Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 151: Kiss (2 more)


"I was very angry and left, but a few days later, Xinyu came to me again and begged me to help him not to withdraw the funds our family invested in their group. He knelt on the ground and cried miserably. I couldn't bear to see him like this. I still loved him, so in the end I compromised and didn't break up with him, nor did I care about his relationship with Zhao Xingchen."

Su Yi almost lost his temper after hearing this. He closed his eyes and sighed helplessly, "Crocodile tears."

"Yes, I know that he was pretending to be sad, but I just love him. I can't just ignore him. I feel sorry for my father and my mother, but I can't control myself, so I lied to myself. Xinyu is just the same as before. He just likes to play. When he gets tired of playing, he will come back. I numbed myself and held the wedding as usual, but he didn't come to try out the food or the dresses. Even when I chose the wedding banquet, Benmo accompanied me."

Su Yi pursed her lips. "The reason why he dared to ignore you so blatantly later was because his family had already received your funds and had a smooth turnover, so he was no longer afraid?"

Ding Qingyan nodded, "Maybe."

In this case, Dong Xinyu is really a scumbag with no hope of salvation.

After hearing these words, Su Yi stopped talking and took out his cell phone, typing something.

Seeing that Su Yi had no reaction at all and no longer paid attention to her, Ding Qingyan was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone. She subconsciously turned her head to see what Su Yi was playing.

As it turned out, Su Yi was chatting in a WeChat group, and she tagged a person named Mu Nanxi: [My friend, help me check something. The headline last night about Dong Xinyu celebrating Zhao Xingchen's birthday, check the source of the gossip.]

Mu Nanxi replied: [Why are you suddenly interested in investigating Zhao Xingchen? Didn't that girl have a feud with you when you were in school? What? Are you still thinking about revenge on her now? ]

Su Yi: [Yes! ]

[…] Mu Nanxi was speechless: [My friend, it’s been so many years, and you still can’t let it go.]

Su Yi: [Just check it when I asked you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense? ]

Mu Nanxi: [We can check, but haven’t we already changed our business? Why do we have to go back to our old business? ]

Su Yi ignored him and turned off her phone.

Ding Qingyan asked in surprise: "Do you have a feud with Zhao Xingchen too?"



"She said bad things about my mom at school."

Ding Qingyan: “…”

Su Yi smiled lightly, "How about it? Do you want to expose her true face and let everyone see who she really is?"

"Can you do it?" Ding Qingyan was surprised.

"Yes, but you have to pay me. It's more expensive than custom wedding arrangements, and there are some small costs involved."

"What exactly do you do?"

"Me? I used to research AI, and now I'm a wedding planner." But while researching AI, they also work as private detectives, because Su Yi has also developed a very powerful human tracker called "Sky Eye", which can find out anything you want to find out, but that industry is not very glorious, so they usually don't tell others.

"How is that possible..." Ding Qingyan didn't quite believe what she said.

But Su Yi didn't care. She smiled and said with bright eyes and white teeth, "Then think about it. If it was someone else, I might not help you, but because it's you and the target is Zhao Xingchen, I am willing to help you. If you want to escape from the sea of suffering, reveal Zhao Xingchen's true face, and make Dong Xinyu regret misunderstanding you, call me."

After that, he smiled and stood up, "Okay, that's it for today. I hope that next time you call me, it's because you've thought it through, instead of just trying to numb yourself and continue planning the wedding."

After she left, Ding Qingyan stared at her back in a daze. If she could reveal Zhao Xingchen's true face, she would certainly be willing to do anything. But on the other hand, she was afraid that if things were not done well, Dong Xinyu would hate her to the core.


Even if she did nothing now, Dong Xinyu already hated her to the core...

He was the one who betrayed her first, and in the end, he said that she was the one who hurt Zhao Xingchen and that she was the third party between them. The more Ding Qingyan thought about it, the more she hated him. Finally, she clenched her hands tightly. Yes! She couldn't just sit there and wait for death. She wanted Zhao Xingchen to pay the price, and she also wanted Dong Xinyu to regret it!


After returning to the company, Su Yi was busy for the whole afternoon. At 5:30 in the evening, she received a call from Lan Fuchu.

"Are you off work?" he asked.

Su Yi glanced at the time and said, "It's almost time. I'll be off work in ten minutes."

"Well, I'll wait for you at the entrance of your company."

"Huh?" Su Yi felt that he was bluffing her, and frowned, "You don't even know where our company is, how did you get here?"

"I'm asking my eldest brother." He answered concisely, "Pack your things and come out. I'll be waiting for you at the gate."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi thought about it and felt that Xiaodaibi would not lie to her, so she got up and packed her things without delay. Finally, she went out carrying her small white bag.

Sure enough, there was a black Phantom parked in front of the company.

Su Yi took a look and walked up without any hesitation.

The car door opened and she got in. Lan Fuchu sat in the back seat with his eyes slightly lowered, his expression a tranquility that did not reveal anything.

She smiled and said, "Why did you come to see me today? Is there something?"

Lan Fuchu raised his eyes and glanced at her. Su Yi was not wearing any makeup today. She was only wearing a simple light purple suit, but she was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off her. "This is for you."

He handed over a document.

The car drove smoothly into the dusk.

Su Yi flipped open the document he handed over, read it quickly, and said in surprise: "You really want to use 10% of the group's shares to buy my AI patent."

"Yeah." It was a very calm answer, without any hesitation.

Su Yi glanced at his face and asked, "Don't you regret it?"

After signing, she had finally become a true billionaire. Although she knew this day would eventually come, she didn't expect that the person who would buy her patent would be the man she thought looked down on her the most.

"Well, sign it."

Su Yi didn't waste any time and directly took his pen and signed. Anyway, she felt that her patent was worth this price!

After signing, she handed the contract back to Lan Fuchu, "Okay, it's your turn to sign."

After saying that, he returned the pen to him.

Lan Fuchu calmly took the contract and pen, wrote his name on it, stamped it, and said, "Grandpa said that he wants you to come back to the old house with me this Saturday for dinner."

"Ah? You want to go back for dinner?"

Lan Fuchu glanced at her and said, "Well, there's also the matter of your grandfather. How is his mental state now? Is he going to be discharged from the hospital soon? My grandfather wants to see him."

"That may not work. My mom called yesterday and said grandpa's mental state hasn't been stable lately. He might have to stay in the hospital for a few more days."

"Okay, when he's discharged from the hospital, let me know and I'll arrange for someone to pick him up."


The car drove all the way and soon arrived at Yilanfang.

Su Yi looked surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Eat." Throwing down these two simple words, Lan Fuchu pushed the door and got out of the car.

Su Yi had no choice but to follow in.

The two entered the private room, and the waiter immediately came over to serve tea. Su Yi suddenly remembered that he had said he would treat him to roast duck, so he flipped through the menu and said, "I'll treat you tonight."

Lan Fuchu glanced at her and said calmly, "Of course it's your treat."

Su Yi: “…”

Su Yi was quite surprised that Xiao Daibi would speak like this.

Lan Fuchu flipped through the menu, not knowing what he was thinking, and ordered almost all the dishes on the menu.

Su Yi was surprised and asked, "You ordered so much, can you finish it?"

“If you can’t finish it, take it away.”

"…" What kind of talk is that? If you can't finish it, pack it up? Will he eat it if you pack it up and take it back? Haha, this is intentional, is it intentional to rip her off

"What? Are you unhappy?" Lan Fuchu looked at her pouting and raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Su Yi pouted and said, "When you treated me to a meal before, I always picked out the cheapest ones because I was afraid of wasting your money. I didn't expect that now that it's my turn to treat you to a meal, you act like you were just released, as if you won't stop until you finish ordering all the dishes in the restaurant."

"Who asked you to think about me before?"

"You said your parents were real estate agents, so I thought you were a poor student who went to school on scholarships. I even felt sorry for you."

He glanced over with a faint smile, "Then who told you not to ask clearly?"

"Tsk, am I such a fool? If you really were born in a poor family, would I deliberately ask you? Wouldn't that make me look very low in emotional intelligence? Besides, I can't do something that hurts someone's self-esteem."

Lan Fuchu looked at her quietly, "Yeah."

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"If you don't ask, then that's your own problem, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Bah! You clearly knew I misunderstood, but you didn't even remind me. You just let me act like an idiot. You have to split a dollar into two halves when you go out for a trip. Aren't you afraid that you'll waste money?"

"So what you mean is that I shouldn't order so many dishes today?"

"If you had ordered ten or eight dishes, I would definitely not have said anything to you, but the problem is that you ordered more than fifty dishes. If this isn't intentional, what is it?"

He chuckled, "I want to eat every kind of food I see, isn't that okay?"

"Okay!" She lowered her head and didn't want to pay any more attention to him.

"Su Yi." He suddenly called her name.

"Hmm?" Su Yi looked over in confusion, and the next second, she was kissed without any warning.

I have only updated 5,000 words in the last few days, because I am very tired, so I update a few thousand or five thousand words and take a break.

(End of this chapter)