Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 3: Awkward Su Lan reunion!


It didn't hurt, but it was enough to wake Su Yi up. She lifted the quilt and sat up in a daze. She was surrounded by darkness and there were no lights in the room.

Su Yi scratched his head and groped for a while at the head of the bed. He found a light control button and pressed it. It turned bright instantly.

Then Su Yi took a breath of air.

Because this room has a sea view!

She walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the incomparable sea view outside. She finally understood why this apartment was called "Sea Gate". Part of this seaside apartment was built on the edge of the beach. Once you go out, you can play in the sand. This uncanny building towers between the sea and the blue sky. It is no exaggeration to call it the Gate of the Sea.

Su Yi walked around the apartment. The whole house was in Mediterranean style, with white and blue tones, which were both simple and elegant yet shocking to the eyes. The luxury was full of classical depth.

I didn't expect Song Yanan to be doing so well now, even acquiring such a high-end apartment.

Su Yi suddenly felt a sense of desolation that was beyond her reach. She thought back to the time when the two families were from similar backgrounds and grew up together. Unexpectedly, her family's business was getting worse and worse, while Song Yan's An family was flying higher and higher, and had crossed the international border to become a listed group. .

While I was deep in thought, my stomach rumbled and sang about the empty city strategy.

Su Yi realized that it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. According to British time, it was only past two o'clock in the afternoon. It was as if she had just woken up from a nap.

Song Yanan's house was bought as an investment. If he didn't live in it all year round, he wouldn't have any food storage. Su Yi searched the refrigerator and found it was empty.

She didn't see Song Yanan's message, so she decided to take a shower first and then go out to buy some dinner. She just woke up, her hair was a mess, and she was too embarrassed to go out without washing.

But for some reason today, she suddenly didn't want to wash her hair after she had just put on her pajamas. She stood in front of the mirror, frowned and told herself that she was just going downstairs to buy dinner anyway, so why did she have to wash her hair? How troublesome is this? When you wake up tomorrow, your hair will be messy again, right

So she just washed herself casually, put on light gray home clothes and slippers, and went out without a face.

Before going out, she sent a text message to Song Yan'an: [Brother, what's the password for your door? I'm going out to eat now. I'll need it when I come back to open the door.]

Before Song Yanan could reply, the elevator had arrived first, and Su Yi stepped in. There was a black hairband tied on her head. She didn't know whether she didn't care or forgot to take it off, so she lowered her head to play with her mobile phone and talk to her foreign classmates. Report that she has returned home safely so that they don't have to miss her too much.

The classmates were chatting in the group, and she was watching them, smiling so hard that the corners of her lips curled up.

Sea Gate is a luxury apartment area. There are no ordinary restaurants nearby. They are all restaurants with very high-end and gorgeous decorations.

Su Yi thought to herself that the food must be decorated and the price was definitely expensive. As a poor international student who had just graduated from university, she must not be able to afford this kind of restaurant. She looked around and couldn't find a cheap restaurant that she liked, so she had to I went to the supermarket, thinking about buying some instant noodles and going back.

Unexpectedly, the supermarkets nearby are all imported food. The prices are so high that Su Yi can't afford them. Fortunately, the RMB is not at the same level as the 'Fat Man'. The 'Fat Man' costs 9 yuan per piece of RMB. Su Yi looks at it The products in the supermarket are priced in RMB, which finally makes me feel more at ease.

After buying some food, drink and some daily necessities, Su Yi walked back holding a paper bag in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, playing with it all the way.

What to play? Of course, just scroll through Weibo to read interesting news.

The night in early autumn was not too cold yet, so wearing a T-shirt was just right. Su Yi breathed in the domestic air that she had not seen for a long time, and her mood suddenly became very beautiful.

If I didn't meet Lan Fuchu this night, it would definitely be a very beautiful night.


When Su Yi walked into the first floor of Haizhimen Building, it foreshadowed what a thrilling reunion this would be.

At this time, the elevator stopped on the first floor. Su Yi was playing with her mobile phone. She didn't realize that the elevator was going to the underground parking lot. She stepped in first and pressed the top button. She saw that the floor button did not light up and realized it later. I found that the elevator still goes down.

The elevator slowly went down minus one, minus two, minus three, and finally stopped in the parking lot on the minus four floor.

Su Yi was concentrating on playing with her mobile phone. All she knew was that the elevator door slowly opened, and then two straight black trouser legs appeared out of the corner of her eye.

Then the air was silent for a long time.

Su Yi, who was playing with her phone, had no idea what was going on. She slowly raised her head and was about to press the top button when her expression froze.

The kind that really stays.

Su Yi: "..."

Standing in a brightly lit place, the visitor seemed to be covered with frost, and the fine hair tips were like surging ink, infiltrating the handsome face with extremely light emotions.

Those eyes that were as light and dim as glass were something Su Yi would never forget.

But at this time, Su Yi only felt embarrassed.

It's not that I didn't expect to meet again, but I didn't expect that the reunion would be like this. She was still wearing home clothes and a hair tie, her hair was messy, and her clothes had no sense of beauty at all. The most tragic thing was the ones on her feet. A pair of big red slippers!

The energy and blood all over his body surged up to his head with a roar. Su Yi's whole body was stiff, and he was a little unable to react.

At that moment, she really wanted to kill herself, really wanted to...

When Lan Fu first saw her, he just raised his eyelids slightly, with an indifferent look on his face. He probably had no intention of saying hello at all, or maybe he had forgotten her and walked into the elevator without saying a word. Beautiful The finger pressed the top key.

You actually clicked on the top layer

What does it mean

Su Yi shrank herself in the corner with some panic. It must be a coincidence. He was so cold, so he must have forgotten her. If he forgot, she wouldn't be so embarrassed that she wanted to go back and hang herself.

In the silent space, her heart beat very fast. Su Yi didn't even dare to raise her head. She just held her head low, not daring to look directly at the man she had loved in the past.

If she could do it once, she wouldn't confess her love, so she wouldn't have to be so embarrassed when they meet again.

If I had known Lan Fuchu didn't like her...

No, she didn't know it earlier, so she ran away to study abroad, not daring to face all this...

But there's no point in escaping. Some things have to be faced eventually, like now.

Su Yi shrank her feet in red slippers and looked at the digital floor display next to her. She kept praying in her heart: Hurry up to the top floor, hurry up to the top floor, I'm going to be tortured crazy...

The frequency of the heart kept beating rapidly as if it was about to jump out of the throat.

But time seems to have stopped. The more you want it to flow faster, the slower it becomes...

The fat man in the article is everyone’s joking name for the pound, because the English name for the pound is pounds, and its pronunciation is similar to fat man.

(End of chapter)