)