Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 141: (1 more)


Ding Qingyan went to the bathroom and came back with her makeup done. She said to the two of them, "Sorry, my fiancé wants me to try the dishes at the wedding banquet. I have to leave first."

"Okay, that's okay." Su Yi stood up and handed over a white business card with gold foil. "This is my business card. Let's make an appointment next time."

"Okay." Ding Qingyan smiled, took the business card, put it in her bag, turned and left.

After she left, Su Yi looked at the remaining dishes on the table and couldn't help but said to Gu Benmo with concern: "Hey, there are still a lot left."

Gu Benmo held his chin and glanced at her, his eyes deep and soft, "Then eat more. I didn't see how you ate just now."

"No." She had a date in the evening, how could she eat so much now

She raised her hand to check the time. It was almost six o'clock. It was impossible to go back to get the car now, so she planned to call Lan Fuchu and ask him to go to the restaurant now, and she would take a taxi from here.

"What's wrong? Do you have something to do tonight?" Gu Benmo asked when he saw her looking at her watch frequently.


He was silent for a moment, then asked, "Where is the watch I gave you?"

"At home."

"Why not bring it?" He asked calmly, stirring the coffee in the cup, with a flash of loneliness in the depths of his eyes.

"That watch is too shiny and not suitable for wearing during work hours, so I kept it." Su Yi found a less hurtful excuse to comfort him. After all, it was a birthday gift from a good friend, so she didn't say anything too extreme.

"Why didn't you say earlier that it's too flashy?" As he said that, he naturally took her hand, looked carefully at the watch she was wearing, and said with a smile, "What? This watch is too simple and plain."

Su Yi couldn't help laughing, "Isn't it?"

He looked up at her, his dark eyes shining, "Do you like such a simple style?"

Su Yi seemed to be stumped. Just as he was about to tell him about Lan Fuchu, he heard hurried but orderly footsteps.

She turned her head and looked.

A group of restaurant executives in suits and ties hurried down from upstairs, startling all the guests. Everyone in the restaurant looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.

After a while, a waiter came over and apologized, "Sorry, the noise just now was caused by our boss coming to inspect the store. We are sorry to have disturbed you, so in order to make your meal enjoyable, the entire restaurant is free tonight. You can order whatever you want. Sorry, I wish you a happy meal!"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment. Just because of a quarrel, the whole meal in the restaurant would be free


The service attitude is also very good!

Just as she was sighing, a steady sound of footsteps approached from afar.

Su Yi guessed that it was the owner of the restaurant, so he looked in the direction of the voice. He saw many restaurant executives walking under the lights, and the one standing in the middle like the moon surrounded by stars was the indifferent Lan Fuchu.

Gu Benmo also took a look from afar and saw that familiar expressionless face. His eyes darkened and he clenched Su Yi's hand that was wearing the watch.

Su Yi felt pain and frowned. He wanted to pull his hand back, but found that Gu Benmo was holding it tightly and he couldn't pull it back.

Mu Ziyin came down from the private room upstairs, walked up to Lan Fuchu, glanced at him and said, "Third brother, sister-in-law is there."

He automatically changed his address.

Lan Fuchu listened and looked over from afar. She was indeed in the restaurant, enjoying a sumptuous meal with Gu Benmo, and he was holding her hand. Haha, it was obvious that he was flirting.

At a glance, his brows were filled with coldness.

Then he withdrew his gaze expressionlessly, raised his long legs, and went upstairs with Mu Ziyin.

"Aren't you going up to say something to your sister-in-law?" Mu Ziyin asked in a low voice.

Lan Fuchu ignored him.

"Actually, there was another one just now..." Before he could finish the word "person", Lan Fuchu glared at him coldly and he was so scared that he immediately fell silent.

Seeing him leave like that, Su Yi looked as if she couldn't react.

Given their current relationship, he should at least say hello to her, right? Even if... just nodding is fine.

I looked at the time and it was already six o'clock. What did this mean? Should I still go eat roast duck

Su Yi racked his brain and thought, since they are here to inspect the store, should he not go

Pursing her lips slightly, Su Yi withdrew her hand, picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

She had just saved some space to go eat Peking duck with him, but now it seemed that she couldn't go. So she didn't need to restrain herself anymore and just ate as much as she wanted.

Gu Benmo was a little surprised when he saw her start eating, "Didn't you say you had an appointment tonight?"

"it's gone now!"

"what's the situation?"

"I was just stood up." She took a bite of the dish and complained angrily.

Gu Benmo wanted to laugh when he saw her like this, "Then you should eat more."

After saying that, he picked up his chopsticks and helped her pick up the food.

But all he could think of was the scene of Lan Fuchu appearing just now. Although Su Yi didn't show any expression, Gu Benmo always felt that her mood became bad after she saw him.


Lan Fuchu chose a seat where he could see the scenery downstairs and sat down. He said to the room full of senior executives, "I'm just here for dinner tonight. I don't have any other intentions. It's not working hours, so you don't have to be too nervous."

A room full of senior executives nodded repeatedly, sweating.

"Okay, everyone go do your own thing and bring the menu over." The manager quickly handed over the menu with both hands.

Lan Fuchu glanced at him and said, "Let them all go."

Then all the senior people in the room dispersed.

Lan Fuchu looked at the menu, ordered a few dishes at random, then sat at the table, watching Su Yi eating downstairs with cold eyes.

She can not only eat it!

And it tastes especially delicious!

This is like treating yourself to roast duck in the evening, haha.


Su Yi ate two whole plates of food.

Seeing that she had a good appetite, Gu Benmo waved to the waiter and ordered a few more dishes.

Su Yi wanted to stop him, but was choked by the rice grains and was unable to speak. He took a few sips of the water beside him.

"Eat slowly." Gu Benmo stretched out a hand and patted her on the back, his expression gentle, "Are you feeling better?"

Su Yi lowered his head, coughed twice, and then said, "Don't order anymore. You can't finish it."

"I think you can still eat."

"I'm just worried about food wasting. I'm trying my best to finish some of it." While speaking, he was still coughing. Su Yi could only keep drinking water.

So Gu Benmo kept patting her on the back.


Mu Ziyin looked at the two of them and couldn't help shaking his head, "I shouldn't... I really shouldn't..."

Lan Fuchu remained silent and watched coldly.

"How can you do this to Sister Su Yi?" Mu Ziyin propped up his head and asked in confusion, "Third brother, isn't she your wife?"

Lan Fuchu's blade-like eyes swept over again.

Mu Ziyin's heart was beating fast. "I didn't mean to say that on purpose. It's just that they..."

Pointing downstairs, her beautiful eyes widened, "Third brother, I think we should stop eating and go back first."

Lan Fuchu still ignored him, picked up the glass of tequila beside him and drank it without saying a word.

"Hey! Third brother, you haven't fully recovered yet, you can't drink." Mu Ziyin wanted to go up and persuade him, but because Lan Fuchu's eyes were too gloomy and terrifying, he didn't dare to go over. He had to send messages to the eldest and second brothers for help.

[Third brother has been drinking, and his body is not fully recovered yet. Please come and help persuade him.]

After the message was sent, two text messages were immediately received.

Ji Chensi: [No time. ]

Song Yanan: [Where are you? ]

Mu Ziyan quickly sent the address to Song Yanan.

When Song Yanan saw the address, he happened to be nearby, so he turned the car and drove towards the Westin concept restaurant.

When they were almost done eating, Gu Benmo suddenly spotted Song Yan'an with his sharp eyes, leaned back slightly, and said with his lips curled, "Yi, your brother is here."

"Huh?" Su Yi looked back and saw that the tall man who walked in from the door was indeed a young man.

No noise was allowed in the restaurant, so she picked up the phone and dialed Song Yanan, "Brother, I saw you."

"Where are you?" Song Yan'an subconsciously thought that Su Yi was with Lan Fuchu.

"Here, you walk straight in and then turn left."

Song Yanan walked over while listening to the phone call. He caught a glimpse of Gu Benmo looking at him provocatively. He glanced back at him coldly and waved at Su Yi, "Su Yi."

"Little brother, sit down."

Song Yanan sat down, crossed his long legs, and looked around, "Where are the third and youngest?"

The two people at the table looked at each other.

Gu Benmo asked, "Are you here to see them?"

"Aren't you guys from the same group?"

"Of course not." Gu Benmo smiled a little coldly, looking up, "They are upstairs."

Song Yanan then understood that they were actually two groups of people.

He thought for a moment and asked Su Yi, "You asked me about Ji Chensi's address last night. What were you doing there?"

"I'm asking on behalf of a friend of mine. Everything is fine now." Since the young man didn't know Xiao Xiao, Su Yi didn't say much.

"Who is Ji Chensi?" Gu Benmo asked.

Su Yi felt so difficult, having to explain this and that.

Before he could say anything, Song Yan'an took over the conversation, "He's a mutual friend of ours."

Gu Benmo: “…”

Whenever these two meet, they are bound to quarrel. He still remembers the last time Gu Benmo hung up on Song Yanan.

"How is your grandfather now?" Song Yan'an asked, picking up a glass of water.

"He's fine." Gu Benmo answered for Su Yi, "We went to see him two days ago. The old man is in good health except for his poor memory. He also asked me to marry Su Yi."

"Puff!" Song Yan'an spat out a mouthful of water on the table, glanced at Su Yi, and almost wanted to slap Gu Benmo's face with the words "Sorry, she's already married".

(End of this chapter)