Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 124: I became the daughter-in-law of the Lan family for no apparent reason (4 more)


The three people at the door watched as a completely white artificial intelligence walked towards them. It then scanned their faces and left, climbing down the stairs by itself.

The three people who saw this scene: "..."

Is this the artificial intelligence developed by Su Yi

Are you so agile in your movements

This end.

Su Yi's hand was held by Lan Fuchu. He felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to pull his hand back.

But she couldn't pull it back because he used all his strength to lock her wrist, and he looked determined that he would not let go no matter how Su Yi tried to persuade him.

Su Yi's expression suddenly became a little complicated.

"What are you doing?" she asked him in a low voice, so that only he could hear it.

"Help me." Lan Fuchu only gave two simple words.

Before Su Yi understood, the three people at the door of the room walked in. To their surprise, the couple was holding each other's hands and standing face to face, looking very affectionate.

Mrs. Lan was the happiest person. She knew her son's character too well. He looked gentle, but was actually so cold that he seemed to have no human emotions. But now, he actually took the initiative to hold a girl's hand and looked at her with unusually gentle eyes.

Mrs. Lan thought that her son could get married.

Grandpa Lan was also very satisfied. He stared at the couple's clasped hands without blinking, his face full of kindness, as if he was afraid of scaring Su Yi. Grandpa Lan deliberately didn't look at their clasped hands, and walked slowly around Lan Fuchu's room. When he saw some female cosmetics on the white dressing table, his eyes became more meaningful. It was definitely right. The two had been living together for a long time. Not bad...

Seeing the two beds in the room that were not touching each other, Lan Shichu hummed in surprise, "Brother, why are these two beds separated?"

"I'm sick and she has a bad sleeping posture. I'm afraid she might accidentally crush me." Lan Fuchu said this with a cold face.

"..." Su Yi glared slightly. Lan Fuchu actually said this? She must have heard it wrong.

"Well, the beds are separated, so there must be a reason for them to be separated. What's there to be curious about?" Mrs. Lan glanced at Lan Shichu and scolded her.

Su Yi's inner thoughts: "..."

What does it mean that if the beds are separated, then there is a reason for them to be separated? Do they suspect that they separated the beds because they had a quarrel with Xiao Dai and they didn't want Xiao Dai to do something or other

Oh my god!

What kind of imagination do these Lan family members have

Hearing the laughter of the elders, Su Yi's expression became more complicated than ever. He tried to break free of his hand again, but found that he still couldn't break free. Lan Fuchu held his hand and spoke to Grandpa Lan calmly, "Grandpa, when did you come here?"

"I've only been here for a few minutes. As soon as I came in, I heard someone pressing the password, so I went back to see who it was. Unexpectedly, I met this girl." Old Man Lan glanced at Su Yi with a smile on his face.

Su Yi's smile was a little awkward.

"Shu Shu, Biluochun is here." At this time, Juesen walked in from outside, holding a tray firmly in his two mechanical hands. On the tray were five cups of Biluochun, served in Qing Dynasty porcelain cups with dragon patterns.

"What is this?" Old Master Lan looked at Juesen, his eyes fierce, as if waiting for an explanation.

"This is the artificial intelligence developed by Su Yi." Lan Fuchu gave Grandpa Lan a brief explanation.

Old Master Lan nodded. "This is incredible. It's so personified. Girl, you are a great man."

Su Yi smiled, "Thank you for the compliment, Grandpa."

"Pour grandpa a cup of tea." Lan Fuchu suddenly turned his head and said to her.

Su Yi didn't want to do it at first, but since he asked her to do so, she had no choice but to do it. She took a cup of tea from the tray in Juesen's hand and handed it to Grandpa Lan, "Grandpa, have some tea."

"Hey! Child, your posture is wrong. You should bend down slightly and smile." Mrs. Lan instructed from the side.

Su Yi didn't understand why pouring a cup of tea was so complicated, but she did it anyway.

She bowed slightly, smiled, and poured a cup of tea for Mr. Lan.

Mr. Lan looked at her with a smile, and after several minutes, he said, "Okay, be good."

He took the teacup and took a sip. Mrs. Lan took the teacup from him. Su Yi was a little confused, and saw the old man take out a square piece of yellow silk from his inner pocket. Inside the silk was a emerald bracelet that was completely emerald green.

Grandpa Lan said: "After drinking this cup of tea, you will be the daughter-in-law of our Lan family. This bracelet of the Empress Dowager Xi of the Qing Dynasty was left by your grandmother. I am passing it to you now. You must cherish it in the future."

Su Yi: “…”

What on earth did she do? Just because Lan Fuchu asked her to pour a cup of tea for Old Man Lan, she became their future daughter-in-law? What kind of operation was this

Before she could react, Grandpa Lan had already lifted Su Yi's hand. Her hand was very thin, and the bracelet slid in with a slight push and was placed on her fair and slender wrist.

Su Yi stared at the emerald green heirloom bracelet and was unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

After she finally sorted out all her thoughts, Mrs. Lan took off a super eye-catching diamond necklace from her neck, "This Star of Hope was given to me by my mother as a dowry when I married Shi Chu's father. Now I pass it on to you, cherish it."

Su Yi: “…”

Ah, the bracelet hasn't been returned yet and now he's received a necklace? How can you keep your name clean if this continues

But isn't it too casual for the Lan family to find a daughter-in-law? They are such a wealthy family, how can they find a daughter-in-law so casually

Su Yi's eyes showed a complicated expression. Just as she was about to take the bracelet, Mrs. Lan had already walked behind her and said to her, "We are a family from now on. Lower your head and let me help you put on the necklace."

Su Yi: “…”

She was almost speechless and wanted to struggle to avoid the hand that Mrs. Lan stretched out. But she didn't expect that at this moment, Lan Fuchu, who had been ill for many days, jumped off the bed, rushed to her quickly, and hugged her waist tightly. His voice was unstable but he tried his best to pretend to be calm, and he said solemnly: "Don't move, Mom is bringing you a necklace."

Su Yi: “…”

He struggled twice, but failed to move.

Then the necklace was successfully put on Su Yi's neck. The Lan family gathered together and watched them hugging each other, and they all laughed.

Mrs. Lan said lovingly, "You must love each other in the future. As for the wedding, wait until I have discussed it with your grandfather. I will tell you how many people to invite and how to hold it later."

Su Yi: “…”

I cried out in my heart with great sorrow: You must not plan this, because your son is lying to you, I am not his girlfriend at all, I am just his little caretaker...

"Grandpa, Madam, Young Master, Young Miss, dinner is ready." At this moment of loving mother and filial son, Sister Jing came up to report.

The old man immediately glared at her gloomily and tapped his cane, "You blind thing, don't you see that this is the young mistress? Why don't you just call her?"

Sister Jing was startled and glanced at Su Yi with a puzzled expression, but she didn't say much. In front of everyone, she lowered her head and called Su Yi, "Young Madam."

Su Yi's inner thoughts: "..."

"If you do that again, you won't have to come to work anymore." The old man lectured with a stern face.

Sister Jing nodded timidly, "Yes."

Su Yi thought: It’s over, it’s over, this misunderstanding is too deep.

After everyone went downstairs to eat, Su Yi glanced at Lan Fuchu who was holding her, and said with an unpleasant expression: "What did you do just now? Are you using me as a shield?"

"Didn't I just tell you? Help me."

"Help you?" Su Yi pointed at the bracelet on her wrist and then the diamond necklace on her neck. "Is this just helping you? Now they all misunderstand and think I'm your wife."

After hearing this, Lan Fuchu blinked, and then... then left.

She returned to the bed, sat on it, picked up the black jacket and continued to read it silently.

Su Yi: “…”

Just being ignored like that

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Su Yi walked over and took the document from his hand.

Lan Chufu did not resist. He glanced at her and said calmly, "Grandpa and the others are waiting for you downstairs. Go down and have dinner with them. Remember to be sweet."

Su Yi: “…”

Then she whispered, "Why should I go to dinner with them? I'm not really your wife."

His eyes deepened, "Can't you just cooperate and help me?"

"Oh, there's no point in avoiding this kind of question. My grandfather urges me to get married every day, but I never take it seriously."

"Your grandfather urges you to get married every day?" He grasped the key point of the words and raised his eyes to look at her.

"Yes, every time I go to the hospital, I am urged to go, but I just listen and ignore them. Why don't you learn from me? It's not good to lie to your family."

Lan Fuchu lowered his eyes and said, "My grandfather's heart is not in good condition."

Why do you say this as if you are pretending to be pitiful

(End of this chapter)