Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 6: Exaggerated popularity!


"But she still bribed!" The male classmate who had just confronted Su Yi spoke again, "Knowing that it is forbidden, but deliberately breaking it, the crime is even more serious."

Su Yi rolled his eyes and said, "It seems that there is more to it than that."

Everyone showed a look of horror, Fang Jiayi asked: "What else did you do?"

"I said I would buy him a drink, but he ignored me. I got anxious and said, 'Hey, classmate, forgive others when you can, don't you understand? The teacher has taught you a lot of principles, right? Don't you remember even a little bit of it? If you do this, you will offend everyone in the future when you walk around in society."

“…”Everyone fell into deathly silence again.

Mu Nanxi's handsome face showed an expression of shock that couldn't be more shocked. "That's fine, but you still told him such a weird theory?"

Su Yi smiled calmly, "Am I wrong? We should leave a way out for each other so that we can meet again in the future. Can't we change the situation to make everyone happy and leave a good impression on each other? Do we have to end up with a fight to the death?"

"Then do you know that if you don't remove the roots, they will grow again in the spring breeze? Besides, do you think your weird theories can be applied to this matter?"

Su Yi thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since you all think I'm wrong, then just assume that I used the wrong words."

"And then?" Fang Jiayi's eyes flickered, and she was looking forward to the subsequent content.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and shrugged, "What else could happen? It's just that he didn't want to bother with me anymore. He told me with a cold face that I had to hand in the wine before I could enter the school. I felt a little unhappy. After all, I had brought the wine to the door. I was just one step away from getting in."

"And what did you do to die?"

"I didn't do anything stupid. I just told him, 'OK, you can't bring it.' I drank it before going in. Then I opened the beer in front of him and drank it in front of him."

Everyone: “…”

Mu Nanxi told the truth, "Didn't he hit you?"

Su Yi glanced at him and said, "Why are you hitting me? The school doesn't allow you to bring me in, and I didn't break any rules. I came in drunk, and I have a good alcohol tolerance. Drinking a bottle of beer is like drinking a bottle of orange juice. There's no problem at all."

"..." Everyone couldn't help but admire, "You are awesome. You even dare to mess with Lan Fuchu. You are really too awesome and too suicidal."

Su Yi didn't take it seriously and continued flipping through the comics in his hand, thinking, what's wrong with provoking him? Who told him to be so rigid and unreasonable

Mu Nanxi leaned over and asked, "So, did he finally let you enter the school?"

"No, he still won't let me in."

"Then how did you get in?"

"I sneaked in while he was checking other people's school badges."

"…" After hearing this, Mu Nanxi shook his head sympathetically and sighed, "He really deserves to die, but is he the only one checking attendance at the school gate? Didn't anyone stop you?"

"No, he's the only one here. Oh, there's also an old man who's in charge of the door, but he's only in charge of opening and closing the door, not taking care of anything else."

"Aren't you afraid that he will report to the teacher?" the male classmate who had confronted Su Yi asked again.

Su Yi finally took a look at him. This man was from Mu Nanxi's team. His name was Ye Mengfan. He was a small forward and spoke without thinking.

Su Yi pondered for a moment, looked directly into Ye Mengfan's slightly arrogant eyes, and smiled brightly, "You are so old, and you still want to report to the teacher? If he really did go and tell the teacher, I would have to admire his courage and character. He thinks he is so glorious for doing such a servile thing?"

She stared at Ye Mengfan with a smile in her eyes, and it was unclear whether her words were an open sarcasm towards Lan Fuchu or a hidden sarcasm towards Ye Mengfan.

Ye Mengfan was slightly startled, his face darkened, "You are too arrogant, aren't you?"

"What am I arrogant about?"

"You did something bad, and you scolded those good students who knew about it. They didn't offend you. You were the one who did it wrong first."

Su Yi gave him a thoughtful look, "Interesting, what did I do wrong?"

"You brought alcohol into the campus."

Su Yi smiled slightly, "Did I bring it?"

Ye Mengfan was stunned. "But you drank. You drank before entering the school."

"Haha, my dad asks me to drink with him every day. I've been practicing my drinking capacity since I was a child, and I drink every day. Does that mean I'm violating school rules by coming to evening self-study after drinking? I'm not drunk, nor am I acting crazy. I'm sitting here quietly, sober, and behaving normally. Is this considered a violation of school rules?"

Ye Mengfan was choked by Su Yi's fluent eloquence and was speechless.

"But Su Yi, you still have to be careful. After all, Lan Fuchu is not someone you want to mess with. Although he is very handsome and excellent, he is too strict and upright. Not only did you drink in front of him this morning, you also defied school rules and ran into the school. You must have offended him." Fang Jiayi said.

"Hey." Mu Nanxi followed Fang Jiayi's words and sighed, "May the best be to you."

Su Yi raised her lips and said fearlessly: "What are you afraid of? I just sneaked in under his control. He doesn't have any handle on me."

"This is not a question of whether there is any handle or not, it's a question of being targeted. You don't know, the head teacher treats him like a rare treasure, he almost kneels down and calls him ancestor, almost everything is handed over to him, if you offend him, he will make things difficult for you in a matter of minutes."

"What are you afraid of? The worst that can happen is that you can deliberately get bad grades in the midterm exam and then switch to a worse class to continue having fun." No. 4 Middle School has always judged classes based on grades. If you don't want to stay in a key class, you can leave by getting bad grades. However, key classes are special in the students' minds, representing 'glory', 'excellence' and 'the best'. It would be somewhat shameful to be replaced because of bad grades.

After hearing this, Ye Mengfan couldn't help but want to speak up to Su Yi, but at this moment, an exaggerated scream came from the corridor, followed by a quiet inhalation.

Su Yi stuck his head out and saw that the entrance to the corridor not far away was crowded with classmates, mostly girls. They opened their eyes with excitement and admiration and kept looking at the white figure slowly walking up the corridor.

"Lan Fuchu is here!" Someone screamed.

Then the whole world was so quiet that the only sound was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

There are light white clouds in the sky.

A young man walked out from the shadows at the corridor entrance, shrouded in thousands of golden threads, even his eyes and eyebrows were stained with a dazzling halo.

In an instant, it was as if all the heartbeats disappeared, and everyone stared at the young man with eyes as calm as glass with held breath, as if they had seen the superstar they had longed for and admired for a long time, and they were so nervous that even their toes were tense.

Unfortunately, Lan Fuchu was a man who didn't understand romance. He just glanced at the group of girls with red eyes with an expressionless face, then walked straight through them as if he didn't see them and entered the key class.

There was a sigh of disappointment behind him.

Su Yi retracted his gaze and asked Mu Nanxi: "Is it so exaggerated?"

(End of this chapter)