Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 45: gloat


Lan Fuchu immediately lowered his head and saw the injured foot under the dim street light. The girl's foot was beautiful, but it was red and swollen. Fortunately, it was not sprained. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and said lightly: "The foot is fine, it was just bumped and a little red and swollen. I'll get a cold water bag to apply it when I get home."

"Oh." Su Yi nodded gently, his expression still painful, "Even a bump hurts so much. If I sprain it, I'll lose half my life."

Lan Fuchu: “…”

After thinking for a moment, he gently scolded: "Crow's mouth."

Su Yi didn't say anything, just looked at her feet and wanted to bend down to put on her socks and shoes.

Unfortunately, Lan Fuchu blocked her action again, tilting her head back, her jawline arrogant and charming, "Your feet are injured, don't wear shoes first, let the surface of your skin breathe."

"It's okay." Su Yi didn't care and stretched out his hand.

"Something's going on." Lan Fuchu stopped her for the third time, his eyes becoming unfathomable, as if he couldn't resist. He said coldly, "If you get bored, your feet will get even more red and swollen."

In this case, Su Yi couldn't wear shoes, but how could she go back to the dormitory without them? After thinking again and again, she looked at Lan Fuchu, her eyes dark and cunning, "How can I go back without shoes? The concrete floor is so prickly, I can't go back barefoot, right?"

"With such a foot injury, you can still walk back by yourself?" The young man looked at her, his expression still cold.

Su Yi thought about it and shook his head.

Suddenly, a bony hand reached out from her feet, passed through her knees, and picked her up sideways.

Su Yi was startled, and reflexively raised her hands and clung to his shoulders. The feeling of weightlessness made her body stiff, and then she became a little annoyed, "What are you doing?"

He picked her up without even asking her a word? Did he want to scare her to death

Lan Fuchu glanced at her calmly and said nothing more, "I'll take you back to the dormitory."

So the two of them had nothing to talk about.

After walking for a while, Su Yi's mood gradually calmed down, and she started to chatter along with Luo Li again, "Hey, where are my shoes? I seem to have forgotten to take them just now."

Lan Fuchu glanced at her and pursed his lips, "Here."


"In my hand."

Su Yi climbed onto his shoulders and looked down, and saw that her shoes were held in Lan Fuchu's hand, with a small white sock rolled up inside. She thought: Fortunately, I don't have athlete's foot, otherwise he would have been suffocated to death. But then again, this little guy is actually quite strong compared to his usual stupid and weak appearance. He carried her for such a long distance without getting red in the face or out of breath. His physical fitness is really great.

Thinking of this, he started to sneer again, "Hey, Xiao Daibi, you have a nice figure."

"..." Lan Fuchu's body stiffened for a moment, and he suddenly felt an urge to throw her to the ground.

"You seem to have small pectoral muscles. I don't usually see you exercise or anything. How come you are so strong?" After saying that, he wanted to reach out and touch it.

After being glared at by Lan Fuchu, she withdrew her hand awkwardly, weakened her momentum, and stayed in his slightly cold arms without saying a word.

But silence makes people bored. Su Yi pouted his lips and played with his hair as a beard for a while, then he couldn't help but raise his eyes and quietly look at the handsome face above his head.

Looking up from her angle, she could just see his high nose bridge and the pair of narrow beautiful eyes with curved corners and long, dense black eyelashes. Suddenly, the eyelashes flickered, slowly, but like a feather, lightly brushing across Su Yi's heart, making her shiver. Oh my god, just this face that brought disaster to the country and the people could make a woman hard and even bent.

Lan Fuchu looked down in confusion, his pale eyes reflecting her, "What's wrong? Are you cold?"

Su Yi shook his head, thinking that although she looked so beautiful, she was not effeminate at all. On the contrary, she had a kind of accumulated power that was not obvious, and she had extra depth... This was really unscientific.

She didn't give up, and continued to look for flaws in him for a while, from head to toe, and then from toe to head, but still couldn't find a single flaw. In the end, her nitpicking turned into admiration, and she couldn't help but say, "It's really strange that there is such a beauty in this world."

Lan Fuchu didn't know what she was thinking, but from her tone, he could roughly judge that she was criticizing him. His eyes turned slightly colder and he asked in a deep voice, "What are you thinking about?"

"Cough!" Su Yi coughed, looked up at him, and suddenly laughed, "Hey, how do you know I'm talking about you?"

"You looked at me for several minutes." Lan Fuchu gritted his teeth. He was not blind.

Su Yi touched his nose and said, "Really? Okay, but I didn't think much of it. I just looked at your face and suddenly thought that you are very good-looking."

Lan Fuchu, who was praised: "..."

Really, you shouldn't pay attention to her. She just keeps saying nonsense.

The female dormitory was just around the corner.

Lan Fuchu put her down slowly, with a hint of caution.

Su Yi chuckled, and when her uninjured foot landed completely on the ground, she held onto his strong arm for support, then supported herself and walked step by step into the dormitory. Su Yi said, "I'm here."

"Yeah." He responded lightly, without breaking away from her, nor showing any intention of continuing to talk.

But his silence didn't mean Su Yi would be quiet. She thought about it and asked him again: "By the way, let me ask you something."


The two were still walking forward, and Su Yi limped and said, "Have you eaten the two boxes of strawberries I gave you a few days ago?"

"I haven't eaten yet, what's wrong?"

"Oh, then I'll be honest with you. I didn't buy those two boxes of strawberries. A girl who likes you asked me to give them to you. She's from Class 3. Her name is... er, I can't quite remember, but I remember what she looked like. So, you go back and do what you want. If you have any thoughts in your mind, like your heart is beating fast or you feel uneasy, then come and tell me and I'll take you to Class 3 to find that girl..."

Before she could finish her words, she felt Lan Fuchu tighten his grip on her hand, then mercilessly let go, leaving her alone and walking away without looking back.

Su Yi's body was slightly unstable. She held onto a wall and shouted at him in the night, "Hey, hey, hey... Xiao Daibi, I haven't finished talking yet, why are you leaving? How rude..."

Fortunately, she lived on the second floor and was just one flight of stairs away, otherwise she would have scolded him to death.

She limped into the dormitory. There were three people inside, Si Yajie, Zheng Rongrong, and Zhao Jing'er. They were still the same as usual, one was reading a book, one was looking for clothes to take a shower, and the other was cleaning. Seeing her walking in crookedly with a shoe in her hand, she had no expression on her face. Zheng Rongrong even sneered. Seeing that she was injured, she and Zhao Jing'er looked at each other in the air, and there was gloating in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)