Sweet Wife Unattainable

Chapter 95: The truth (3 more)


Zhou Caner smiled brightly when she saw her agree, "If possible, of course I hope everyone will join."

After saying that, he looked at Song Yanan eagerly.

Song Yanan frowned, and then glanced at the two new men in the distance. Fearing that Su Yi would be bullied without a man, she agreed, "Okay, I agree to join too."

Zhou Caner was so happy that she almost laughed out loud, and turned around to ask Ji Chensi for help.

"Hey, little brother, if you don't want to play, you don't have to force yourself. I'm an old player of this game, and I won't lose."

"Can you stop flattering yourself? I agreed to it just because I wanted to have fun, is that not okay?" Song Yanan had a smile on his face and spoke in a slow and unhurried voice.

Su Yi choked.

Seeing that Song Yanan and Su Yi both agreed, Ji Chensi had no objection. Mu Ziyin also had no objection. He loved playing anyway, and since someone gave him a way out, he just went with the flow. Besides, he liked Su Yi very much. Su Yi was willing to play games, and he was also willing to play with her.

Some people don't know why, but they are born with an attractive personality charm. I don't know if it's the so-called sense of character conquering, but in any case, Mu Ziyin really wants to make friends with Su Yi. It doesn't matter if she teases him because she is so interesting, and he is willing to play with interesting people.

In the end, Lan Fuchu was the only one who had not been invited.

Zhou Caner looked over and saw the man sitting in a blind spot where the light was not shining, with half of his face covered in a deep shadow.

It's really strange. This person obviously didn't do anything, but he gave people a very abrupt feeling of coldness, making people feel inexplicably distant and scared.

Zhou Caner actually didn't dare to invite him, but she had already invited everyone else. If she didn't invite Lan Fuchu alone, she might offend more people.

After struggling for a moment, Zhou Caner moved her body. Just as she was about to walk over, she heard Ji Chensi say indifferently in her ear: "You don't have to go over. He won't join."

Zhou Caner was slightly startled and looked up, "Why... why?"

"He doesn't like group games."

"Oh." Zhou Caner just nodded, and saw Lan Fuchu standing up, his face emerging from the shadows, his expression was very indifferent, yet cold to the bone.

Zhou Caner paused, and her eyes were glued to his face, because Lan Fuchu was so handsome! She had actually met him several times before. This man was not only very capable, but also had a dazzling appearance and temperament. He was more handsome than many celebrities. However, because his aura was too strong, she never dared to look up at his face.

Lan Fuchu stood up and walked towards the door of the private room.

When she passed by Zhou Caner, her mind suddenly twitched and she blurted out, "Mr. Lan, do you want to play games with us?"

The wine bottles and punishment details on the glass table are ready, all we have to do is start playing.

Lan Fuchu didn't say anything, but just glanced coldly at the wine bottle on the glass table.

Seeing him like this, Zhou Caner bit her lower lip slightly, regretting that she had invited him. Now the two of them were standing face to face, and he didn't say anything. The atmosphere was so awkward...

Lan Fuchu remained motionless. He was too tall, and standing opposite Zhou Caner, he seemed to be looking down on a dead object.

Zhou Caner was very nervous, so she gritted her teeth and called out again, "Mr. Lan?"

Lan Fuchu turned his indifferent gaze towards her, and there was even a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

Zhou Caner was startled.

Just as he was secretly cursing himself for being stupid, Lan Fuchu suddenly gave a response that everyone found weird, "Okay."

The whole audience gasped softly.

Zhou Caner stared.

Lan Fuchu had already walked around her and sat next to Song Yan'an, only one person away from Su Yi.

In fact, Zhou Caner was not the only one who was surprised. Su Yi was also surprised. She did not expect that Lan Fuchu, who always despised frivolous games, would agree to join. It was really... quite unexpected...


Zhou Caner turned the empty wine bottle on the table.

The game officially begins.

The wine bottle slowly turned and stopped in front of Mu Ziyin. Zhou Caner exclaimed, "Brother Yin, you are the king. Now you can randomly draw a person from the cardboard box. The person drawn will have to answer a private question of yours. If they choose not to answer, they will have to accept the punishment. The punishment has been written and put in the cardboard box. For the sake of fairness, the punishment will be drawn by the person answering the question."

There is actually a science to this game. Some veterans can control the strength of the wine bottle by themselves after playing for a long time, and they can make whoever they want the king. Zhou Caner is such a veteran. She just offended Mu Ziyin, and now wants to make him happy, so she takes the initiative to make him the king and let him beat others for entertainment to forget the previous unpleasantness.

Mu Ziyin became the king and randomly pulled out a piece of paper from the box. It read: [Xiao Keke].

Alas, this wasn't the person he wanted to ask questions to. Mu Ziyin felt a little disappointed, but Xiao Keke was delighted. She stood up with a red face and said, "Brother Yin, I'm still a young girl. Don't ask me tricky questions."

Mu Ziyin's mouth twitched slightly, and he smiled and said, "This question is not vicious at all, Keke, I just want to ask you, is your nose real?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Caner laughed out loud.

Xiao Keke was stunned. How could this question be considered tricky? It almost made her cry, okay

Feeling the malicious gazes from all around, Xiao Keke's ears felt hot, and she said awkwardly, "Uh... Brother Yin, I'd better choose the big adventure."

"Okay." Mu Ziyin smiled and took out a punishment note from the punishment box. The content was: [Saying that you are a big pig in front of everyone.]

This is a very relaxing adventure.

Xiao Keke breathed a sigh of relief, blinked her eyes, made a cute face to everyone, and smiled, "I'm a big pig head!"

Everyone laughed.

Even though Xiao Keke's punishment was over, the game started again, and Zhou Caner was still the one spinning the wine bottle, so there was no doubt that Ji Chensi was the king of the second round.

Su Yi said to Song Yanan beside him in a bored tone: "She is controlling the wine bottle."

"Yeah." Song Yan'an nodded, "I can see that. She lets whoever she wants to be king be king."

"You might be next."

Song Yan'an curled his eyes and said, "Everything is a routine."

Su Yi smiled, "That's fine. If she spins the bottle, I don't have to worry about it spinning on me."



"You just helped her, maybe she will try to please you."

"Let's forget about this kind of flattery." They spoke in low voices, but Lan Fuchu was so perceptive that he still heard it. He glanced at Su Yi from a distance, his chin line arrogant and cold.

Su Yi just happened to look up and met his gaze. The emotion in his eyes was so shallow that there was not a trace of warmth.

Su Yi had long been accustomed to his arrogant and actually disgusted look towards her, so she raised the corners of her eyes and threw him a provocative wink without fear of death.

What I am thinking at this moment is: Come on, let’s hurt each other!

Lan Fuchu narrowed his eyes, and then a mocking look as dark as ink emerged in his eyes.

Su Yi felt very happy.

Perhaps making him angry was her usual pleasure, and it had been like this since she started school. Whenever she made Lan Fuchu angry, she would feel particularly comfortable and happy.

Ji Chensi was chosen as the king, but he did not show a smile of surprise on his face. In fact, he had already seen through the rules behind this game. He slowly pulled out a piece of paper, which read: [Xiao Yun].

A very cute girl stood up and said, "Hello everyone, I'm Xiaoyun."

Ji Chensi looked at Xiaoyun and immediately lost interest.

In fact, Xiaoyun is not ugly, but she is not the one that Ji Chensi wants to draw. This game actually hides another fun, that is, if the king can draw the person he wants to ask questions, then the game becomes interesting, if not, then it is just a boring game like a diary.

Ji Chensi asked Xiaoyun: "How old were you when you had your first kiss?"

Xiaoyun looked at Ji Chensi and replied shyly: "My first kiss is still there."

Ji Chensi is Xiaoyun's ideal type, but Xiaoyun is not Ji Chensi's type, so one of them asked absent-mindedly and the other answered with a blush on his face.

Of course, even if Xiaoyun lied, Ji Chensi would not follow the story because he didn't care at all.

The game continues.

As expected, the king of the third round was Song Yanan.

Su Yi almost gave himself a thumbs up for his foresight. He said it was Song Yanan, and it really was Song Yanan.

The person Song Yanan drew was a man named: [Luo He].

Su Yi almost laughed, but Song Yan'an glared at him.

Ji Chensi turned his head and spoke to her, "What are you laughing at?"

"Laugh at him for picking a man."

"Is it funny?" Ji Chensi was puzzled.

"Isn't it funny?"

"What's so funny?"

"If you draw a man, what should you ask him? Should you ask him how many women he has slept with?"

Ji Chensi chuckled, with deep emotion in his eyes, "You bastard, do you really dare to say anything?"

(End of this chapter)