Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 80: The dramatic truth (5 more)


Gu Benmo thought for a moment and said, "Okay, since you think it's too fast, let's get to know each other better."

"Yeah." Su Yi nodded with a gentle smile.

The two of them sat for a while. Gu Benmo thought she had almost finished eating, so he glanced at the food on the table. Almost nothing had been touched. He thought for a moment and asked softly, "Are you full?"


"Why do you eat so little? Is the food not to your liking? Do you want to eat at another restaurant? I can recommend one for you."

"No, I just suddenly feel a little bored."

"So, a drink to quench your thirst?"

"Okay." In order to end the awkward conversation, Su Yi called the waiter, "A cup of strawberry oolong tea, thank you."

"I remember you seemed to like eating strawberries very much." Gu Benmo raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Su Yi suddenly felt a little strange. It was true that she liked to eat strawberries, but how did Mo Ben know that? Did his friend tell him


Probably, how else would he know

Mu Nanxi in the private room shouted at this time. He pointed at the screen of his mobile phone and said in surprise: "Strange, how did Mo Ben know that Su Yi likes to eat strawberries? I never told you."

"Then how does he know?" Fu Jinglun asked.

"I don't know either." Mu Nanxi shrugged, indicating that he didn't understand either.

Fu Jinglun was silent. He stared at the two people chatting and laughing on the phone screen. His eyes became deep. "Call Xiao Xiao and ask if they are coming."

"Oh, let me ask." Yan Tong called to inquire, and after a while, he said: "Jia Yi said he was at the door and came in soon."

"Yeah." Fu Jinglun nodded, indicating that he understood.

Soon, Fang Jiayi and Xiao Xiao appeared in the coffee shop. Su Yi saw them from afar and was so excited that he waved, "Jiayi, Xiao Xiao."

Seeing her waving, Gu Benmo turned around and saw two slim and pretty girls walking towards him not far away.

He glanced at the two men, his expression not nervous at all. He turned his head back and pursed his thin lips into a smile, "Your friend?"


"Is this a trial by three judges?" Gu Benmo narrowed his eyes, with a hint of inquiry in his expression.

"What do you mean by three-court trial?" Su Yi didn't understand what Gu Benmo said.

"Ask your best friend to come over and check for you?"

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, then reacted and smiled, "Yes, let my girlfriends come over to meet my future boyfriend, isn't it okay? Are you afraid?"

"How could that be?" Gu Benmo smiled slowly, "You are doing this to prove that you value our relationship. I think this is great, it's almost like meeting the parents, don't you think?"

Su Yi didn't want to pay attention to his words. She raised her lips in a mocking arc. When Fang Jiayi and Xiao Xiao came over, she stood up in surprise and said, "What a coincidence, I actually ran into you here."

"Yeah." Fang Jiayi held Su Yi's hand and glanced at Gu Benmo. It turned out that this man was the two-timing scumbag. Haha, he looked good, but his behavior was a bit cheap. Fang Jiayi said, "We are here to buy books, what about you?"

"I'm having dinner with my friends. Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Xiao Xiao answered, and glanced at Gu Benmo, with deep admiration in her eyes, but no anger. She pulled Su Yi aside and said in a crazy way, "Master, is this your boyfriend? He's so handsome."

"Haha." Su Yi laughed dryly, thinking to herself, silly girl, this man is your gaming husband, but she may not have seen Mo Ben in person, so she didn't know this was Mo Ben, so she pulled Xiao Xiao and Fang Jiayi to sit down and introduced them like this: "This is Jiayi, this is Xiao Xiao."

Then he pointed at Gu Benmo and deliberately looked at Xiao Xiao and said, "His name is Mo Ben, and he is my boyfriend."

This introduction was made to remind Xiao Xiao of something.

Sure enough, after this introduction, the atmosphere fell silent.

Gu Benmo looked at her in surprise, then smiled, picked up the coffee, and broke the silence, "Thank you for accepting me so quickly."

Su Yi's face darkened and he looked at Xiao Xiao, waiting quietly.

Fang Jiayi also looked like she was holding her breath.

In the private room.

Everyone waits for further developments.

The person involved, Xiao Xiao, was in a trance for a short time before suddenly frowning, "Mo Ben?"

"Gu Benmo." Gu Benmo corrected his name.

Finally said it!!!

The scumbag's apparent calmness at this moment must be all fake!

Su Yi was excited. Seeing Xiao Xiao stand up, she also tightly grasped the water cup in her hand.


A cup of lemonade was thrown out in the air at a 45-degree angle, splashing all over Gu Benmo's head and face, who was caught off guard.

The water was poured by Su Yi.

Xiao Xiao still didn't move. Instead, she looked at Su Yi and asked in surprise, "Master, why are you throwing water at your boyfriend?"

Su Yi: “…”


At the same time, I was screaming in my heart: Wake up! This is your gaming husband!

Gu Benmo had warm water splashed all over his head by Su Yi, and he looked puzzled. He looked over with his deep and charming eyes, as if waiting for her explanation.

The scene was a bit weird for a moment.

Su Yi looked at Gu Benmo on the left, then at Xiao Xiao on the right. Not knowing what to say, he coughed twice and said, "I was too excited just now, my hands were shaking..."

"What are you so excited about?" Gu Benmo asked her, his expression slightly serious, as if he was not satisfied with this explanation.

Su Yi pursed her lips and couldn't answer.

Fang Jiayi on the side could not bear it any longer, so she pulled Xiao Xiao aside and spoke frankly, "Oh, I can't hold it back any longer, so I'll tell you the truth. This Mo Ben, you talk to him on the phone every night, can't you recognize him?"

"…" Xiao Xiao was speechless for a moment, then uttered an "ah" and came back to her senses, "You mean, this person is Mo Ben?"

"Yeah, that scumbag!"

Xiao Xiao: “…”

"Don't you know what he and Xiaoyi are doing now?"

"Wait...you guys..." Xiao Xiao took a deep breath and looked into Fang Jiayi's eyes, "Did you find someone to test Mo Ben?"

Fang Jiayi was stunned for a moment, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't do this on purpose, it's because Mo Ben is such a scumbag, I don't feel comfortable with you being with him."

"So you tried him? You and Su Yi?"

"No." Fang Jiayi hesitated for a moment and told the truth: "To be precise, it was Mu Nanxi who tested him. He pretended to be a woman in the game and tried to seduce Mo Ben."

Xiao Xiao: “…”

"We do this because we care about you."

Xiao Xiao frowned, glanced at Gu Benmo in the distance, and swallowed, "No, no, no, I don't blame you. On the contrary, I thank you for caring about me so much, but you seem to have the wrong person..."

"Ah?" Fang Jiayi was stunned when she heard that.

Xiao Xiao took a breath and said with some difficulty: "My gaming husband is not him."

"..." This time it was Fang Jiayi's turn to be confused, "Isn't your gaming husband Mo Ben?"

"It's a memoir, but it's not this real memoir."

"What's true or false? What are you talking about?"

"Ah." Xiao Xiao sighed heavily, "This Mo Ben is really not called Gu Benmo. He is the owner of that Mo Ben game account."

"What?" Fang Jiayi felt as if she was becoming less and less able to understand.

Xiao Xiao said earnestly: "My husband, although he plays the game account called Mo Ben, that account is not actually his. He is just a power leveler."

Upon hearing this, Fang Jiayi was completely stunned.

From a distance, Su Yi saw Fang Jiayi's expression and felt that something was wrong.

She ignored the gloomy look Gu Benmo gave her and took a step towards Fang Jiayi and Xiaoxiang.

As soon as she approached, Fang Jiayi grabbed Su Yi's hand and said with a look of despair: "It's over, Xiaoyi, we got the wrong person."

"What do you mean by wrong person?" Su Yi frowned, having a bad feeling in his heart.

Fang Jiayi said: "Xiao's husband is not this Mo Ben, because her husband is just Mo Ben's account, and the one you and Nan Xi have been in contact with is actually the real Mo Ben. In other words, we have been mistaking him for someone else."

Su Yi was surprised, "Huh?"

"I broke up with Mo Ben before because the real Mo Ben came back to the game. My husband felt that he was not worthy of me because his original account was only level 109, just an ordinary trash game account. He said he was a loser and was not worthy of me, so he broke up with me. Later, we met and he told me what happened. I told him that I never cared what his account was. As long as he loved me, that was enough, so we reconciled. Xiao Xiao looked at Su Yi and said, "And Mo Ben's so-called fickleness in the game is just for fun. He didn't really have an affair with many people."

After hearing all this, Su Yi and Fang Jiayi roughly understood what happened, but...

Who would have thought there were two ink books

Who would have thought that Xiao Xiao’s husband was just a substitute player

And the person Mu Nanxi was hooking up with happened to be the original person.

This is pretty fucking dramatic.

When they returned to their seats, Fang Jiayi and Xiao Xiao had already left. Su Yi asked them to go to the private room and tell Mu Nanxi and the others about this. He then returned to stand opposite Gu Benmo, his eyes rolling around, as if he was thinking about how to end the situation.

"Haha, I'm so sorry for what happened just now." Su Yi laughed dryly, looked at his wet head and face, and pulled a napkin over to him, "Your head is all wet, wipe it off."

Gu Benmo took the napkin and wiped his hair, but his deep black eyes were still fixed on her face, as if he was still waiting for her explanation.

Su Yi suddenly felt a headache.

"Why did you splash water on me just now?" After a long time, he was the one who broke the silence.

As soon as he spoke, Su Yi's expression became even more unnatural. He touched his nose and said, "My hands are really shaking."

She couldn't find any other explanation besides this one.

"Where are your friends?" Gu Benmo asked softly, with inquiry in his eyes.

"They want to buy books, so they left first because they are in a hurry."

Gu Benmo frowned, "Didn't they just say they wanted to eat?"

One question after another made Su Yi's temple ache slightly.

Su Yi forced a smile and said calmly: "I wanted to eat, but then I thought I wasn't hungry anymore, so I left."

He stared at her for a long time.

Su Yi lowered his head and drank the water pretending to be calm.

(End of this chapter)