Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 152: Linglongsha (1 update)


Su Yi's eyes widened, and he held her head, deepening the kiss, as if he wanted to convey something deeper through this kiss.

I don’t know how long we kissed, but the door was suddenly pushed open.

“Hello, sir, the meal you ordered... Ah! Sorry, sorry..." The waiter carrying the tray was so scared when he saw the scene inside that he ran out immediately.

Su Yi's whole face turned red.

The man next to him had already sat back down, his eyes calm and composed, as if the scene just now was just an illusion.

Su Yi: “…”

Do you have to be so calm

"Uh... the waitress just ran out. Should I go call her?" The atmosphere was very strange, and Su Yi broke the silence.

"No, there's a service bell here." After the kiss, both of them looked a little subtle. Lan Fuchu pressed the service bell, and the atmosphere dropped to freezing point again.

Neither of them spoke.

After a while, the waiter brought in the dishes and secretly looked up at the two of them. Her eyes blushed slightly when they met Lan Fuchu's handsome face.

If Su Yi were to follow her previous personality, she would definitely tease at this time, but the situation was different now. She had just been kissed for the first time by Lan Fu, and her brain was still a little blackout, so she remained silent during the meal.

When it was time to pay the bill, Su Yi pressed the service bell. The waiter came in. She opened her wallet and took out a card. "Pay the bill."

"Hello, guest, the bill for your private room has been paid."

Su Yi was stunned for a moment and looked at the man next to him.

Lan Fuchu's pale eyes met hers and a faint smile appeared on his face.

Su Yi asked, "Did you pay?"


"Didn't we agree that I should treat you tonight?" Su Yi was surprised. He asked her to treat him and paid for it herself. What was going on? Although the meal was expensive, she could still afford it. After all, she was a billionaire now.

"I'll treat you next time." He said calmly, stood up, and said calmly: "Let's go home."

Su Yi was still dazed until his hand was held. Then she turned her head in confusion and looked at his handsome profile. Su Yi's expression gradually became dazed.


At night, after taking a shower, Su Yi changed into a light blue nightgown and stood in front of Lan Fuchu, her long white legs shining. She asked in confusion, "You are almost well now, do I still need to keep watch here?"

If she doesn't need it, she wants to move back to her own room where the bed is bigger and she can sleep more comfortably.

Lan Fuchu raised his head from the book and glanced at her, his eyes fixed on her two beautiful, slender, long legs. He said calmly, "Of course I need it."

"Oh." In this case, Su Yi had no choice but to stay here.

Sitting back on her bed, she looked at the little Mickey beside his bed and said, "Hey, that..."

Pointing at the Mickey Mouse that was taken away by Lan Fuchu, she felt a little uncomfortable sleeping without it.

Unexpectedly, the next second, Lan Fuchu stuffed the little Mickey into the quilt and said calmly, "Mine."

Su Yi: “…”

I roared in my heart: Hey, that’s obviously mine, the receipt is still in my bag!

After a moment, he turned his head to look at her and said something very uncharacteristic, "You look so beautiful tonight."

"..." Su Yi frowned, "Where's the beauty?"

She was wearing pajamas and no makeup. How could she be so pretty? Was she blind

“The pajamas are beautiful.”

"…" So what he meant by beautiful was complimenting her pajamas? But thinking about it carefully, she felt quite happy. Complimenting her clothes was equivalent to acknowledging her taste. She raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Of course, you see who picked the clothes."

Lan Fuchu looked at her, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled gently.

"You know what, you're much more sensible now than before." Su Yi controlled Juesen beside him and turned on the music mode.

The quiet and soothing love song suddenly filled the room.

Su Yi took a book and read it, and then heard Lan Fuchu ask: "Was I so rude before?"

She chuckled, "Yes, stupid and awkward."

After saying that, when he didn't answer, she looked over and saw that his face was slightly stern. She immediately smiled and said, "Look, that's how you are. When I talk about you, your face immediately becomes stern."

But at that time, I didn’t know why I thought he was so cute. Maybe it was because although he was not very old, he always looked serious and solemn, which made people want to tease him.

"But I have a question that I've always been curious about." Su Yi rolled her eyes, looked at his handsome face that never had any expression, and asked tentatively: "Why... did you choose me to marry?"

Also, why did he suddenly kiss her at night

Lan Fuchu was silent for a moment, and then a deep voice came slowly, "Grandpa likes you very much."

"But I don't think you're such an obedient person."

Lan Fuchu did not answer this question.

Su Yi was already used to his personality, and he basically didn't talk nonsense, so she didn't care whether he answered or not, and just kept talking to herself: "Don't you hate me? The first time we met, in the elevator, there was a power outage, and I called you, but you ignored me."

Speaking of this, Lan Fuchu looked at her deeply and said, "There is no owner named Su Yi in Haizhimen, but you are here. How can I know why you are here? What if you are here for a date?"

"Ha, are you afraid that I have a boyfriend?"

Lan Fuchu looked at her without saying anything. When they met that time, she was standing in the corner with her cell phone, typing away so intently and happily. Who knows if she was texting her boyfriend

Still no answer, but Su Yi was not discouraged at all, because Xiao Daibi now talked much more than before, and said with a smile: "But how do you know that there is no owner of Haizhimen named Su Yi?"

Lan Fuchu was slightly startled.

Su Yi suddenly seemed to have figured it out. He nodded, looked at Lan Fuchu, whose face was stiff, and said, "I understand."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and then heard Su Yi say, "Sea Gate is under the name of your group, right?"

He didn't comment, but his eyes dimmed in an instant, becoming as cold and dull as glass. No one knew what he was thinking.

Su Yi pointed at the artificial rose amber he placed on the bedside table and said, "And this thing, I always see you holding it in your hand. Hehe, do you like roses so much?"

Lan Fuchu looked at the amber from the corner of his eye for a long time before he asked in a low voice, "You forgot everything."


"No, let's go to sleep." He put down the book in his hand, lay down, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Su Yi felt that this guy was really weird. They were just chatting nicely, but now he made the atmosphere cold. She really didn't know what he was thinking.

After lying down, Su Yi couldn't sleep, so he opened his big eyes and looked around in the dark.

Then gradually, my thoughts drifted to the Yulinglong flower sea...

On New Year’s Eve six years ago, the two boarded the train to Yulinglong in G City.

On the way, Su Yi slept on Lan Fuchu's shoulder. For more than ten hours, she curled up like a kitten, leaning on his broad shoulder. However, she did not really fall asleep. Her parents' divorce made her see broken glass all over the floor when she closed her eyes. She closed her eyelashes and made it to City G in a daze.

When I got off the train, the platform was full of people.

It was very hot in City G. It was snowing in the capital at that time, but it was approaching summer in City G.

Su Yi took off his down jacket and stepped on the ground. He felt a little weak because he did not get enough rest and his brain was lacking oxygen as if he had low blood sugar.

Lan Fuchu stood behind her. Seeing her suddenly fall over, he stretched out his arms, let her fall into his arms, hugged her whole body, and said softly, "The weather is too hot. I will help you take off your sweater."

Su Yi didn't say anything and nodded.

Lan Fuchu took off her inner sweater, leaving her in only a thin T-shirt, and helped her block the oncoming crowd with his movements lightly and carefully.

At the station entrance, many people were handing out maps. Lan Fuchu took one at random, supported Su Yi, and, carrying two suitcases, hailed a taxi on the side of the road.

"Su Yi, the car is here, you get on first, I'll go put the luggage away."

Su Yi had no energy and didn't want to talk, so she got into the car first. From the rearview mirror, she saw the handsome young man holding two thick down jackets in his hands and carrying two bags on his back. He went around to the back, opened the back of the taxi, stuffed the two bags in, then took the down jacket, got in the car, and said to the driver: "Master, let's go to Linglongsha."

The driver turned around and glanced at the two of them. "Students?"

"Yeah." Lan Fuchu answered, but Su Yi, who used to love chattering, didn't say a word today.

“Are you here for tourism?”

"Yeah." The attitude was not perfunctory, but not arrogant either. It was polite yet distant.

The master asked again: "Where do you live?"

"Just find a hotel near Linglongsha later."

"Hey, young man, I'm not saying anything bad about you, but all the hotels near Linglongsha are five-star hotels. The prices are not cheap. Besides, today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, the peak tourist season. An ordinary room may cost two to three thousand yuan a night." During the Spring Festival, room rates at tourist attractions double or triple.

Let's have some romantic memories

(End of this chapter)