Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 150: The scum is unusual (1 more)


"Whether you did anything or not," Su Yi looked at her, shook his head, and pursed his lips, "It doesn't matter."

Ding Qingyan didn't know what she meant by this, so she looked at her without saying anything.

Su Yi walked up to her nonchalantly, approached her in a very lazy manner, and said gently: "Have you ever thought about why Dong Xinyu hates you so much?"

Ding Qingyan looked at her hesitantly and shook her head.

"Then let me ask you, has he always hated you so much?"

Ding Qingyan still shook her head, "No, Xinyu was not like this before. It was only after he fell in love with Zhao Xingchen that he became..."

"That makes sense."

"What's the meaning?"

Seeing that her attention was drawn to him, Su Yi felt relieved and said in a slow voice, "Have you ever thought that the reason why Dong Xinyu hated you so much later might be because of Zhao Xingchen?"

Ding Qingyan was not stupid. After hearing what she said, she asked hesitantly, "Are you saying that Xinyu hates me because Zhao Xingchen said bad things about me in front of him?"

"What else?" Su Yi looked at her sincerely, "In this world, there is no love or hate without reason. You have helped Dong Xinyu so much. Logically, even if he fell in love with Zhao Xingchen, he should feel more guilty towards you. Why would he speak ill of you as soon as he saw you? Have you never asked yourself this question in your heart? People who were obviously very good to you in the past suddenly hated and despised you one day as if they were brainwashed. Don't you think this is very abnormal?"

Ding Qingyan looked at Su Yi with tears in her eyes, "You mean, the reason why Xinyu and I got into this mess was because of Zhao Xingchen's interference."

Su Yi smiled, her eyes calm, "You actually know it in your heart, don't you?"

“But I can’t understand why they treat me like this. I’m so good to Xingchen, how could she…” Ding Qingyan seemed unable to continue.

"Because there is a conflict of interest." Su Yi said confidently, "Dong Xinyu is in the media industry. Zhao Xingchen will only get endless benefits if she is close to him. If Dong Xinyu marries you, then there will be no benefits for her? Even if there are benefits, you will only be labeled as a mistress and be notorious for the rest of your life. So in this relationship, if you die, it will completely satisfy her. Besides, that news headline might have been released by her herself. What if she deliberately framed you, and you died, and Dong Xinyu believed her, then you will really die with your eyes open."

"I won't let her have her way!"

After saying that, he leaned against the fence and stretched out a slender hand to her, "Then come down."

Ding Qingyan looked at Su Yi's white palm, then suddenly turned her gaze to her face. She looked at her for a long time, and then, as if she had made up her mind, she held Su Yi's hand and climbed down from the fence.

The two of them sat on the vertical wooden chairs beside the wooden bridge. Su Yi handed her shoes to her and said, "Put them on. You are such an elegant and decent person. How can you be such a litterer?"

"This is not trash." Ding Qingyan took her high heels and put them on her feet.

Su Yi said: "Tell me about what happened between you and Dong Xinyu."

In fact, Su Yi could have ignored it and persuaded her to come down, which was already the most righteous thing to do. But her experience was similar to that of her mother, both of them had business marriages with people who did not love them. The suffering in the future really could not be maintained by loving each other, because there would be a void between the two that could never be filled, and it might even hurt the next generation.

Speaking of Dong Xinyu, Ding Qingyan's eyes became red again. "We knew each other in high school. At that time, I was the girl with the best grades in our class and also the class monitor. However, I was a quiet person and didn't play around with my classmates, so I didn't have many friends. And Xinyu, when he transferred to our school, he was so fair and handsome. He could play basketball, was very humorous, liked to wear white clothes, liked to draw, and could play the guitar and sing very well. As soon as he transferred to our school, the girls in our school went crazy. But he liked me at that time. As soon as he entered the classroom, he sat next to me. He said that I was very good-looking and wanted me to be his deskmate."

"At first, I didn't like him very much. I even thought he was frivolous, like a playboy. But later, I don't know what happened. After being pestered by him for a long time and hearing my classmates say good things about him, I started to think he was pretty good. On my birthday in my second year of high school, he asked me to go to the amusement park. He confessed his love to me on the carousel. I didn't agree, but he kissed me and said he didn't care. He stamped his seal and I was his."

"From then on, we started dating. Although I said I didn't want to, in my heart, I had already accepted him. But the good times didn't last long. After graduating from high school, I had good grades, while he didn't. We were admitted to universities in different places. Not long after, he called me and said that his university workload was heavy and he wanted to study hard and wanted to break up with me. I disagreed, so he hung up on me. I was sad for a long time. I bought a ticket overnight and skipped classes to go to his school to find him. But when I arrived, he was feeding another woman in the dormitory and smiling happily. I finally understood why he said that his studies were heavy and he wanted to break up. It was because he fell in love with someone else. I was sad and left."

"The next year, he broke up with that woman and came back to me. I still loved him and couldn't let him go, so I forgave him and continued to be with him. But not long after, he started dating the most beautiful girl in his school. He said he felt lonely because I wasn't around him all the time. When I found out, he didn't apologize to me. He just said that after thinking it over, he still felt that we were not suitable for each other and wanted to break up with me. I had no choice but to be forced to break up with him again."

"We kept in touch occasionally, but never met. After graduation, I worked in my father's group. One time, he called me and asked if I could spend his birthday with him. I asked him about his girlfriend, and he said they had broken up. He said he hoped to have someone to spend his birthday with him, and wanted to come to me, asking if I was willing. I felt sorry for him, so I agreed."

"That day, he took me to the amusement park again, where we rode the carousel, and he also took me to the oceanarium to see dolphins. He asked me if I knew why he brought me to the amusement park and the oceanarium. I said I didn't know, and he said it was because he wanted to rekindle our relationship. He said that after all these years, he finally realized that I was the person he loved the most, and he couldn't let me go. He just felt that he had hurt me, so he didn't dare to bother me anymore, for fear that I would hate him and not forgive him."

"In the end, you still forgave him?" Su Yi couldn't help asking. Isn't he too forgetful? The scumbag has cheated on her several times. It's all routine.

"No, I didn't agree at first. I said I came to see him only because of our friendship over the years, and asked him not to think too much. But he didn't listen to me at all. He sent me flowers every day before work and picked me up after get off work. He was good to me regardless of the weather."

"So you became soft-hearted later?" Su Yilue frowned.

"Yeah." Ding Qingyan nodded, her eyes red, and she said in a tearful voice: "I know I'm stupid, but I really love him. After I agreed to be with him in high school, I never let him go. I thought that now that we have graduated and are both in the capital, I can accompany him, and he shouldn't cheat again. During that time, he behaved very well and often came to my house as a guest. My parents didn't like him at first, but when they saw that I liked him, they didn't object. Later, he proposed to me, and I agreed. After meeting both parents, we started planning our engagement."

"But not long after the engagement, he fell in love with Zhao Xingchen, right?" Su Yi really didn't know what to say about this scumbag. He was so cheap and so fickle.

"Yes." Ding Qingyan nodded, and the expression on her face dimmed with these words. "Zhao Xingchen is the spokesperson for our group's brand. When she came, I was the one who received her. She and I hit it off right away, and later we became friends. She often came to me to go shopping and eat together. Over time, we became very good friends. However, at my birthday party, she pretended to go to the bathroom, but actually ran upstairs to pretend to meet Xinyu. After that, they went out to eat, go to sea, and travel together."

"I discovered the matter because I saw a photo of Xinyu's yacht in Zhao Xingchen's circle of friends. That yacht was my engagement gift to Xinyu, so I remembered the logo. I took the photo to question Zhao Xingchen. At first, she just said she didn't know. It was Xinyu who liked her and pursued her, but she never agreed. But the next day, Zhao Xingchen was admitted to the hospital. Xinyu said that because I scolded her, she felt guilty about her friend and didn't want to live anymore. Later, because she was in the hospital, Xinyu told me that he had never liked me before and proposed to me only because their group encountered big problems and needed my family's help."

(End of this chapter)