Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 38: Happy Valentine's Day everyone!


Su Yi smiled innocently and deliberately insulted him, "You obviously think it's delicious, but you still pretend to be cool. You are really difficult to deal with."

Lan Fuchu finally couldn't bear it anymore and glared at her with an unfriendly look on his face.

He didn't like to talk anyway, so Su Yi didn't care whether he was angry or not. He continued to laugh and play with the people around him. The meal ended in laughter.

After lunch, Su Yi stood up and walked out. Fang Jiayi pulled her sleeve, slowed down her pace, and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Xiaoyi, I have something to tell you."


"I just tried to talk to Fu Jinglun, but he didn't seem to want to pay attention to me and kept ignoring what I said. Xiaoyi, do you think he doesn't like me?"

"Then I don't know about that. After all, I don't know what you just talked about."

"We didn't really talk about anything. I just asked him if he had a lot of homework in the key classes, but he ignored me."

Su Yi thought for a moment and said, "Jia Yi, you haven't added Fu Jinglun for such a long time and never chatted with him, right?"

When it comes to this, Fang Jiayi is a little discouraged, "No, I don't know what to say."

Although I always feel the impulse to chat with him, I always delete the message silently after typing a long paragraph, and then stare at his circle of friends in a daze. Maybe I am afraid of being ignored by him, or maybe I am afraid of being looked down upon by him. In short, I say I want to pursue him, but it is difficult to do so in reality.

"It's up to you to decide what to say." Su Yi patted her shoulder and said earnestly, "For something like this, the most we can do to help you is to create opportunities. The rest is up to you to grasp, don't you understand?"

Fang Jiayi pursed her lips and said, "Okay, I'll see what happens."


Su Yi said he would take revenge on Mu Nanxi, and he would really do so.

After the first self-study get out of class in the afternoon, Su Yi stopped a girl with big eyes in the corridor and said mysteriously, "Hey, Xiaomo, I'll tell you a secret."

Xiaomo was a girl who loved to listen to gossip. She immediately became interested in Su Yi's words. "What secret?"

"Let me tell you something." Su Yi approached Xiao Mo and whispered in her ear with a smile, "Let me tell you something. Mu Nanxi from your class likes Zhao Jing'er."

Xiao Mo widened her eyes in surprise, "Is this true?"

"It must be true." Su Yi's eyes flashed with cunning, "He said it himself, it can't be false."

Then the whole key class knew about this matter.

When Zhao Jing'er heard the news, she didn't know what she was thinking. She looked at Mu Nanxi with a wooden expression, and then her whole face turned red.

Mu Nanxi felt guilty.

He knew who did it and cursed in his heart: This little bastard, I haven't planned to really pursue him yet, how come he spread the news? What if I don't want to pursue him later

He thought about it and was so angry that he rushed to Class 2 to settle the score with Su Yi.

"Su Yi! Why the hell did you tell Xiao Mo about my affairs? Now the whole class knows about it!"

Su Yi was reading a comic book, without even looking up, "Isn't this great? Anyway, you like her, what a great opportunity this is? Originally you only had a handful of dry wood, and now I've added a raging fire to your fire. Dry wood and raging fire, are you unhappy?"

"I'm not sure I want to really pursue her yet!"

"Oh, then you told everyone that you liked her, but now you don't want to pursue her anymore, why is that?"

"This... this..." Mu Nanxi was at a loss for words. He paused, his whole handsome face flushed, and he flicked his sleeves, "Anyway, I haven't thought about it yet!"

"Oh." Su Yi said perfunctorily and flipped through the comic book.

Mu Nanxi: “…”


Lan Fuchu ignored Su Yi again.

Ever since he had lunch that day, he has not been in a good mood. He has a stern face all day long and does not say a word.

Su Yi discovered it two days later.

That day, she met Lan Fuchu in the corridor and reflexively stretched out her leg to trip him, but he glared at her fiercely and she withdrew her leg in fear.

Lan Fuchu's handsome face was filled with terrifying gloom.

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat and he sneered, "What's wrong? Did the teacher scold you? Or did the monthly exam results come out unsatisfactory? Why do you look like you're going to a funeral?"


The girls who were playing with Su Yi couldn't help laughing, but seeing the obvious admiration and worship in Lan Fuchu's eyes, they just didn't have the courage to take the initiative to talk to him. After all, it would be embarrassing to be ignored by their male idol.

As expected, Lan Fuchu was disdainful of paying attention to her. He glanced at her with a gloomy face and left without any expression.

Su Yi looked at his back and stuck out her tongue, "Tsk, you weird boy, who are you losing your temper at? It's inexplicable!"

After a while, Su Yi felt more and more upset. She just greeted him kindly, why did he glare at her? She was not his maid, why did he glare at her? The more she thought about it, the more upset she felt. She took out her phone, unlocked it, opened WeChat, and sent a short voice message to Lan Fuchu's WeChat ID: "You idiot."

Then, seeing that he didn't reply, she said a few more words.

"Hello, idiot."

"Goodbye, idiot."

Seeing this, Xiao Xiao raised her eyebrows and asked her, "Su Yi, who are you talking to?"

"No, it's just a fool."

Xiao Xiao: “…”

Unexpectedly, she actually received a text message from Lan Fuchu a few seconds later. Su Yi clicked on it and a particularly cold and pleasant voice lingered in the air, "Boring."

Everyone: “…”

I didn't expect that the person Su Yi just scolded was actually the God of Studies, Lan!

Suddenly everyone started talking at once.

A girl asked: "Su Yi, why are you scolding the master for no reason?"

The great god here is of course Lan Fuchu. He has many nicknames at school, such as "school idol", "study god", "great god" and "little idiot" given by Su Yi. Of course, only Su Yi is happy about the last nickname. Who in the whole school would think Lan Fuchu is stupid? His face is so high-class that you can tell at a glance that he is extremely smart and a child of destiny that is beyond the reach of others.

"He deserves to be scolded, so of course he should be scolded."

"How did the great god offend you?"

"He's stupid." He glared at her for no reason. Wasn't that stupid enough? She had given him two boxes of strawberries before. Humph, what a heartless guy!

As I was cursing in my heart, I saw Fang Jiayi walking towards me with tears on her face.

The group of chattering girls suddenly fell silent, and all looked at Jiayi who was approaching with surprise.

"Jiayi, why are you crying? Did someone bully you?" Xiao Xiao took Fang Jiayi's hand. Her palm was cold, which made her look at it twice more. "Why are your hands so cold?"

Fang Jiayi shook her head, tears wet on her eyelashes, and said nothing.

Su Yi knew that she couldn't speak because there were too many people around, so she pulled her into the women's restroom, leaned against a window and asked, "Jia Yi, why are you crying?"

Fang Jiayi wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and bit her lip. "I just... just pretended to take my homework to Fu Jinglun for help, but he asked me if I was mentally retarded."

Su Yi was surprised, "He said that to you for no reason?"

Fang Jiayi shook her head, ashamed. "No, it's not like that. When I pretended to ask him at the beginning, he told me once, but I didn't understand. So I asked him again, and he impatiently mocked me and asked if I was mentally retarded. He said I couldn't even solve such a simple problem, and told me to go home and stop wasting money in school."

Su Yi: “…”

He actually advised his classmates to drop out of school? Isn't his words too mean? At first I thought he was a nice guy...

Su Yi patted Fang Jiayi's back to comfort her. "He did such an excessive thing. Did you scold him back?"

Fang Jiayi shook her head. She was not such a cowardly person usually, but facing Fu Jinglun's sarcasm and eyes, she couldn't say a word. At that time, Zhao Xingchen was laughing beside her. She just felt a buzz in her head, and then it was completely blank. Then her nose was sour. Before the tears fell, she even forgot to take her homework and ran back.

, afraid that if I ran too slowly, my tears would fall and be discovered by those people.

After she shook her head, she couldn't help crying again.

Su Yi didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only put his arm around her shoulders, wipe her tears from time to time, and gently told her to stop crying.

After a long time, Fang Jiayi's crying gradually subsided, and she seemed to have calmed down. Su Yi drooped his eyelids and said, "Don't cry. Let's go back to the classroom. I'll go to the key class to get your homework book back for you later."

This chapter is a bit long, February 14th, Valentine's Day, plus chicken legs hehe...

(End of this chapter)