Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 112: Tell her a story (2 more)


Lan Fuchu raised his eyes and glanced at her without answering.

Su Yi felt that it was impossible to communicate with him, so she just informed him, "How about this, the skin care products will be placed in your room, but I will place the clothes and other things in the room next to yours. When I first came up, I took a look and found that the room next to yours is the guest room. I will place most of my things there and a small part of my things here with you. When your condition is almost cured, I will move all your things to the ward next door."

She thought that his need for night watch would only be short-term, perhaps two weeks or a month, and when he had recovered enough, she would live in the guest room next door.

Lan Fuchu didn't say anything, but he felt a little resentful. Why did he need a guest room next door? What was the designer who designed his house thinking? Did he get his head stuck in the door

After finishing everything, Su Yi returned to the bed and checked the time. It was already 11:30 in the evening. "It's already 11:30. Time flies."

Lan Fuchu glanced at her dimly, and dared to say that she had spent the whole night eating, bathing and packing her luggage. How could it not be happy

"Why aren't you asleep yet?" she asked.

Seeing that Lan Fuchu didn't want to pay attention to her, she picked up a storybook next to her and read, "Fairy Tale World, poof!"

Lan Fuchu: “…”

She changed to another book. "The Little Prince, Aesop's Fables, Alice in Wonderland, Aha! Why are there only books like this?"

When Lan Fuchu looked at her, his eyes couldn't help but become a little colder.

Su Yi quickly explained, "I didn't want to laugh, but I really couldn't help it. Do you really read this kind of story before going to bed?"

Although she was reluctant to believe it, she really had to, because these books looked old, and the covers were folded, as if they were flipped frequently and did not look like new books.

"No way?" He answered coldly with a sullen look on his face.

Su Yi was scolded for a moment, so she stopped asking questions and silently flipped through a book of Aesop's fables. She saw a date written on the second page of the cover: February 14, 2016. This date was exactly the day six years ago when her parents divorced and they went to G City to see Yu Linglong. At that time, the streets were full of vendors selling roses. She even bought one with a smile and gave it to him...

Thinking of this memory, Su Yi couldn't help but smile, and turned to another copy of The Little Prince. The second page of the cover also said February 14, 2016, but this book was a little different from the Aesop's Fables. It said: Thank you.

Su Yi felt very strange, so she changed to read Alice. It was the same date, and it said: Tell her a story.

Why are these books so weird? What do these words mean

She went to get the last Fairy Tale World, and just as she was about to open it, a petal specimen fell out of the book. Su Yi bent down and was about to pick it up, but at this moment, Lan Fuchu seemed to have been touched, and suddenly shouted, "Don't pick it up."

Su Yi froze and looked up.

Lan Fuchu looked down at her and said word by word: "You are not allowed to touch my things."

Su Yi opened her mouth slightly, and instinctively felt that she had offended him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to invade your privacy. This piece of paper fell out of the book by itself. I didn't know that this thing was stuck in the book..."

After hearing this, Lan Fuchu's expression not only did not ease, but became even uglier. He slightly propped up his exhausted body and tried to pick up the petal specimens on the ground.

Su Yi saw him trembling and bending down, feeling a little reluctant, and apologized again, "I'm sorry,"

Lan Fuchu pursed his lips and said nothing. Since he couldn't reach the specimen, he leaned down hard, even at the risk of falling off the bed.

At the critical moment, Su Yi acted quickly and barely supported his body which was about to fall to the ground, but the infusion bag was not so lucky. When he leaned over and pulled it, it had already fallen off the shelf and fell from a high place. In an instant, the liquid in the infusion tube was poured back and blood dyed the entire infusion bag red.

Su Yi was startled. After helping him up, he quickly picked up the fallen infusion bag and hung it back in its place.

Lan Fuchu also picked up the petal specimen, stuffed it under his pillow, and put it in a cold face, not letting anyone see it.

Su Yi sighed in his heart.

What was so important that made him desperately fight? What if no one was here to keep watch? Wouldn't he really fall? He was seriously injured in the car accident. If he fell again, he would probably be in critical condition again.

When I think about it this way, I feel that the responsibility of keeping watch is actually quite heavy.

Because of this episode, Su Yi temporarily forgot about the books he had just read and did not read them again.

It was already late at night. Su Yi looked at the infusion bag and saw that it was almost empty, so she changed the bag. Changing the infusion bag was not difficult. She had learned it from her family doctor when she was in the UK.

After putting him to bed, Su Yi also felt sleepy, so he just lay down on the sofa and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, the family doctor came early to examine Lan Fuchu.

Su Yi stood by, listening attentively to what the family doctor said to her, and then nodded, "Okay, just give him four bags of infusion bags tonight, right?"

"Yes, I will arrange the IV bags for the day, but you will be responsible for replacing the IV bags at night. I have written the order on the bags, so don't make a mistake."

"Don't worry, I won't make a mistake."

The family doctor nodded.

Not long after, many people came to the Lan residence. They were all senior executives of the Lan Group. They came for a meeting, including Si Yajie.

Si Yajie, wearing an elegant Chanel suit, walked up slowly from the bottom of the stairs with dignified and proper manners.

As she walked, she suddenly felt someone was watching her, so she looked up and met a pair of eyes with distinct black and white. Su Yi was standing on the fence on the second floor, looking at her with his head tilted and smiling eyes.

Si Yajie was stunned for a moment, and then her whole face turned pale.

After five years, they met again.

The two of them stared at each other for about half a minute before Su Yi walked away.

Si Yajie looked away, calm and gentle on the surface, but her heart was turbulent. Why was she here? Did she return home

Then her nails dug into her palms, almost pinching them to bleed. Why did Su Yi always appear when she was trying so hard? It was like this in No. 4 Middle School, and it was like this again now... What did she owe her in her previous life

There was a meeting in the master bedroom, so Su Yi did not go to disturb them. While eating breakfast on the first floor, he said to Sister Jing: "Sister Jing, when you go upstairs to deliver food to Mr. Lan, tell him that I'm going to see Grandpa and will be back on time at 7 o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, then put the bowl down when you're done. I'll go get the young master a glass of warm water. It's time to take the medicine."


Sister Jing went upstairs with warm water.

Su Yi also took the last bite, stuffed all the remaining toast into his mouth, and stood up.

Just as I was about to walk out of the kitchen, I saw Dao Qianqian standing at the door.

Si Yajie stood at the kitchen door, looked inside, saw Su Yi, walked in, and asked her casually, "Is there any water?"

"Yes, the warm water is in the thermostat, and the soda water is in the refrigerator. Please help yourself."

Si Yajie nodded, walked to the refrigerator, opened it, and took out a bottle of iced soda water. She turned her back to Su Yi, hesitated for a moment, turned around, and asked with a smile: "I think you look familiar, are you... Su Yi?"

"Yes." Hearing her knowingly asking, Su Yi nodded with a calm look in his eyes, "You are Si Yajie, right?"

"Yes, it's me. Are you back home?"


"You..." After a pause, he asked, "Why are you at Lan Fuchu's house?"

"He's my boss." Su Yi dealt with her with a faint smile. For a period of time in high school, Si Yajie got along well with them. They didn't have a falling out until graduation. Their friendship was not deep, but it was not to the point of being hostile to each other.

On the contrary, Zhao Xingchen, Zhao Jing'er and Zheng Rongrong wanted to pull out her tendons and skin her alive.

"Really? He's your boss? What a coincidence, he's also my boss." Si Yajie tried to get close to her, so she smiled and said proudly, "Which company are you in? I'm in Huaxia Entertainment, currently serving as the executive director, what about you?"

"Me?" Su Yi pointed at himself and smiled brightly. "I'm his personal bodyguard. I have to stay with him 24 hours a day. I have to eat together, have meetings together, go home together, and live together. It's so annoying."

"…" Si Yajie's face turned pale for a moment, "Really? Then this position is not bad."

"No way. A timid clerk like me can't be as comfortable as you as a director, don't you think?" Su Yi smiled even more brightly, as if he wanted to disgust her.

Si Yajie frowned uncomfortably, "Is he very mean to you?"

(End of this chapter)