Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 7: Challenge the first in grade


Mu Nanxi chuckled, "This is just the lightest part. If everyone knew that he came back today and checked attendance at the school gate, most of the day students would be late on purpose."

"Okay." Su Yi sighed and turned his gaze back to Lan Fuchu who had just walked into the classroom.

She was holding a book, and her eyes met his in the air.

Lan Fuchu seemed to recognize her. He glanced at her with a cold pair of eyes and then walked back to his seat.

He has already looked away.

But Su Yi didn't. She looked at him taking out a mock test paper from his schoolbag and answered it with her eyes downcast. Suddenly she thought: How does he stay so fresh and clean in such a hot day? Does he have a built-in air conditioner? Otherwise, why doesn't he sweat at all? This is not scientific, right

However, I have to admit that this guy is really good-looking and pleasing to the eye.

Until this time, Su Yi still had a good impression of him.


The second class is mathematics.

The head teacher walked in from outside wearing high heels, holding a list of late students. She glared at Su Yi with a depressed look and started the class.

This class is not only about math, it is also the day when the monthly exam report cards are released.

The head teacher asked the students to pass the papers on their own and did not announce the rankings.

All the students sat upright, and after receiving their own papers, they looked at the scores with frightened faces.

Only Su Yi felt bored. She had just transferred to the school and didn't need to take the monthly exams for the time being. But how could she be admitted to the key class of No. 4 Middle School? Because her family had some connections with the principal, and the principal granted her special pardon, which caused dissatisfaction among some classmates, but they didn't say it on the surface. What if she was really a genius? Who knows

Su Yi supported his chin with his eyes darting around. After the papers were distributed and the mock papers began to be discussed, he picked up a comic book and slowly flipped through it under the book cover.

Not long after, she heard the sound of textbooks being thrown on the podium.

Mu Nanxi poked her secretly.

Su Yi reacted immediately, put the comic book under his eyes into the textbook, looked up, and met the cold eyes of his head teacher.

"The girl at the first table in the first group." The head teacher spoke coldly. In her more than ten years of teaching, she has never met such a naughty student who ignored the class. Even a troublemaker like Mu Nanxi would not dare to do that, because no matter how much you love to play, you have to take learning seriously.

Su Yi's eyes did not move.

The head teacher raised his hand towards her and said, "Stand up and speak."

Su Yi stood up slowly, immediately attracting the attention of all the students in the class.

The atmosphere in the classroom was a little quiet.

The head teacher's resonant voice rang in my ears: "What's your name?"

"Su Yi."

The head teacher looked at her and asked, "What was I talking about just now?"

Mu Nanxi was about to secretly remind her when she heard Su Yi answer fluently: "When talking about the second big question at the end of the test, the teacher said that Lan Fuchu was the only student in the whole grade who got it right, so he was asked to go to the podium and talk about his solution."

The head teacher nodded, but his face was still unhappy. "So do you have any new ideas for solving this big problem?"

If not, why are you flipping through extracurricular books here and ignoring the classroom

Su Yi didn't answer immediately.

The head teacher thought she couldn't answer it, and looked at the best student in the class with admiration in his eyes, "Fuchu, come up and write this function question."

As soon as he finished speaking, the slender figure stood up and all the girls immediately looked at him with admiring eyes.

A white figure flashed before Su Yi's eyes and walked onto the podium.

Su Yi glanced at his back and remained silent.

Lan Fuchu walked up to the podium, looking at the whole class with his indifferent eyes, as if he was not looking at anything. His slender fingers took a piece of white chalk and slowly placed it on the blackboard. Then, white letters and numbers slowly flowed from the chalk on his fingertips onto the blackboard...

All the students watched with bated breath, shock and admiration in their eyes.

Just as Lan Fuchu finished writing the first solution, Su Yi suddenly raised his lips and smiled: "When a>1, f(x)>0 always holds true in the domain."

Her voice was not loud, but it was loud enough for the people on the podium and the students nearby to hear.

Lan Fuchu’s straight back froze for a moment, and he continued to solve the problem in silence.

But the head teacher was not as calm as him. He looked at Su Yi with surprise and said in a heavy voice, "Do you know how to answer this question?"

Su Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Of course, this is not a difficult problem."

all the classmates:"… "

Lan Fuchu was the only one in the whole grade who got this function question right, and you still say it's not a difficult question? Sister, are you here to make fun of me

"Really? Since you can do it, come up and tell us your solution. Fuchu, don't write it yet." In the head teacher's mind, she felt that Su Yi must be cheating. How could a naughty student like her who was late for class every day and either flipped through books or slept be able to answer such a tricky function question! If the principal hadn't pardoned her and put her in the key class, she would not have accepted such an annoying bad student.


Su Yi smiled slightly, walked up to the podium, took out a blue chalk from the paper box, walked to Lan Fuchu's side, looked up at him provocatively, and said, "Classmate, your problem-solving skills are too complicated. Let's take a look at mine."

After that, he raised his hand calmly and wrote his new and more concise idea on the blackboard. Finally, in the stunned eyes of the whole class, he smiled smugly, looking calm and confident.

The whole class was unusually quiet.

Su Yi chuckled.

Then Lan Fuchu finally looked at her in the true sense, and then frowned slightly, disgusted with her smug and conceited behavior.

In the end, it was Mu Nanxi who coughed softly, saving the dead silence. "Ahem... Teacher, Su Yi has finished writing her ideas, is that right?"

The head teacher came back to his senses, his face was annoyed and embarrassed, and he waved at Su Yi, "You go down first."

Su Yi walked down the podium with a smile.

After class, Mu Nanxi couldn't help but give her a thumbs up, "Not only did you challenge the top student in the grade, you also challenged the head teacher. Awesome! You are awesome! You have a bright future ahead of you."

Su Yi's smile became even brighter. "I didn't do anything. She asked me to stand, so I stood. She asked me to answer questions, so I answered them. She asked me to get down, so I got down. What else is there to be dissatisfied about? As for being the top student in the grade, it just so happens that I have a better idea. I didn't do it on purpose to punish him. Why should he be angry?"

"Keep doing it, and one day you will create something great."

"…" Su Yi glared at him, "How can you talk like that? Why are you so rude?"

"Everyone knows who owes whom." Mu Nanxi suppressed a smile in his eyes, "But it turns out you are a really good student. At first I thought you were fooling us."

"Am I?" Su Yi asked back with a smile.

"Why not? Your grades are so good."

She nodded and understood: "Oh, so that's how it is. As long as you have good grades, you are a good student."

(End of this chapter)