Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 133: The Son of Ji Chensi (1 more chapter)


The new company has just been established and there are many things to do.

Su Yi was tidying up things in the office and was busy for several hours.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Tong knocked on her office door and said, "My friend, you didn't even have lunch? Are you planning to become an immortal?"

Later, he followed Mu Nanxi's example and called Su Yi "old iron".

"Not yet." Su Yi looked up while tidying up things in the office.

"Then let's go have afternoon tea together."

"OK, wait for me."

Yan Tong stood outside the office waiting for her. After a while, Su Yi turned off the computer and walked out with her bag.

The two went to a beverage shop near the company for afternoon tea.

The waiter came over to take the order.

Su Yi often drinks from this chain and is familiar with their menu. He looked at his phone and said without looking up, "Fruit tea, spaghetti bolognese."

After he finished speaking, the waiter did not move.

Su Yi felt strange and was about to look up when she heard Yan Tong exclaim. She looked over and saw Yan Tong grabbing the hand of the waiter who came to take the order with a shocked expression, "Xiao... Xiao Xiao?"

Hearing these two words, Su Yi was stunned for a moment and looked at the waiter.

That beautiful face immediately caught his eyes. Compared with five years ago, Xiao Xiao is now more beautiful, with skin as smooth as a baby's. Even wearing the rigid black uniform of a waitress, it does not affect her beauty and temperament at all.

Su Yi said in surprise: "Xiao, it's really you."

When Xiao Xiao saw the two of them, her eyes widened, as if she found it difficult to adapt. She turned around and ran away in a panic with an angry and humiliated expression.

But how could Yan Tong let her run away? He ran after her.

Su Yi followed him out.

Not long after running, Xiao Xiao was caught by Yan Tong. She stood on the side of the road, as if she was afraid to face him. She put her hands over her head, like an ostrich, and didn't want them to find her.

"My friend, I'm here." Yan Tong waved and called Su Yi.

Su Yi ran over, holding a bag in her hand, "You're running so fast, I can hardly catch up with you."

Then his gaze turned to Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao immediately struggled and begged, her voice tearing as she said, "Please let me go, let me go..."

Su Yi looked at her and intuitively felt that she was very scared. Although he didn't know what she was afraid of, there must be a reason why she was hiding from them.

"Why are you hiding from us?" Su Yi thought for a moment and asked her.

"Don't look for me! I don't know you! I don't know you!" Xiao Xiao shouted in a low voice with a sad look on her face.

"What are you doing? Let my mom go! You bad guys! Let my mom go quickly!" At this moment, a little boy, about three years old, ran down from the dark corridor in the distance. He rushed over and tried to pry Yan Tong's claws apart. "You bad guy! Let my mom go..."

Seeing this little boy, Xiao Xiao's expression became even more panicked. She pushed him hard and said, "Ji Ling, why did you come out? Didn't I tell you to hide in Aunt Zhen Zhen's house and not come out? Go back quickly and don't follow your mother!"

"No, Mom, don't push me. The bad guys are coming to take you away. I'm here to save you." Ji Ling grabbed Xiao Xiao's hand, "Mom, please come with me."

Xiao Xiao closed her eyes sadly.

When Su Yi saw Xiao Xiao's son, he looked as if he had been struck by lightning.

Her son, in terms of facial features and temperament, is exactly like Ji Chensi. It can be said that this little boy is the one in the photo that Ji Chensi showed her that day!

"Is your son Ji Chensi's?" Su Yi asked.

When Xiao Xiao heard these three words, she felt like something was stuck in her throat. She stammered and did not answer.

Su Yi continued to ask: "Did he ask someone to pick up his son?"

Xiao Xiao's expression was filled with hatred. She hugged Ji Ling tightly and said with a sob, "I will not give my son to him! You don't need to persuade me anymore."

"Who advised?"

She was slightly startled, and raised her head to look at them, "You... weren't sent by him?"

"Do we look like we were sent by him?" Su Yi asked back.

"If not, why do you know his name?"

"Knowing his name means he sent me here." Su Yi smiled unconsciously, tilted his head, and looked down at her from top to bottom, "Have you forgotten who I am?"

"Of course I remember who you are, but now I can't tell who is human and who is a ghost."

Su Yi caught the hidden meaning in her words, "What do you mean?"

"Even my parents were bribed by him to persuade me to give the child to them. When I refused, they said I was an unfilial daughter and even tried to secretly take Ji Ling away while I was sleeping. Tell me, who can I trust now?"

"How could your parents treat you like this?" Yan Tong couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Xiao nodded, looking lonely. "Not only that, my boss at the company also asked me to give the child to him. I refused, so they fired me. Because of Ji Chensi, I have become a street rat that everyone wants to beat. People who know me or not say that I don't know what's good for me, saying that Ji Ling is the crown prince, but I made him a beggar on the street."

Su Yi: “…”

That was a bit too much. She thought for a moment and said, "Let's find a place to sit down and talk. This is the street, not a good place to talk."

"In short, I won't hand over Ji Ling!" Xiao Xiao hugged Ji Ling, still not believing them.

"Don't worry, we are not sent by Ji Chensi, and we are not interested in your son." Su Yi emphasized again and again.

When they arrived at a nearby hotel, Ji Ling felt sleepy, so Xiao Xiao went to coax him to sleep. After about half an hour, Xiao Xiao walked out of the room and closed the door carefully.

Su Yi was sitting in the living room of the suite. He seemed to have just finished taking out food. There were several snack boxes piled on the table, making it a bit messy.

Xiao Xiao walked over and wiped the hair on her forehead, "Where's Yan Tong?"

"He has something to do, so he's going back first."

"Well, I'm sorry for misunderstanding you." It was not until now that Xiao Xiao confirmed that Su Yi and Yan Tong were not coming for her son, otherwise Yan Tong would have caught her on the street and Su Yi would have taken the child away. Why would they leave Su Yi alone here waiting for her

Su Yi lazily leaned on the sofa and asked her, "Are you asleep?"

Referring to her son.

"Yeah." Xiao Xiao sat down. She knew Su Yi must have something to ask her.

Su Yi pushed a piece of cake in front of her, "You probably haven't had lunch yet? Want to eat something?"

"Thank you, I'm not hungry."

Su Yi stopped insisting, holding her cheek, and asked, "Ji Ling, what's going on?"

According to Ji Chensi's description a few days ago, this child should be the product of a 419, but... Why would Xiao Xiao have a 419 with Ji Chensi? Didn't she have a boyfriend at the time? What was his name... Du Zian

When mentioning Ji Ling, Xiao Xiao's face turned gloomy.

"Didn't you have a boyfriend at the time? His name was Du Zian, right?"

Xiao Xiao nodded, her eyes moist, "Zi'an... I am sorry for him..."

"What happened?"

Xiao Xiao pursed her lips and said painfully, "When I was a freshman, one day, I came home from school and my dad was there. He was drinking. When he saw me, he asked me to come over. After I came over, he told me sadly that our company was going to go bankrupt and we would have to live on the streets in the future... My dad was very sad, and I was very sad too. My dad told me that there was actually a way to solve it, but only I could help."

"I asked him how I could help..." At this point, she frowned, as if recalling those bad memories, "Dad said that he had a friend who liked me and thought I was pretty, and wanted me... If I was willing to spend a night with him, he would lend money to Dad's company. Dad begged me to save him, but he said it wouldn't hurt, and I closed my eyes and it was over."

"Did you agree in the end?" Su Yi couldn't help but ask. Are there such heartless parents in this world

Xiao Xiao drooped her eyelashes and nodded, "Well, but after I went there, I regretted it. I felt that I was very unfilial, but I didn't want to let Zi An down, so I wanted to leave, but the man wouldn't let me. He kept forcing me to drink and said a lot of dirty words to me. Later, I lied that I needed to go to the bathroom and escaped from the private room. The man chased me out, and I was scared, so I hid in an empty dark room, but Ji Chensi was in that dark room..."

"He was drugged and sat on the ground. I felt sorry for him and wanted to help him, but he pulled me down and didn't listen to me. Then... then..."

"What's the matter?" Su Yi asked following her tone.

Xiao Xiao nodded with difficulty, "Well, then there was Ji Ling..."

"You got it right in one try?"

After hearing this, Xiao Xiao's face was a little embarrassed. She lowered her eyelashes and stammered, "More than once, there were... seven or eight times."

"…" Su Yi raised his hand and touched his chin. Seven or eight times a night, a legendary beast. "What about you and Du Zian? Have you ever had it?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head honestly, "No, Zi'an is a very quiet person. When we were together, we always acted out of affection but kept things within the bounds of propriety. Apart from holding hands occasionally, we never did anything else."

"That's such a pity." Su Yi sighed. He had been in love for several years, but nothing happened. Ji Chensi, the Chen Shimei, made a fortune and got a son for free.

There will only be one update tonight, and the second update may not be until tomorrow afternoon, because Xuxu is sick and has a severe headache, so I really can't write anymore, so it may take a few days to update 5,000 words, muah

(End of this chapter)