Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 139: Please have a meal! (3 more)


Pushing the door open, Lan Fuchu was wearing a black robe and taking medicine.

Obviously he had just showered, his head was tilted, his short black hair was still a little wet, and the collar of his pajamas was not pulled together very tightly, revealing a large area of sexy and well-defined chest, giving people a particularly charming feeling.

Su Yi looked up and couldn't help but breathe heavily, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But never mind, I’ve already seen everything I should and shouldn’t have seen, so there’s nothing to be pretentious about.

She walked in boldly and took the medicine box from his hand. "Give it to me. I'll help you open it."

Lan Fuchu hummed and sat on the bed.

Su Yi opened a dozen pills for him, put them in his hand, and walked over to pour warm water, "It's okay, take it."

He tilted his head back and swallowed the medicine in his hand mixed with warm water.

"Did you take a shower?"

"Well, I just washed it briefly."

Su Yi: “…”

You've already washed your hair, and you still want to simply wash it? She frowned, "You haven't fully recovered yet, so stay away from water."

He nodded, half of his face now in the shadow of the wall lamp, his expression gentle.

Su Yi looked at him quietly, and really felt that he was very different from before. He always looked sinister and spoke sarcastically before, but recently, this situation almost never happened. It seemed that... since she lived here? He no longer showed those frightening expressions and auras.

Su Yi touched his forehead and said, "The temperature is good. Okay, take the medicine and go to sleep."

Lan Fuchu raised his eyes and saw her lift up her quilt and lie down in it. His eyes seemed to be full of expectation, and he couldn't help but look at her several times.

However, Su Yi seemed not to understand and lay down in the quilt, saying comfortably, "I'm tired after a day, it's so comfortable to lie down."

"..." Lan Fuchu pursed his lips and finally couldn't help but asked: "Don't you have anything to say to me?"

"Huh?" Su Yi turned her head, her distinct black and white eyes looking at him from under the wall lamp, and said in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

Lan Fuchu pursed her beautiful lips and stopped talking.

Su Yi thought about it seriously, and suddenly exclaimed, "Thank you so much for Xiao Xiao's matter."

"Come here." He ordered.

"What for?" Su Yi was reluctant to go over. She had just laid down and was enjoying the close contact with the bed.

"Is this the attitude you should take towards your benefactor?" He was usually a man of few words, but tonight he became particularly fussy.

Su Yi didn't understand what he was doing. Although he did help a lot tonight, he was helping Xiao Xiao, although, he was helping Xiao Xiao through her.

But she finally got up obediently, but didn't move. She looked at him with a slightly complaining expression, "I'm so tired. It's time to go to bed. Why did you ask me to get up?"

"Come here, I want to talk to you."

Su Yi had no choice but to get up reluctantly and sit on his bed.


Lan Fuchu just looked at her steadily without saying anything.

Su Yi was a little sleepy waiting, so she looked up, looked at his cold face that could charm thousands of girls, and said, "What do you want to say?"

"Don't you have anything to say?" He had been waiting for her to speak.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded, "Thank you."

"anything else?"

"what else?"

Lan Fuchu raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but said gloomily: "That's all?"

Su Yi realized that he was asking for a reward, so he nodded and said, "Oh, I forgot to say that just now."

"Hmm?" He looked at her with eyes that unconsciously became deeper.

Su Yi smiled brightly and said, "I'll treat you to a meal some other day."

This is actually just a joke.

Unexpectedly, Lan Fuchu asked back: "What are we going to eat?"

"..." Su Yi thought for a moment, then held his chin up and said, "How about... go eat Japanese food?"

"Okay." He nodded in agreement.

"No, no, I can't eat the food." Su Yi suddenly regretted.

Lan Fuchu's face immediately turned cold.

Su Yi said: "You are not fully recovered yet, you can't eat raw food. Let's go eat roast duck, at least it's not that hard to digest."

"That's fine." He raised his eyebrows. "No need to wait until another day. Let's go eat tomorrow night."

To avoid unnecessary trouble.

"..." Su Yi was a little slow to react, "Are you so anxious?"

"Are you lying to me?" He narrowed his eyes, displeasure in his eyes.

"That's definitely not the case. If I say I'll treat you to a meal, then I'm definitely going to treat you to a meal. Well, since you said tomorrow night, then let's go eat tomorrow night. But let me make a point first. If you feel unwell, you have to tell me in advance, so that I don't have to say you can't go when I'm about to go out."

"No." He would crawl to this agreement even if he died.

"Then go to bed." After getting his reward, Lan Fuchu finally let her go.

Su Yi lay back on her bed, and suddenly felt a pain in her waist and back. She was so tired after a busy day. Before she could think twice, she fell into a deep sleep...


The next day, Su Yi and Lan Fuchu were having breakfast on the first floor. Xiao Xiao rushed downstairs with a cell phone in her hand. She didn't even have time to comb her hair before she said excitedly, "Xiao Yi, I just received a call from Ji Chensi's secretary. He said that he would send Ji Ling home to me at ten o'clock."

"Really? That's great."

"Well, I have to go back quickly. I came to tell you."

Su Yi glanced at the time on the grandfather clock and said, "It's only a little after eight o'clock now. There's no rush. Have breakfast before going back. I'll take you there later."

So Xiao Xiao stayed to have breakfast and shyly said to Lan Fuchu, "Thank you so much for last night."

Lan Fuchu had no writing tools, and was neither polite nor grateful.

Xiao Xiao felt a little embarrassed, but when she thought about it, she felt that the monitor was just like that and there was nothing to be pretentious about.

After breakfast, Su Yi said to Lan Fuchu, "I'm going to work. You should rest at home and don't work too long. Got it?"

"Yeah." He responded indifferently. Many senior executives will come to Lan's house for a meeting soon.

Su Yi took two steps, but was worried, so he turned back and reminded her, "Remember to take your medicine on time."

"Okay." Lan Fuchu nodded, raised his pair of light-colored eyes like glass, and looked at her.

Su Yi looked at him and they both smiled.

Lan Fuchu said: "Don't forget our appointment tonight."

"OK." Su Yi made a gesture and finally went out. He took Xiao Xiao's arm in a good mood and went down to the underground parking lot.


When we arrived at the place Xiao Xiao rented, we saw a Maserati parked downstairs that looked out of place and was unusually dazzling.

Xiao Xiao got out of Su Yi's car and said to her, "He's here."

She looked happy when she said this, which meant that she would be able to see her son soon.

Su Yi smiled, "I said he wouldn't break his promise."

"Well, Xiaoyi, come with me. I just beat him up yesterday, and now I feel a little embarrassed. I don't dare to face him alone."

"What's the big deal? Just pretend nothing happened last night."

"Oh, just accompany me upstairs." Xiao Xiao stamped her feet, obviously feeling that it would be very embarrassing to face him later.

"Okay." Su Yi couldn't stand others begging her the most, so she agreed and parked the car on the side of the road.

The corridor was dim and some of the lights were broken.

Su Yi asked as they walked: "Which floor do you live on?"

"Sixth floor."

“Isn’t there an elevator here?”

"No, this is an apartment with stairs and no elevator. Apartments with elevators would be more expensive. I thought it didn't matter if I lived in a worse place. The most important thing was to save money for Ji Ling's future studies, so I didn't rent an apartment with an elevator." In fact, Xiao Xiao's previous job was very good, with good salary and benefits. Although she did not have enough academic qualifications, she had a very beautiful face and a proud figure. She used to be a model with a decent income, but it was not easy for a single mother to raise a child, so she tried to save as much as possible.

After climbing up to the sixth floor breathlessly, Ji Chensi and Ji Ling were already waiting there. They stood face to face, staring at each other.

Ji Chensi's reaction was very calm. He looked at Ji Ling with his brows slightly furrowed, and said nothing.

Ji Ling also had a tense little face.

The light overhead was half bright and half dark, shining upon the faces of the father and son, giving them an indescribable sense of weirdness.

When Xiao Xiao saw the reunion of the father and son, she was also very surprised and moved. Of course, it was not the kind of moving that she liked Ji Chensi, but she felt that her son finally had a father. At that moment, her heart was full and soft. Then she took a step forward and called out, "Ji Ling."

"Mom!" As soon as Xiao Xiao appeared, Ji Ling immediately ran back, snuggled into her arms, and acted affectionately and coquettishly.

Xiao Xiao picked him up and kissed him twice on the cheek, "Do you miss your mother?"


As she spoke, Xiao Xiao opened the door with her key, and immediately a damp smell wafted in.

Ji Chensi walked at the back and frowned uncomfortably.

(End of this chapter)