Sweetest in the Universe

Chapter 2


In fact, Zhou Huang never thought that he would be able to become a professional.

She first started playing the game "League of Legends" because her deskmate in junior high school was playing it, and it was fine to tell her a bunch of things that happened in the game every day, and she even brought a whole class of classmates together at the birthday party Watch professional team games.

Coincidentally, that game happened to be the time when Ye Bai, the number one player in the league, descended to earth and played a 1v5 anti-kill Tianxiu operation. The level of viewing was perfect, which directly aroused Zhou Tian's interest in this game.

So Zhou Huang embarked on the road of no return to form a team with the same table at the Internet cafe on weekends.

In the beginning, it was Zhou Tian who was led by the tablemate. After all, her understanding of the game was limited to what the tablemate said before, and she didn't know how to play the specific heroes.

"What kind of position did that one-on-five player play that day? It looks so good." Zhou Huang asked at that time.

"Uh, did you mean TSD captain? Jungle, he is the world's number one jungler!" The tablemate replied, "I told you that he was not the best that day. You find him the most handsome one."

Zhou Tian, who was only fourteen years old at the time, heard that such a powerful person was playing jungle, and immediately decided to play jungle himself.

But her journey to the jungle was not smooth at the beginning. The reason may be that her tablemate is too good as a leader. Moreover, the main player at the same table is the support, and he doesn't know the gameplay of the jungler.

After the two fourteen-year-old girls cheated on each other for a few weekends, Zhou Tian felt that instead of relying on the deskmate who couldn't even memorize the text, he might as well read more materials to study.

Zhou Tian's hand speed is fast, and her mind is also sharp. Without the blind instructor, it can be said that she has made rapid progress. After that, she spent almost all of her extracurricular time on this game in the first half of the third semester of junior high school.

Even when she recalls it now, she sincerely feels that it was the period of time when she gained the most happiness from the game.

Not only because after entering the second half of the third year of junior high school, the game time has shrunk significantly, but also because in the last half year of compulsory education, she was told by her parents that after finishing junior high school, she had to go to work to earn money to support the family like her two older sisters. It is impossible for her to go to high school and take the college entrance examination, and the little money is reserved for her brother.

It is so sad to be born in a family that favors sons over daughters and has a severe excess of births.

Zhou Huang also tried to resist, but in the end she was locked up at home and failed to take the high school entrance examination. Even her junior high school graduation certificate was brought to her by her deskmate.

"Actually, your grades are very good. You can apply for subsidies even in high school. It won't cost your family much money..." The deskmate was puzzled.

"The point is not whether to spend money or not." Zhou Tian sighed, "If I continue to study, I will not be able to earn money, and I still have to eat at home. They probably think so."

"Your parents are too... too inhuman!" The tablemate was stunned, "Then you will really go to work in the future? What are you going to do?"

Zhou Huang said that he probably went to help a fisherman whose parents knew well, because he was not old enough, and going to an unfamiliar place was a child labor, and no one dared to use it.

After saying this, her deskmate didn't know how else to comfort her. After the two looked at each other for a while, the girl who had finished the high school entrance examination scratched her head and said that there is no need to talk about it, a new Internet cafe opened at the end of the street, I invite you to play games.

Zhou Huang really wanted to vent, so he agreed.

The two went to the newly opened Internet cafe, opened the familiar game interface, and found that it seemed different from the usual one.

"Hey, you can play Hanbok here." The tablemate couldn't operate, but he was well-informed and quickly responded, "I haven't played Hanbok yet."

"Is there any difference?" Zhou Tian asked.

"The level of the high-end game is higher than that of the national server. Anyway, professional players play the Korean server."

Zhou Huang has already become the king of the national server at this moment, and decided to go to the Hanbok for a try, to see if he can still become the king in the Hanbok.

She started her Hanbok career in the summer after graduating from junior high school. At first, she just wanted to vent her anger at being forced by her parents to give up studying. Later, she gradually climbed to the high divisions and met various ranked teammates and even professional players. , she realized belatedly that she might really have a lot of talent in this game.

And the person who really changed her life, which was almost a pool of stagnant water, appeared around this time.

On the day she entered the Hanbok grandmaster rank, she casually solo queued to TSD's jungler, Ye Bai, who is known as the world's number one jungler.

Ye Bai happened to be live broadcasting at the time, and his luck was a bit unlucky. The few teammates in the lineup were a little bit tricky, which directly made her on the opposite side.

In that game, she cleared the jungle smoothly, and the timing of the gank was just right. In the team battle, she also completed a one-on-three wonderful operation, which made Ye Bai shouted in the live broadcast. Fuck, there is something wrong with the jungler on the opposite side? !

However, Zhou Tian, who was engrossed in playing the game at the time, didn't know about this at all, so he came to her house to look for her after school the next day. The" video was shown to her excitedly before she knew it.

"Let me tell you, there are a lot of people guessing which professional player's trumpet you are!" The tablemate beamed with joy.

"So it was him that was opposite last night?" Zhou Tian was stunned, "He even praised me?"

"That's right! The real Ye Bai!" The tablemate was still excited, "God, I thought you were as strong as a ghost before, but I never thought that Ye Bai would think so. If you weren't a girl, I would I want to suggest that you private message Ye Bai with your account ID and ask him to introduce you to TSD for trial training."

Zhou Tian: "Uh, so girls can't play professionally?"

The tablemate said yes, anyway, there is no such precedent in the history of League of Legends competition, and I have never heard of any club willing to recruit female players.

When Zhou Tian heard this, she couldn't help feeling a little regretful, because she really wanted to leave the home that suffocated her as soon as possible.

If LPL is willing to recruit female players, she can give it a try, and then leave home in a legitimate way.

The deskmate knew her thoughts and situation, rubbed her face and thought for a while, and suddenly gave her an idea: "You can't play professionally, you can live broadcast and play games!"

"Look, it happened that Ye Bai praised you last night. You take this opportunity to register an account to broadcast live. At least Ye Bai's fans will definitely watch it out of curiosity. I think you are better than the few popular game anchors now. It's much better, if you really start the live broadcast, you won't have to worry about no one rewarding you."

Zhou Huang was moved by her description, and thought that she would not lose money if she tried casually anyway. If it really happened, she could use the excuse of concentrating on making money to quit the temporary help her parents found for her. You can live alone at home.

With such expectations, she registered Weibo and live broadcast accounts according to the instructions of her tablemate, first went to the video cut by Ye Bai's fans to claim it, and then threw out her live broadcast address.

"By the way, remember not to turn on the camera!" After doing this, the deskmate gave her another reminder, "Otherwise, you will definitely attract all kinds of wretched men to post disgusting bullet screens."

"Okay." Zhou Tian didn't really want to show his face at first, "Do you want to turn on the mic? I can't help cursing people when I play games... Is it not good to turn it on?"

The tablemate stretched out his hand and rubbed her face furiously, saying that cursing people has a live broadcast effect. After all, there are still many people who don't have a thorough understanding of high-end round games, and they are just watching for fun.

"For these people, listening to the anchor's swearing is also a pastime!" The tablemate said, "You are the same as usual, you can hit how you want, you can swear when you want, anyway, you don't swear, you won't be banned .”

Zhou Huang thought about it for a while, and he probably had an idea, so he started his live broadcast career.

As the tablemate said, the first ones who touched her were indeed Ye Bai's fans, but their attitudes were not friendly, and no one gave her gifts.

This made her somewhat frustrated, and at this moment, Ye Bai, who was probably told her live room number by fans, also came over.

Most of the professional players are rich, especially Ye Bai, who is famous for being generous in the circle. He just came over to watch for a few minutes, and gave her a bunch of gifts.

Zhou Tian was so flattered that he didn't even realize it immediately. It took dozens of seconds before he woke up like a dream and said, "Thank you TSD-Delphi for the plane and rocket...!"

Delphi is Ye Bai's ID, only this family has no semicolon, and no one dares to change and impersonate casually on the live broadcast website. As soon as this word came out, the barrage immediately exploded, and Ye Bai's fans finally Realized that their "Oracle" (1) really admired this anchor whose ID is Yuzhou.

Although Ye Bai never came to Zhou Tian's live broadcast room again after that, Zhou Tian still regarded him as his benefactor on the way to live broadcast, or to get rid of poverty.

Zhou Huang has been live broadcasting by playing games for two full years. She regards this as her job and does it very seriously. In the end, not only became the king of Hanbok, but also beat countless professional players, and even climbed to a level that she never thought of. the front position.

But I have to say that the vast majority of the audience of this game is still male. They heard her voice and guessed that she might be a girl at the beginning. Later, as her Rank score got higher and higher, they never ambiguously scolded her cheating teammates. Everyone unanimously decided that she was a boy, but her voice was a little more feminine.

After learning about her age, everyone felt this way even more, and found a reason for her to have a sweet and soft voice—so young, she must have not changed her voice, and it is normal for her to look like a girl.

Zhou Huang: "..." Forget it, it's fine to just misunderstand like this.

And the first professional team that contacted her during her live broadcast was YYG, which hadn't formed "Galaxy Battleship" a year ago.

After she confessed her gender and age to the manager of YYG, the manager said that there is nothing to do with her age, but her gender is not completely unmanageable, but she must keep it a secret from anyone else until she is sure that she can be admitted to YYG. The other family received the wind, and it was over with a little stumbling ahead of time.

That's why in the following year, she repeatedly collided with the YYG ADC Xie Yi without revealing her true gender.

... But to be precise, Xie Yi never asked her whether she was a man or a woman.

He just asked casually whether he would consider playing a career in the exam, and she dealt with it by saying that he was not old enough and lacked money.

Although those two reasons are not false, but now that he really saw Xie Yi, seeing him standing there staring at him with a blank face, Zhou Tian still felt a little nervous about being exposed for his lies.

In fact, she said those words to Xie Yi, a professional player, but no one else will become her teammate in this summer split!

The author has something to say: Note (1): Ye Bai's ID is the Delphi of the Oracle of Delphi (the famous Know yourself), so his fans call him "Oracle".

In this article, he is regarded as the heroine's idol~