Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 132: We got married! (4 more)



If she had this house, she would be more likely to accept it.

After all, that house holds a lot of her memories, especially her original room, which is filled with books and is her favorite place to stay.

"Is that house under your name now?" Su Yi asked him after a long time.


“Why did you buy that house?”

Lan Fuchu said calmly: "Who knows, maybe he just likes it?"

Su Yi glanced at him, her expression had changed from shock at the beginning to calmness now, looking into his eyes as light as glass, "Then... can I have one more request?"


"Since you said you would give me the house in Bihuating, I want to bring my grandfather out and let him live there in his old age. Can you help him set up some medical equipment and doctors? I see that you have been sick recently, and a lot of doctors have been coming in and out. I feel like you should be able to do something..." Anyone who has stayed in the hospital knows that it is actually very uncomfortable to stay in the hospital for a long time. Those who can go home should try to go home, otherwise their mood will get worse and worse, and their temperament will become more and more depressed.


Su Yi raised her eyebrows, "Okay, I can do it too."

"What can I do?" Lan Fuchu knew it was intentional.

"I can marry you." He took his marriage certificate and said, "This is mine, right? Then I'll keep it."

Lan Fuchu nodded, his eyes as deep as the sea, "Well, keep it."

And so they got married.

In the middle of the night, Su Yi lay in his little bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Until the early morning, she suddenly fell asleep and woke up suddenly. She still felt that it was a dream and couldn't believe it. She looked at the handsome face sleeping very soundly opposite her in the dim morning light. Her expression was a little confused and a little entangled.

But the strange thing is that apart from being confused and entangled, she didn't feel a trace of grievance or sadness.

Come to think of it, marrying him is not such a difficult thing to accept.

Even though they are all fake...

But she was actually quite happy, although she didn't know why.


When he woke up again, it was already half past nine in the morning. Su Yi got up quickly and found that Lan Fuchu was not in the room and no one from the group came to the meeting.

She put her hands on her head, unable to react.

It's strange, there's no one here today.

She washed her face and brushed her teeth in a daze, put on a smoky white long shirt, and walked down from the second floor.

There were faint sounds of voices on the first floor.

When Su Yi went downstairs to take a look, he realized that it was not that there were no people from the group coming, but that the people from the group were all gathered in the study for a meeting.

Song Yanan also came today and sat in a corner of the sofa. When she saw her coming down from upstairs, she greeted her.

"Young man." Su Yi said lazily.

"Why did you wake up just now?" Song Yan'an stood up, holding a gift box in his hand, "Hey, happy birthday."

"What a belated gift." Su Yi took it, opened it, and saw a hairpin inside. It was finally a different gift. She smiled and said, "Thank you for the gift, brother. It's really beautiful."

"I was just saying that. I came here early in the morning to give you this gift. I didn't expect you to sleep so late, which made me wait here for so long."

"Ah? You came here to see me."

"if not?"

Su Yi frowned, "Then why don't you ask Sister Jing to go up and call me?"

Song Yanan glanced at the study and said, "Old Third said that you didn't sleep last night and told me not to disturb you."

"..." Su Yi curled his lips, "Why did you listen to him?"

Song Yanan smiled and didn't respond.

Su Yi asked: "Brother, have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet. I don't feel very hungry."

"Are you hungry now? Do you want to eat together?"

Song Yanan hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll eat something with you."

As they were talking, the two had already entered the kitchen. Sister Jing was squeezing juice. Su Yi went to get the dishes and asked, "Sister Jing, what do you have for breakfast today?"

"We have century egg and lean meat porridge and shrimp dumplings. What do you want to eat? I'll help you make it."

"I want both." She said, looking at Song Yan'an, "Brother, what do you want to eat?"

"Order porridge?" Song Yan'an stood behind and watched her getting along harmoniously with Sister Jing. All of a sudden, she felt like she was the hostess of this house. Her every move exuded comfort and casualness.

"Okay." Su Yi took the bowl and served porridge to Sister Jing. At the end, he asked her with a smile: "Sister Jing, has your young master come for breakfast?"

"Master hasn't eaten yet."

"Is that so?" Su Yi thought for a moment and said to Sister Jing, "Then I won't eat the porridge for now. I'll have some shrimp dumplings. I'll eat the porridge with your master when he's done with his work."

"Okay." Sister Jing responded with a smile and brought her a plate of shrimp dumplings.

Su Yi and Song Yan'an sat on opposite sides of the table, eating their breakfast in a harmonious atmosphere. Su Yi looked at Song Yan'an from time to time, as if he had something to say, but was a little hesitant, so he chewed the shrimp dumplings for a long time without saying a word.

"Why are you always looking at me? Do you have something to say to me?" When Su Yi looked at Song Yan'an for the eighth time, he finally put down the spoon in his hand, put his hands on the table, and asked her.

Su Yi ate a shrimp dumpling and said, "No."

"Not yet? You look like you're worried about something. Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"

"Uh..." Su Yi held his chin with one hand, thought for a moment, and said embarrassedly, "Brother, I'm married."

"You're married?" Song Yan'an was shocked. "Who?"

Su Yi blinked and said nothing.

It seemed like asking him to guess.

Song Yanan said without thinking: "Gu Benmo?"

"…" Su Yi was speechless for a while, "It's someone else."

Song Yanan thought about it and finally frowned, "Third brother?"

"Hmm." Su Yi nodded.

"When did this happen?"


Song Yanan had a strange expression on his face. "Yesterday? Didn't you stay in the hospital all day yesterday? When did you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau? Besides, is the third brother fit to go out?"

"You don't need to go out. As long as you have the information and connections, you can get married." She only found out about this last night.

"..." Song Yan'an was even more shocked when he heard this, and asked slowly: "So you two really got married yesterday?"

Su Yi nodded, "Yes."

"..." Song Yan'an didn't know what to say. He looked at Su Yi's face for a long time before asking softly, "Did you do this voluntarily? Or did he force you to do this?"

Su Yi thought about it and hummed, "It should be considered mutually beneficial."

Song Yanan showed an expression as if he wanted to continue speaking.

Su Yi leaned back on the chair and ate a shrimp dumpling, her lips flushed, "You know Mr. Lan, right? He's the one you met last time."

Song Yanan nodded.

Su Yi then told him the whole story, and at the end, she said, "So we are mutually beneficial. If he marries me, he won't be afraid of his grandfather forcing him to marry me, and I can have a grandson-in-law to answer to my grandfather. Not only that, he also promised to help me find medical staff to take care of my grandfather."

Song Yan'an thought about it and felt that the third brother was not the type of person who would compromise when forced to get married by his family. He felt that there must be something behind this.

"Then you'd better sleep in a separate room from him to avoid being at a disadvantage." After thinking for a moment, Song Yan'an told her.

"Of course! When he recovers, I will live in a room by myself. I don't think he would object, because he said last night that we are getting married only to fulfill the wishes of our elders, and we will not interfere with each other after marriage."

"Hmm." He didn't know whether it was interference or not, he just thought it was very strange. No, he had to go back and ask the youngest brother about it. He always felt like he was kept in the dark.


"Master, your meeting is over." Sister Jing called out from outside the kitchen.

"Yeah." Lan Fuchu responded lightly, and then his figure appeared at the kitchen door. Wearing a suit and tie, he looked obviously colder and more serious than usual, like a high-ranking person who was in charge of the country.

Alas, he still looks friendly even when he is seriously ill and lying in bed.

He walked in directly, glanced at Song Yan'an, sat next to Su Yi, and greeted him lightly, "Brother."

"Yeah." Song Yan'an nodded.

Then Su Yi asked him, "I heard from Sister Jing that you haven't had breakfast yet?"


"What do you want to eat? I'll serve it to you."

Lan Fuchu thought for a moment and said, "Let's eat shrimp dumplings like you do."

"Okay." Su Yi was already used to taking care of him. When she heard that he wanted to eat, she stood up and got the plate like a conditioned reflex.

Song Yanan watched the two interacting calmly, and suddenly felt that the relationship between them was extremely harmonious. How come they seemed so intimate now when they were so indifferent a few days ago

I just finished it. I’m so tired that I feel like dying!

(End of this chapter)