Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 49: Beat into one


"Me?" Su Yi spat out the melon seed shells in her mouth and said, "I'm going to America with my mom."

Actually, I went to the United States to treat my mother's illness. Recently, my mother seemed to be depressed again, so I had to go and see her.

"You want to go abroad for fun?"

"Yeah." Su Yi didn't tell the truth. After all, it was a family matter and she didn't want to make her friends worry too much. "I'll bring you gifts when I come back. What about you? What are you going to do during your summer vacation?"

"I have to take extra classes. I finally got into a key class. I'm afraid my grades will drop."

Su Yi laughed and patted her shoulder, "That's a good thing. I'm optimistic about you. Keep going."

"It's a good thing, but it's hard work. We can't indulge ourselves like before." Fang Jiayi sighed, and then suddenly asked Lan Fuchu and Fu Jinglun next to them, "What about you? What are your plans for the summer vacation?"

Fu Jinglun's eyelids slid down slightly, focusing on Su Yi's action of cracking melon seeds, and said, "I have to go to cram school during the summer vacation as well."

Fang Jiayi was surprised and asked, "Really? Where do you take tutoring classes? Is the place good? I haven't found an institution yet. If you have a good one, please recommend one to me."

Fu Jinglun was silent for a moment, then for the first time said in a friendly manner: "That organization is very good. If you want to come, I can give you a phone number and you can call and ask yourself."

He was kind to Fang Jiayi because he felt guilty for the words he had said to humiliate her. He was upset at the time and made some sarcastic remarks. He didn't expect that the girl would take it seriously and really work hard to study, and was admitted to a key class.

"Sure." Fang Jiayi's eyes lit up.

Fu Jinglun called Fang Jiayi and the two discussed for a while.

Su Yi was cracking melon seeds and felt bored, so he asked Lan Fuchu, "Little Dabby, where are you going during your summer vacation?"

Lan Fuchu glanced at her indifferently. Although he didn't have any expression, he didn't have a cold face either. "Go and help your parents." In fact, she wanted to learn how to do business from her father, but she couldn't say it too bluntly.

"Really? Your family is in business? What do you sell?"

Lan Fuchu thought for a moment and said simply, "I'm selling a house."

Su Yi nodded, suddenly realizing, "So your parents are real estate agents?"

Lan Fuchu: “…”

"But you seem to be a minor, right? Can you go and sell houses? Haven't you heard that real estate agents need to look mature and stable? If you go there, a high school student, and you don't like to talk, you won't fail to sell the house and drive away all the customers, right?" Su Yi wanted to laugh when he thought of that scene. Lan Fuchu, with an expressionless face, introduced the house to the customers. He had neither a smile nor any expression, and spoke coldly, just like an emotionless robot. Wouldn't the customers think they were at a funeral

Lan Fuchu glanced at her and frowned slightly, "No."

"Why not? You look so serious. If I were buying a house, I wouldn't want to see your cold face. Are you a real estate agent? Or an ancestor?"

Lan Fuchu, "..."

After thinking about it, I decided not to explain it, in case the more I say, the more information I will leak.

Therefore, Lan Fuchu's parents left an impression of real estate agents in Su Yi's mind. Both of them were probably tall and thin, wearing professional attire, behaving in a strict manner, and never smiling.


Happy times are always so short. In the blink of an eye, the summer vacation is over, and soon, it’s the second year of high school.

The second year of high school is on the third and fourth floors of the teaching building, with the key classes on the third floor. The classroom locations have changed, and the head teacher has also changed from a female chemistry teacher to a male mathematics teacher.

At the beginning of the school year, the entire key class was reshuffled. Fang Jiayi was admitted to the key class. Taking advantage of the chaos at the beginning of the school year, she pulled Su Yi to sit behind Lan Fuchu and Fu Jinglun. These two came earlier than them and did not choose their seats. They sat in the same seats as they had in the key class of the first year of high school.

When Mu Nanxi arrived and saw where they were sitting, he exclaimed, "Oh, you two took the seats that Yan Tong and I had taken."

"First come, first served. You came late, so please find another seat by yourselves," said Fang Jiayi.

"I'll sit here." Mu Nanxi sat down in a seat, which was just opposite Su Yi, with an aisle in between. In front of Mu Nanxi was Si Yajie, and Si Yajie's deskmate was Zhao Jing'er. He sat in this seat exactly as he wished. In front of him was his favorite goddess, next to him was his best friend, and sitting next to him was Yan Tong, who played well with him. He was really happy.

Next to Si Yajie was an aisle, across the aisle was Lan Fuchu, next to Lan Fuchu was Fu Jinglun, and then another aisle, followed by Zhao Xingchen and Zheng Rongrong.

Lu Zhan sat behind Su Yi. His grades were average and he didn't like sitting in such a conspicuous position.


This is how my second year of high school began.

Su Yi entered the key class, and there was no longer a rotation based on academic performance. Instead, students could sit in whatever seat they wanted at the beginning and that would be the same seat from then on. So everyone was happy. During breaks, Su Yi would joke around with Mu Nanxi, making everyone around them laugh. The whole key class seemed to become cheerful again from its dullness.

However, the studies in the second year of high school are no easier than those in the first year, especially for students in key classes. In addition to general courses, they also have to receive training based on each person's specialties. Therefore, Fang Jiayi and Lu Zhan seem to be struggling, while the others are still doing well as they should.

At the end of the morning exercise, Fang Jiayi went to the cafeteria and came back with a bag of drinks, but her face was a little blue.

Everyone sitting nearby took their own drinks. Since they were in the same class and had lunch and dinner together every day, they had become friends and had a very good relationship with each other.

Lu Zhan took his Coke and asked Fang Jiayi, "+1, why do you look so bad?"

Fang Jiayi shook her head and looked at Su Yi who was reading. After thinking for a while, she suddenly reached out and pulled Su Yi's short-sleeved school uniform, "Xiaoyi."

Su Yi raised her head from a comic book, her eyes bright and her teeth white, "What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

Fang Jiayi deliberately lowered her voice and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Xiao is in love."

Su Yi was slightly surprised, "With whom?"

"No one, it's an online romance."

Su Yi smiled, "What's there to worry about in online romance? It's all so illusory, and it will naturally fall apart after a few days."

"This time is different." Fang Jiayi's expression became serious. "Xiao has talked to this man before. This time, the old relationship has rekindled, and there are plans to meet him."

Su Yi sat up straight after hearing this, "When did this happen? How come I don't know about it?"

"Before." Fang Jiayi sighed, "I dated before I met you. Xiao and I went to the same junior high school, so we have known each other for four or five years. At that time, Xiao played games and met a husband from the game. Her husband was very philandering. He found several wives just in the game. How could he be sincere to Xiao in real life?"

(End of this chapter)