Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 22: Lan Fuchu hit someone!


Su Yi nodded repeatedly. The depressed mood just now was also diluted by the principal's earnest words of concern. Well, leaving the key class is not a bad thing. At least, she can go to the class of the physics teacher she likes more, which is also a relief.

In the afternoon, Su Yi told her class teacher that her parents were going to divorce, but the teacher didn't believe it at all. She thought she was lying habitually and wanted to call Su Yi's mother to verify it. Su Yi disagreed, saying that her mother had been in poor health recently and could not bear the blow.

Not only did the head teacher not believe it, she became more suspicious. She thought that the call had to be made, but Su Yi refused to let her. The two of them were in a stalemate, and at this moment, the physics teacher came back from get out of class and heard their conversation. The physics teacher asked the head teacher if he didn't want Su Yi as a student. If not, they would admit him to the class.

Although the head teacher was dissatisfied, she also knew that Su Yi had good grades and the school would not easily expel her because this was related to the city's total score list for the future college entrance examination. Perhaps she was just not suitable for the key class, and staying there would only disrupt the peaceful order of the key class, so it was better for her to leave.

Su Yi had no objection to the class change, because the physics teacher was much easier to get along with than the head teacher. However, she would not easily forgive Lan Fuchu's behavior. This kind of hypocritical behavior was more disgusting than a real villain. He hurt her so badly, so he deserved a slap in the face.

The principal talked for a while, and seeing that the two were silent, he felt a little thirsty, so he once again reminded them not to fall in love too early. At the age of 16, they should focus on their studies, and other things can be discussed later...

As soon as the principal left, Su Yi did not linger, but reached out to tighten his schoolbag, turned around and went downstairs.

Lan Fuchu suddenly became anxious, and without saying anything, he went down the stairs to block Su Yi's way again, and even grabbed her wrist from behind, "Su Yi, wait a moment."

His palms were cold.

"Let go." Su Yi didn't look back, his disgust was evident in his words: "It's dirty."

Lan Fuchu's eyes were dark, and then Su Yi shook off his hand. In anger, he reached out again and grabbed her tightly. A sudden crack appeared in his cold pupils, "I told you to wait a moment, didn't you hear me?"

Su Yi turned her head to look at him, her beautiful eyes full of coldness, "Why do you think I should listen to your orders?"

He paused for a moment, and finally said solemnly, "I didn't do these things."

He didn't know why he had to explain all this, but he did it.

However, this sentence did not receive the understanding it deserved. Su Yi smiled and nodded, his eyes cold, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it. Now, can you let go?"

Lan Fuchu felt a breath of anger stuck in his heart and silently let go of his hand.

Su Yi raised his leg and left.

Under the sunset.

Lan Fuchu lowered his eyes.

He didn't know what he was doing. Maybe he looked ridiculous right now. But as he watched the thin figure walk away, his heart became heavier. In his depression, he broke the Captain America keychain in his hand...


The next day, Su Yi followed the physics teacher to the next class. She was more familiar with the students here than in the key class, such as Fang Jiayi, Xiao Xiao, Ye Mengfan and others... When Fang Jiayi saw her, she drove her deskmate to the seat originally assigned to Su Yi by the teacher and waved her over, "Come here, Su Yi, sit next to me."

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, then sat over.

Fang Jiayi sat at the third-to-last table in the third group. The location was not very good, but it was not very bad either. As soon as Su Yi sat down, she secretly handed him a lollipop and said, "Here you go."

Su Yi continued, his palms feeling warm.

The boy sitting behind Fang Jiayi was Ye Mengfan. Seeing Su Yi coming to Class 2, he was a little surprised, "Su Yi, why are you here?"

Su Yi regained his arrogant look and said with a smile: "Of course it's because I didn't perform well in the competition, so the teacher demoted me."

Ye Mengfan didn't know what he was thinking, and his expression was a little complicated.

Two days later, there was a sudden burst of crackling noise in the corridor. Su Yi was flipping through comics in the classroom, while other students were curious and rushed to the classroom door.

"There was a fight!"

"There was a fight!"

"It seems to be Lan Fuchu!"

Screams and chaos filled the entire corridor. A classmate shouted, "Right outside the boys' restroom, it's Lan Fuchu!"

When Su Yi heard the name, he raised his head slightly. Can this little idiot know how to fight

Just as he thought of this, Fang Jiayi pushed the door of the classroom open heavily. She rushed in with several female classmates and stood in front of Su Yi, panting, "Su Yi, Lan Fuchu and Ye Mengfan are fighting!"


"I don't know. Mu Nanxi is here too. Let's go take a look."

Before Su Yi could say anything, he was dragged away without any explanation. When they arrived at the door of the boys' restroom, a group of people had already gathered there, surrounding them in three layers. Fang Jiayi and Su Yi squeezed through the crowd and finally arrived in front of Mu Nanxi.

In the center of the area, Lan Fuchu grabbed Ye Mengfan's collar with a sinister look on his face and kicked him on the calf. A crackling sound of broken bones was heard in the air. Ye Mengfan's body trembled violently. He had been beaten without any ability to defend himself. He lay limp on that bony hand, his face covered in blood, as if he had opened a dye shop. His face was blue and purple, which was very shocking.

As for the young man with red eyes, his brows were silent and his eyes were cold, and he exuded a strong and frightening sense of oppression from his bones.

Su Yi was stunned by this. She could never have imagined that the boy who was always calm and composed, like a banished immortal, could be so terrifying when he got angry.

Fortunately, I didn't provoke him to attack before, otherwise I would have been half-dead if not dead...

No, her focus seemed to be wrong. She quickly pulled Mu Nanxi beside her and whispered, "My friend, your brother got beaten up, and you don't care?"

Not only did Mu Nanxi not move, he also crossed his arms lazily, a faint sneer escaped from the corner of his lips, "Humph, it would be better if you beat him to death."

What kind of words are these?!

Although Su Yi usually doesn't like Ye Mengfan, a brainless boy, but he seems to be a member of the basketball team, right? Why didn't anyone come to help him when he was beaten? Is his popularity really that bad? Or is it because Lan Fuchu is so popular in school that everyone supports him

Seeing Su Yi's puzzled look, Mu Nanxi explained: "Su Yi, we all misunderstood the monitor before..."

The title was unconsciously changed to squad leader.

Su Yi's eyelashes trembled, and she felt that the truth was about to come to light.

The next chapter feels like a sublime

(End of this chapter)